Challenge Tent

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The exterior of the Challenge Tent.
"You see, I felt so, err, PASSIONATE and EXPLOSIVE! about the festival that I decided to set up this tent to, well, challenge visitors."
―Trinitro Man

The Challenge Tent is a location owned by Trinitro Man in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, located between the Dojo and Tier 3 in the main hub. The Challenge Tent is unlocked by obtaining the VIP Pass from Knight Man after collecting 20 Noble Nickels.

List of Challenges[edit]

Main article: Achievements

A complete list of challenges (both earned and unearned) can be browsed via a long corridor, with a monitor on the left to switch between different rows. The descriptions of the challenges change slightly from before and after they are cleared, to obfuscate spoilers.

Sound Room[edit]

MaGMML2-Challenge Tent 2.png

The Sound Room features all the tracks used in the game. When a track is selected, it will play throughout the entire main hub until entering a tier. Each song is unlocked after clearing a certain challenge.

Sound List[edit]

Song Origin Composer Remixer Unlock Requirement
Title Screen Mega Man 4 - Title Screen Minae Fujii RushJet1 Unlocked from the start
Menu MaGMMLC2 CosmicGem - Unlocked from the start
Cheat Menu Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Competiton Menu Michael Jackson 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 32.
Main Hub Paper Mario: Sticker Star - Decalburg Intelligent Systems? Bulby Unlocked from the start
Light's Lab Mega Man Powered Up - Intro Stage Capcom? MiniMacro Unlocked from the start
Capcom Logo Various - Capcom Logo Capcom? - Unlocked from the start
Tier 1 (Fakeout) MaGMML2 MiniMacro - Complete Challenge 17.
Tier 1 (Ruined Simulation) MaGMML2 MiniMacro - Complete Challenge 17.
VS. Milk + Bouncy Castle (Boss) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Boss Jun Funahashi - Complete Challenge 17.
Tier 2 (Sewers) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 18.
VS. Ombuds Man Mega Man 42 - Boss Dan Butler - Complete Challenge 18.
Tier 3 (Forest) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 19.
Tier Boss Intro Uforia - Hebe in the Parallel Area Noboyuk - Complete Challenge 19.
VS. Door Man Mega Man Rocks! - Boss Eric Ruth - Complete Challenge 19.
Tier 4 (Subway) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 20.
VS. The Scorch Men Mega Man Sunrise - Boss CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 20.
Tier 5 (Arcade) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 21.
VS. Lord Elewoofro The Ninja Warriors - Final Boss Hiroyuki Iwatsuki Robert Hansson Complete Challenge 21.
Tier 6 (Battle Network) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 22.
VS. Cheat Man EarthBound - New Age Retro Hippie K. Suzuki + H. Tanaka Himajin Zenkaku Complete Challenge 22.
Tier 7 (McWily's) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 23.
VS. Future + Twilight Lodge (Boss) Mega Man's Christmas Carol - Boss Mykola Leontovych Joseph Collins Complete Challenge 23.
Tier 8 (Grand Tower) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 24.
VS. Jet Man Rokko Chan - Boss ASAGEN - Complete Challenge 24.
Tier 9 (Festival Grounds) Nezumiman - Usagi's Stage Fish Meat Man - Complete Challenge 25.
VS. Butter Nezumi Nezumiman - Boss Fish Meat Man - Complete Challenge 25.
Tier 10 (Rainbow Road) VLDC9 - Best World S.N.N. - Complete Challenge 26.
Tier X Xenoblade Chronicles - Mechonis Field Monolith Soft - Complete Challenge 28.
Eddie's Shop Mega Man 10 - Shop (Proto Man) Yu Shimoda - Unlocked from the start
Costume Shop Palamedes 2 - BGM 2 Kiyohiro Sada, Grosan Fukushm - Unlocked from the start
Arena - Rest Area MaGMML2 MiniMacro - Complete Challenge 8.
Arena Battle F-Zero - Illusion Kenji Hikita betasword Complete Challenge 8.
Pit of Pits - Entrance MaGMML2 MiniMacro - Complete Challenge 5.
Pit of Pits MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 5.
VS. Boss MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM2) Mega Man 2 - Boss Takashi Tateishi - Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM3) Mega Man 3 - Boss Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM4) Mega Man 4 - Boss Minae Fujii - Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM6) Mega Man 6 - Boss Yuko Takehara - Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM8) Rockman 8 FC - Boss Shusaku Uchiyama Mend Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM9) Mega Man 9 - Boss IntiCreates - Complete Challenge 6.
VS. Boss (MM10) Mega Man 10 - Boss Hiroki Isogai - Complete Challenge 6.
City War SWAT Cats - Season 1 & 2 Theme Randall Crissman Adam Remy Complete Challenge 31.
Twilight Lodge MaGMML2 Franz Xaver Gruber Joseph Collins Complete Challenge 31.
THE ENDLESS VOID Super Mario 64 - Endless Staircase Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 31.
Suspicious, Suspicious... Mario & Luigi: Dream Team - Neo Bowser Castle's Illusion Yoko Shimomura - Complete Challenge 31.
VS. The Moon Take On Me A-Ha Cleemant Soa Complete Challenge 31.
VS. Birdo Super Mario World - Athletic Level Koji Kondo rakohus Complete Challenge 31.
VS. Glass Man Free Stage 37 kevvviiinnn - Complete Challenge 31.
VS. Gamma Mega Man 3 - Wily Stages 5 + 6 Capcom? RushJet1 Complete Challenge 8.
VS. Volt Man the Assimilator Dark Souls 3 - Deacons of the Deep Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Complete Challenge 8.
VS. Volt Man the Cryptid UNDERTALE - Amalgam Toby Fox - Complete Challenge 8.
VS. Real Final Boss? Yeah Kirby: Planet Robobot - P.R.O.G.R.A.M Hirokazu Ando - Complete Challenge 8.
Triumphant Fanfare! Kirby Super Star - Game Clear Jun Ishikawa PureSabe Complete Challenge 8.
Various Entries Mega Man 9 - Galaxy Man IntiCreates - Complete Challenge 11.
Various Entries Mega Man 4 - Pharaoh Man Minae Fujii RushJet1 Complete Challenge 11.
Cardinal Man + Just an Ice Level MegaMari - Cirno Stage NKZ 40Nix Complete Challenge 11.
Cardinal Man (Boss) Doraemon GB - Final Stage ??? PureSabe Complete Challenge 11.
Wily Tower Mega Man 10 - Wily Stage 1 Hiroki Isogai and Ippo Yamada - Complete Challenge 10.
Wily Tower (Volt Man) Mega Man 10 - Fortress Boss Hiroki Isogai and Ippo Yamada - Complete Challenge 10.
Wily Tower (Komuso Man) Mega Man 10 - Wily Machine Ryo Kawakami - Complete Challenge 10.
Wily Tower (Quint) Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch - Temporanomaly Freeman - Complete Challenge 10.
Airflow Hubble UnOpened Sonata Arctica AozoraOrigami Complete Challenge 10.
Airflow Hubble (Boss) Lufia: The Legend Returns - Enchancement Yasunori Shiono - Complete Challenge 10.
Yggdrasil Valkyrie Profile - Mission to Deep Space Motoi Sakuraba - Complete Challenge 10.
VS. Crator Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Sorrow's Distortion Yasuhjro Ichihashi - Complete Challenge 10.
VS. Cream Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Dissonant Courage Michiru Yamane - Complete Challenge 10.
VS. Kichona Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Blackmore Battle Michiru Yamane - Complete Challenge 10.
Rush City Earthworm Jim - Snot a Problem Tommy Tallarico - Complete Challenge 10.
Gigavolt Man Rockman World 1 - Elec Man Manami Matsumae RushJet1 Complete Challenge 10.
Gigavolt Man (Boss) Mega Man 1 - Boss Manami Matsumae LegendOfRenegade Complete Challenge 10.
Colorful Hall Sonic 4: Episode 1- Mad Gear Zone Act 1 Jun Senoue Warheart Complete Challenge 10.
Colorful Hall (Boss) The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - Hericide Ridiculon optosi Complete Challenge 10.
Something Original Mega Man 1 - Cut Man Manami Matsumae - Complete Challenge 10.
Something Original (Before Boss) Mega Man 1- Guts Man Manami Matsumae - Complete Challenge 10.
Chomp Man + Jungle Base Contra - Jungle Kazuki Muraoka Hidenori Maezawa Complete Challenge 15.
SMB3 (Overworld) Super Mario Bros. 3 - Athletic Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 15.
SMB3 (Path Splits) Super Mario Bros. 3 - Airship Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 15.
VS. Bowser Super Mario Bros. 3 - Bowser Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 15.
MegaLondo Dark Souls - Ornstein and Smough Motoi Sakuraba Lamda Complete Challenge 15.
Combust Man MaGMML 2 TheCartridgeTilter - Complete Challenge 15.
The Dampening Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi - Complete Challenge 15.
The Dampening (Puzzle Room) Pokemon Crystal - Theme of Eusine Junichi Masuda - Complete Challenge 15.
Candy Panic Yoshi's Island - Overworld Koji Kondo JiYoshi Complete Challenge 15.
Candy Panic (Cave) Yoshi's Island - Underground Koji Kondo Tar Complete Challenge 15.
Candy Panic (Boss) Mega Man X - Boss Makoto Tomozawa Dars Complete Challenge 15.
Forgotten Fortress Mega Man IFI - Famous Stage 4 Deathro - Complete Challenge 15.
Forgotten Fortress (Boss) Mega Man 2 - Crash Man Takashi Tateishi RushJet1 Complete Challenge 15.
Joe Destruction Co. Mega Man 3 DOS Expansion - Dyna Man Kackebango - Complete Challenge 9.
Neon Man Expand Man HertzDevil - Complete Challenge 9.
Orbital Station DuckTales - The Moon Hiroshige Tonomura - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Plains) Shovel Knight - Plains of Passage Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Explodatorium) Shovel Knight - Explodatorium Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Lost City) Shovel Knight - Lost City Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Iron Whale) Shovel Knight - Iron Whale Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Lich Yard) Shovel Knight - Lich Yard Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Stranded Ship) Shovel Knight - Stranded Ship Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Shovel Knight (Tower of Fate) Shovel Knight - Tower of Fate 1 Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 9.
Poorly Named Level Shadow of the Ninja - Stage 5 Iku Mizutani - Complete Challenge 9.
Enhanced Mobility Rockman 6 Complete Works - Mr. X Stages Yuko Takehara Naoto Tanaka Complete Challenge 9.
Holy Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?! Super Robot Wars - Silver Fallen Angel Banpresto Tsukikuro Complete Challenge 12.
Holy Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?! (Boss) Wagyan Land 2 - Final Boss Namco Tsukikuro Complete Challenge 12.
Maze of Signficantly Less Death, Sector Upsilon 6 (Secret) VVVVVV - Predestined Fate SoulEye - Complete Challenge 12.
Volcanic Furnace Rokko Chan - Volcano Man ASAGEN - Complete Challenge 12.
Elec Dam Stage 12 (Free Song) kevvviiinnn MelonadeM Complete Challenge 12.
Quint Stage Rockman World 2 - Wily Station Kenji Yamazaki Tpcool Complete Challenge 12.
Quint Stage (Boss) Rockman World 2 - Boss Kenji Yamazaki Tpcool Complete Challenge 12.
A Mega Man For All Seasons (Fall) Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi ZSaber Complete Challenge 12.
A Mega Man For All Seasons (Winter) Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi ZSaber Complete Challenge 12.
A Mega Man For All Seasons (Spring) Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi ZSaber Complete Challenge 12.
A Mega Man For All Seasons (Summer) Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi ZSaber Complete Challenge 12.
A Mega Man For All Seasons (Boss) Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Takashi Tateishi ZSaber Complete Challenge 12.
AD 2101 Zero Wing - Open Your Eyes (Stage 1) Tatsuya Uemura - Complete Challenge 12.
AD 2101 (Boss) Zero Wing - All Your Base Are Belong To Us (Intro) Tatsuya Uemura - Complete Challenge 12.
Starman Recreation Mega Man 5- Star Man Mari Yamaguchi - Complete Challenge 12.
Wily Coaster Sonic 2 - Chemical Plant Zone Masato Nakamura Bulby Complete Challenge 14.
Changeable Caverns Mega Man X - Armored Armadillo Makoto Tomozawa TheMartianGeek Complete Challenge 14.
Joe Man Mega Man ZX - Overload IntiCreates ZeroJanitor Complete Challenge 14.
Joe Man (Alt) Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - 2 Player VS. Theme Masanobu Tsukamoto 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 14.
Crystal Lab Deep Space RushJet1 - Complete Challenge 14.
Crystal Lab (Boss) Creepy Castle - Major Battle RushJet1 - Complete Challenge 14.
Nitrogen Man MaGMML2 RRThiel + MiniMacro - Complete Challenge 14.
Nitrogen Man (Boss) Kirby: Planet Robobot - Vs. Core Kabula Hirokazu Ando - Complete Challenge 14.
Duwang JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - Great Days (Opening 3) K. Aoki + D. Hasegawa The Musikage Complete Challenge 14.
Duwang (Ending) Initial D - Running in the 90s Maurizio DeJorio Max Coveri Complete Challenge 14.
Lava Factory Gradius 3 (SNES) - Lucky Zone Konami Kukeiha Club Wally Chantek Complete Challenge 14.
Biplane Bay Donkey Kong Country - Gangplank Galleon David Wise gouje0864 Complete Challenge 16.
Blaze Man Blaze Man HertzDevil - Complete Challenge 16.
Gunpowder Cellar The Binding of Isaac - Cellar Danny Baranoswky Etalify Complete Challenge 16.
Cursor Curse Little Samson - Golem's Theme Kazuhide Sasuga - Complete Challenge 16.
Cossack's Other Citadel Mega Man 4 - Cossack's Citadel Stages 1 + 2 Minae Fujii - Complete Challenge 16.
Fortified Lab Ikari no Yousai 2 - BGM 2 Tsukasa Tawada - Complete Challenge 16.
Spiky Situation Mega Man 4 - Wily Stages 3 + 4 Minae Fujii Ryo Kawakami Complete Challenge 16.
Spiky Situation (Boss) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Boss Ryuji Sasai Tsukikuro Complete Challenge 16.
Spiky Situation (Touch the Entrance) Cytus - Entrance ICE - Complete Challenge 16.
Ruined Lab Mega Man 3 - Wily Stages 1 + 2 Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 16.
Ruined Lab (Part 2) Mega Man 3 - Wily Stages 3 + 4 Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 16.
Ruined Lab (Miniboss) Mega Man 3 - Wily Stage Boss Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 16.
Ruined Lab (Boss) Mega Man 3 - Doc Robot Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 16.
But It Lacked the Depth To Convince Me That This Is Really Hello Kitty Corpse Party - Ray of Hope Mao Hamamoto SiivaGunner Complete Challenge 7.
Force Man MaGMML2 HertzDevil - Complete Challenge 7.
Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a Level Rockman DX3 - Stage Theme Jason - Complete Challenge 7.
Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a Level (Miniboss) Rockman DX3 - Boss Jason - Complete Challenge 7.
Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a Level (Final Toad) Rockman DX3 - Sigma Jason - Complete Challenge 7.
Conveyor Mayhem Mega Man 3 - Shadow Man Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 7.
Conveyor Mayhem (Boss, Pinch Mode) Mega Man 3 - Boss Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1, Thoron Complete Challenge 7.
Aurora Man Mega Man 9.5 - Aurora Man RushJet1 - Complete Challenge 7.
Bouncy Castle Cocoron - Stage Theme 1 Takashi Tateishi - Complete Challenge 7.
City Under Siege This Is How The Wind Shifts - Massachusetts Silverstein gouje0864 Complete Challenge 7.
City Under Siege (Boss) Rockman 7 FC - Wily Boss Toshihiko Horiyama Mend Complete Challenge 7.
Escape Sequence Rockman World 5 - Wily Star Kouji Murata RushJet1 Complete Challenge 7.
Bond Man World 1-2 - One Shot, One Kill Manami Matsumae Let's 8Bit Complete Challenge 7.
Misty Lake (Stage Start) Mega Man 2- Boss Selected Takashi Tateishi MiniMacro Complete Challenge 13.
Misty Lake Sonic 3D Blast - Diamond Dust Zone Act 1 Tatsuyuki Maeda 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 13.
Misty Lake (Boss) Touhou Mother - Cirno's Unfounded Revenge NKZ notencore Complete Challenge 13.
Donut Observation Center Augmented Emotions Drozerix - Complete Challenge 13.
Donut Observation Center (Boss) Mega Man X6 - Blaze Heatnix Naoto Tanaka ZeroJanitor Complete Challenge 13.
Rad Gravity (Intro) Mega Man 4 - Boss Selected Minae Fujii - Complete Challenge 13.
Rad Gravity Mega Man 5 - Gravity Man Mari Yamaguchi MiniMacro Complete Challenge 13.
Rad Gravity (Kamek) Yoshi's Island - Kamek's Theme Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 13.
Rad Gravity (Boss) Mega Man 5 - Gravity Man Mari Yamaguchi CosmicGem Complete Challenge 13.
Sector Upsilon 6 Silver Surfer - Title Screen Tim Follin - Complete Challenge 13.
Sector Upsilon 6 (Boss) VVVVVV - Potential for Anything SoulEye - Complete Challenge 13.
Truffle Man MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 13.
Mount Sabre Crystalis - Mount Sabre Yoko Osaka - Complete Challenge 13.
Mount Sabre (Cave) Crystalis - Cave Theme 2 Yoko Osaka - Complete Challenge 13.
Mount Sabre (Boss) Crystalis - Boss Yoko Osaka - Complete Challenge 13.
Guts Man's Asteroid Mega Man 9 - We're the Robots! IntiCreates - Complete Challenge 13.
Sheriff Man Western Wilderness of Calamity Jane Spriter Gors - Complete Challenge 13.
Sheriff Man (Boss) Mega Man 11 Album - Boss Xavier 'mv' Dang - Complete Challenge 13.
Boil Man MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 1.
Boil Man (Air Dabsule) Air Man ga Taosenai Seramikarutitan MrKyurem Complete Challenge 1.
Komuso Temple Mega Man 6 - Knight Man Yuko Takehara - Complete Challenge 1.
Launch Man & Shuttle Man Phantom Breaker - Stage 1 Abo Takeshi - Complete Challenge 1.
Cyber Man Mega Man Final 3 - Cyber Man Mark Carroll RedBlupi Complete Challenge 1.
Cyber Man (Cyber) Mega Man Final 3 - Legacy Mark Carroll RedBlupi Complete Challenge 1.
Beneath Sand and Rock Donkey Kong Country - Fear Factory David Wise Bulby Complete Challenge 1.
VS. 8 Centipeder Tower Animal Crossing - Go K.K. Rider! Kazumi Totaka Bulby Complete Challenge 1.
Quarantine Woman MaGMML2 NaOH - Complete Challenge 1.
Quarantine Woman (Siren) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 1.
Quarantine Woman (Miniboss) MaGMML2 NaOH - Complete Challenge 1.
Neapolitan Man Free Stage 1 MelonadeM - Complete Challenge 1.
Haunt Man Scythe Man Kackebango - Complete Challenge 1.
Haunt Man (Boss) MaGMML2 Freeman - Complete Challenge 1.
The Stage Nobody Asked For (Intro) Mega Man 2 - Boss Selected Freeman - Complete Challenge 1.
The Stage Nobody Asked For Mega Man 10 - Wily Stage 2 Ryo Kawakami 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 1.
The Stage Nobody Asked For (Boss) Mega Man Infamous Intent - Boss Threxx + littlelamp100 - Complete Challenge 1.
The Stage Nobody Asked For (Superboss) Kirby Super Star Ultra - The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy Jun Ishikawa 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Intro) MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Hornet) Mega Man 9 - Hornet Man IntiCreates MiniMacro Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Jewel) Mega Man 9 - Jewel Man IntiCreates MiniMacro Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Nitro) Mega Man 10 - Nitro Man Manami Matsumae MiniMacro Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Bright) Mega Man 4 - Bright Man Minae Fujii MiniMacro Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 1.
Identity Crisis (Boss) MegaMari - Boss NKZ 4ONix Complete Challenge 1.
Outer Space Mininli's Quest - Thursday Ryan Melmoth - Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II Intro MaGMML2 MelonadeM - Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 1 Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Medivo Alexander Brandon worldpeace Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 2 Thunderforce IV - Metal Squad Toshiharu Yamanishi Tsukikuro Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 3 Kirby: Planet Robobot - P.R.O.G.R.A.M. Hirokazu Ando Son_of_Ender25 Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 4 Azuke Striker Gunvolt - Garden IntiCreates MiniMacro Complete Challenge 30.
CWUO1P Fakeout Mega Man 1 - Wily Stage Boss Manami Matsumae RushJet1 Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II Boss MaGMML2 CosmicGem - Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 5 Gunstar Heroes - Last Party on the Moon Norio Hanzawa MiniMacro Complete Challenge 30.
VS. Seven Force Gunstar Heroes - Theme of Seven Force Norio Hanzawa MiniMacro Complete Challenge 30.
Defeated Seven Force! Gunstar Heroes - Stage Clear Norio Hanzawa MiniMacro Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 6 (Opening) MaGMML2 CosmicGem The Stove Guy Complete Challenge 30.
The World Crumbles Pokemon Diamond and Pearl - Cataclysm!! Junichi Masuda - Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star II, Stage 6 La Mulana - Giant's Cry Naramura - Complete Challenge 30.
VS Holo Dragon Mega Man 2 - Boss Takashi Tateishi RushJet1 Complete Challenge 30.
VS Chimerabot Mega Man 4 - Boss Minae Fujii RushJet1 Complete Challenge 30.
VS. Wily Machine SWORD Sonic Mania - Ruby Illusions Tee Lopes - Complete Challenge 30.
VS. Mega Man Sprite Game Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment - Embraced by Darkness Jake Kaufman - Complete Challenge 30.
VS. Wily Core Kirby: Planet Robobot - Mind in a PROGRAM Hirokazu Ando - Complete Challenge 30.
Wily Star Explodes!! Kirby Super Star - Escape the Halberd Jun Ishikawa PureSabe Complete Challenge 30.
Credits Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Staff Roll HAL Laboratory - Complete Challenge 2.
Goblins n' Ghasts Ghosts n' Goblins (C64) - Main Theme Mark Cooksey Instant Remedy Complete Challenge 2.
Goblins n' Ghasts (Boss) Ghouls n' Ghosts - The Execution Place Tamayo Kawamoto Yuzo Koshiro Complete Challenge 2.
Swiss Hotel Mega Man 9 - We're the Robots! IntiCreates PrincessZelda2020 Complete Challenge 2.
Mario Land Super Mario World - Athletic Koji Kondo Bulby Complete Challenge 2.
Mario Land (Castle) Super Mario World - Castle Koji Kondo ??? Complete Challenge 2.
Mario Land (Boss) Super Mario World - VS. Bowser Koji Kondo - Complete Challenge 2.
Coyote Man McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure - Train Ride Treasure - Complete Challenge 2.
Coyote Man (Boss) McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure - Final Boss Treasure - Complete Challenge 2.
Deep Thoughts Gimmick! - Aporia Masashi Kageyama SiivaGunner Complete Challenge 2.
Deep Thoughts (Boss) Mother 3 - Rock and Roll (Spicy) Shogo Sakai Himanjin Complete Challenge 2.
Metallic Ocean Mega Man LL - Wily 1 littlelamp100 Zieldak Complete Challenge 2.
So Good UNDERTALE - So Sorry Toby Fox - Complete Challenge 2.
The Quickening 2 Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - New Messiah Hidehiro Funauchi - Complete Challenge 2.
Star Road Mario Kart 8 - Rainbow Road Various Egg Complete Challenge 2.
Hardcore Parkour Free Stage 15 kevvviiinnn JIR-O Complete Challenge 2.
Hardcore Parkour (Sunset) Mega Man 2 - Wily Stages 1 + 2 Takashi Tateishi RushJet1 Complete Challenge 2.
Hardcore Parkour (Boss) Touhou 15 - Pure Furies Whereabouts of the Heart ZUN HertzDevil Complete Challenge 2.
Null and Void Fortress 2 Blue - The Profound ??? - Complete Challenge 29.
Theme of Zero Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - Encounter! Zinnia Junichi Masuda - Complete Challenge 29.
Absolute ZERO (Phase 1 + 2) Mega Man X5 - X VS. Zero Naoto Tanaka - Complete Challenge 29.
Absolute ZERO (Transfer) Gokujou Parodius - Theme of Pentarou X Konami Kukeiha Club - Complete Challenge 29.
Absolute ZERO (Phase 3) Sexy Parodius - Toilet Penguin Mayuko Kageshita - Complete Challenge 29.
Absolute ZERO (Phase 4) Daisy Bell Edward M. Favor Thrill Show X + ACESpark Complete Challenge 29.
True Credits (1/2) Sonic Mania - Friends HyperPotions - Complete Challenge 29.
True Credits (2/2) Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - The Lament of Falling Stars Junichi Masuda - Complete Challenge 29.
Galaxy Man's Lemonade Stand Mega Man 9 - Galaxy Man (GORDON FREEMAN) IntiCreates McMaNGOSalt Complete Challenge 5.
Metroid: Zero Mission Metroid - Brinstar Hirokazu Tanaka - Complete Challenge 5.
Pit Kid Icarus - Underworld Hirokazu Tanaka - Complete Challenge 5.
Galaxy Man Battle Mega Man 9 - Galaxy Man IntiCreates RRThiel Complete Challenge 5.
Knight Man Battle (Phase 1) Sonic 3 & Knuckles - The Doomsday Zone SEGA 8bitdanooct1 Complete Challenge 4.
Knight Man Battle (Phase 2) Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss Falk Au Yeong - Complete Challenge 4.
Victory! Mega Man 3 - Victory Yasuaki Fujita RushJet1 Complete Challenge 32.
Mount Sabre (Ending) Crystalis - Overworld Yoko Osaka - Complete Challenge 32.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyZeroRollEddieKnight ManGalaxy Man
Special Weapons
Hornet ChaserJewel SatelliteGrab BusterTriple BladeFlash StopperSlash ClawWheel CutterSakugarneRush CoilRush JetWire AdaptorSuper Arrow
Alter Weapons
Haunt PumpkinBadge BarrierNeapolitan BombTruffle ClusterCyber DistorterForce BeamHazard TrapperMatch BlastLaunch RocketShuttle JetChomp ClawCarry
A Mega Man for All SeasonsAD 2101Airflow HubbleAlien TempleAncient TombAurora ManBeneath Sand and RockBiplane BayBlaze ManBoil ManBond ManBouncy CastleBut it Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This Was Really HellCandy PanicCardinal ManChangeable CavernsChomp ManCity Under SiegeColorful HallCombust ManConveyor MayhemCossack's Other CitadelCrystal LabCursor CurseCyber ManDonut Observation CenterDragon Lab LairDuwangElec DamEnhanced MobilityEscape SequenceForce ManForgotten FortressFortified LabGigavolt ManGunpowder CellarGuts Man's AsteroidHaunt ManHoly Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?Identity CrisisJoe Destruction Co.Joe ManJungle BaseJust an Ice LevelKomuso TempleLaunch Man & Shuttle ManLava FactoryMaze of Significantly Less DeathMegaLondoMisty LakeMix & MatchMount SabreNeopolitan ManNeon ManNitrogen ManOrbital StationPoorly Named LevelQuarantine WomanQuint StageQuirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical TrackRad GravityRuined LabRush CitySector Upsilon 6Sheriff ManShovel KnightSMB3Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a LevelSnow ManSomething OriginalSpiky SituationStarman RecreationTaco ManThe DampeningThe FallThe Stage Nobody Asked ForTruffle ManVolcanic FurnaceWily CoasterWily TowerYggdrasil
Wily Star II
Outer SpaceWater DuctsClassic CastleLever Oriental EnchantedInner SanctumUnobtainium MineReality Core
Tier X
Goblins n' GhastsNightwalk CastleMetallic OceanWily Fortress VRSo GoodMario LandCoyote ManHardcore ParkourDeep ThoughtsThe Quickening 2Swiss HotelStar RoadNull and Void
Secret Levels
City WarTwilight Lodge
Tier 1 - Ruined SimulationTier 2 - SewersTier 3 - ForestTier 4 - Train StationTier 5 - ArcadeTier 6 - Battle NetworkTier 7 - McWily'sTier 8 - Grand TowerTier 9 - Festival GroundsTier 10 - Rainbow RoadWily Star IITier XDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopCostume ShopDojoChallenge TentChateau ChevaleresqueThe Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
MilkOmbuds ManDoor ManThe Scorching DuoLord ElewoofroCheat ManGhost of Christmas FutureJet ManButter Nezumi
Robot Masters
Alter ManBoil ManBond ManChomp ManColor ManCombust ManCyber ManForce ManHaunt ManJoe ManLaunch Man & Shuttle ManMatch ManNeapolitan ManNeon ManQuarantine WomanSheriff ManSpiked-Wall ManTaco ManTruffle Man
Other Entry Bosses
Air DevilBig Fire TellyDisco BallGiant MetallGreen Hot DogHall MasterKomuso Man?MixerlydiaMush KingJoe MobRed Hot DogSuper CannopellerTurbo RoostWarp Anomaly8 Centipeder TowerBoss WhopperBoundin' Crash ManBowserCaptain ViridianCATSCirnoCratorCreamCrusher JoeCursorDoc RobotDonut XGuts Man DuoFinal ToadGroovity ManKelbesqueKichonaNapalm ManPharaoh Man's RevengeAlienThe KidRomhack Top ManAir CapsuleAvoidance CherryDennisGangly Crash ManJoe Man R
Fortress Guardians
VanguardMecha Bubble ManBtd'nhanRiplingsAutobounceSuper DachoneSeven ForceHolo DragonChimerabot 1Chimerabot 2Chimerabot 3Chimerabot 4Chimerabot 5Wily Machine SWORDmegaman sprite gameWily Core
Devkit Bosses
Cut ManGuts ManMetal ManCrash ManTop ManGemini ManPharaoh ManToad ManGravity ManPlant ManCentaur ManSplash WomanChill ManVolt ManKomuso ManMecha DragonQuint
Tier X Bosses
SkullderSkullder's RevengeExcalibur ManAir ManUnbeatable Air ManHolo WilyRonrezToad Man's RevengeCoyote ManGigabgyoVolt Man MK2Twin CannonsFire ManCopy HologramDie SignLiterally Just a BeeStone Butterfly
Secret Bosses
Quick ManGammaVolt Man the AssimilatorWishing StarThe MoonBirdoGlass Man
Super Bosses
Absolute ZEROKnight ManGalaxy Man