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Artwork by Capcom
Artwork by Capcom
In-Game Information
HP: 1
Attack Damage: 6 (contact)
Weakness(es): Slash Claw2
Thunder Wool, Black Hole Bomb1R
Break Dash, Beet Tiller3
Zap Chip (Blank Drive), Psycho Chip (Z-Burst)EZ
SakugarneMegamix Only
Location(s): MaGMML2:
Chomp Man
Poorly Named Level
Cossack's Other Citadel
Spiky Situation
Force Man
Reality Core
The Pit of Pits
Null and Void
Be the Bigger Person
Weapon Tutorials
An Underwater Adventure? Wow!
NEO Pit of Pits
Cossack's Playground
Pandora's Parlor
MaGMML: Episode Zero:
Hot Steps
Misc. Information
Script: ビリー
Romaji: Birī
Programmer(s): Unconfirmed
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 4
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML2 (Enemy)
MaGMML1R (Enemy)
MaGMML3 (Enemy, NPC)
MaG48HMML (Enemy)
MaGMML: Episode Zero (Enemy)
Megamix Engine

Biree is an enemy from Mega Man 4. It is a small orb robot that constantly emits electricity.

Biree was first made available in the devkit for Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, where it appeared in the entries Chomp Man, Poorly Named Level, Cossack's Other Citadel, Spiky Situation, and Force Man, as well as the Wily stage Reality Core, the Pit of Pits sub-levels "Citadel Attic", "Stormy Ascent", and "The Pit Stage Nobody Asked For", and in Null and Void.

While Birees weren't present in the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, they made an appearance in Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered, where they were used in the revamped Wily stage Be the Bigger Person. They also appeared in the Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero stage Hot Steps. In Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level, Birees were used in the entry Cossack's Playground and the Cartel Hideout stage Pandora's Parlor.

The only Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 entry to use Biree was An Underwater Adventure? Wow!, but the enemy had extra appearances in the Weapon Tutorials and in the NEO Pit of Pits sublevels "Biree!!! On ICE" and "Room with Spotlights".


Birees crawl along surfaces at high speeds, including walls and ceilings. If they happen to lack a surface to crawl along, they will immediately self-destruct. Though they lack direct attacks, if Mega Man touches one he receives considerable damage. They are immune to the majority of weapons, often only being damaged by one weapon per game.

Birees have two creation code variables:

  • sp - Determines the speed at which a Biree travels at.
  • dir - Determines the direction a Biree travels in. If unchanged, the direction will be randomized each time the Biree is spawned.

Damage Table[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
0/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0/0 0
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card P.Orb
0/0/0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0/0 0 0
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2[edit]

M.Buster H.ChaserH.Pumpkin J.SatelliteB.Barrier G.BusterN.BombL.Rocket T.BladeT.Cluster F.StopperC.Distorter S.ClawF.Beam W.CutterH.Trapper SakugarneM.Blast W.AdaptorC.Claw S.Arrow
Other Notes Top row is damage in MaGMML2; bottom row is damage from MaGMML2 weapons in the Megamix Engine.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

M.Buster S.Chaser L.Trident W.Shield T.Blow T.Beam M.Shockwave I.Wall B.Dash
0/0/0 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
M.Tape L.Flare P.Laser B.Tiller R.Can B.Wail P.Vortex E.Cable T.Shoes R.Guard B.Bobber P.Line
0/0/Y 0* 0/0/0 4 0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0
Other Notes *Does not target Biree.

Make a Good 24 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster S.Arm C.Spike Skeletup n' Pakkajoe
0/0/0 0/0 0/0 0
Other Notes

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level[edit]

M.Buster F.Mixer R.Flush S.Shock S.Snake T.Blade S.Water C.Shot H.Sniper Beat
0/0/0 0 0 0 0 0/0/0 0 0 0* 0*
Other Notes *Does not target Biree.

Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero[edit]

Z-Buster Z-Saber Z-Burst Blank Drive
No Chip 0 0 0 0
Cutter Chip 0 0 0 0
Flame Chip 0 0 0 0
Icicle Chip 0 0 0 0
Zap Chip 0 0 0 3
Psycho Chip 0 0 3 0
Other Notes

Megamix Engine[edit]

M.Buster T.Stopper P.Stone P.Barrier B.Dropper I.Slasher
0/0/0 Y 0 0 0 0
Other Notes

Related Enemies[edit]