From Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest
- "CoinMaster should've won"
- ―Graffiti in Reality Core, Make a Good Mega Man Level 2
CoinMaster was a participant in the second Make a Good Mega Man Level contest. His entry, Snow Man, was submitted less than two hours before the deadline, and received the dubious honor of being in last place. In his time in the chatroom, CoinMaster stated that he wanted to create his own Mega Man fangame.
On November 25, 2018, less than an hour after submissions for Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 closed, CoinMaster was revealed to be an alternate account of CosmicGem that was used only to submit a low-quality troll level (complete with memes such as "I Hope I Win" and "It's Better Than Nothing" in the message therein).