Contest Weapon Data

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The Contest Weapon set in MaGMML2.

The Contest Weapon Data, also known as alternate weapons, or alter weapons for short, is a feature introduced in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2. It is a unique set of unlockable Special Weapons that are typically based on the various Robot Masters showcased in the contest entries. Each weapon is designed and implemented by the devteam, and was not available for the entrants to use or test with during submission period; hence them being late-game unlockables.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2[edit]

The Contest Weapon Data debuts in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2 as an unlockable obtained by talking to Knight Man at Chateau Chevaleresque upon having at least 170 Noble Nickels. As he gives them (along with the Alter Man costume) to Mega Man, he informs the player about their use. A purple Sniper Joe will also appear next to the counter on subsequent visits to the pub; talking to it while equipped with a Contest Weapon will prompt it to give a brief explanation about said weapon's properties. The original and alternate weapon sets are mutually exclusive, and can be toggled between by pressing the Fire button on the pause menu. The Contest Weapons in this game are as follows:

Weapon Original Robot Master Replaces
2Iconb1.png Haunt Pumpkin Haunt Man 2icona1.gif Hornet Chaser
2Iconb2.png Badge Barrier Sheriff Man 2icona2.gif Jewel Satellite
2Iconb3.png Neapolitan Bomb Neapolitan Man 2icona3.gif Grab Buster
2Iconb4.png Truffle Cluster Truffle Man 2icona4.gif Triple Blade
2Iconb5.png Cyber Distorter Cyber Man 2icona5.gif Flash Stopper
2Iconb6.png Force Beam Force Man 2icona6.gif Slash Claw
2Iconb7.png Hazard Trapper Quarantine Woman 2icona7.gif Wheel Cutter
2Iconb8.png Match Blast Match Man 2icona8.png Sakugarne
2Iconb11.png Launch Rocket Launch Man RushCoilIcon.png Rush Coil
2Iconb12.png Shuttle Jet Shuttle Man RushJetIcon.png Rush Jet
2Iconb9.png Chomp Claw Chomp Man 2icona9.png Wire Adaptor
2Iconb10.png Carry N/A 2icona10.png Super Arrow

Each weapon acts as a fairly direct counterpart to a weapon in the original set, not only in terms of function but going so far as to share the same ammo count and weakness calculations. For example, Milk takes the same amount of damage from Neapolitan Bomb as it would take from the Grab Buster. Launch Rocket and Carry are the exceptions, as Carry cannot damage enemies, and Launch Rocket shares the same damage table as Grab Buster due to an oversight.

Contest Weapons also face the same restrictions that are placed on the normal weapons for levels. For example, the only Contest Weapon that can be used in Quirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical Track is Force Beam, due to it restricting every Special Weapon but Slash Claw. Furthermore, they are entirely disabled in Escape Sequence, Inner Sanctum, and while Mega Man is transformed into another Robot Master in Identity Crisis and Reality Core.

Only certain costumes can use Contest Weapons, due to the presence of aiming frames for Cyber Distorter. The costumes that can use alternate weapons are as follows: Mega Man (default), Super Saiyan Mega Man, Mega Man (Hair), Roll, Bass, Proto Man, Cut Man, Alter Man, Mega Man?, Rockman CX, Rokko Chan, and Zero, along with certain Custom Costumes if a setting on the costume sheet is enabled.

Destroyable Blocks are changed when Mega Man switches to the alternate set. They take on new sprites matching the alternate weapon corresponding to their corresponding normal weapon (Jewel Blocks will be replaced with Badge Blocks, for example). If Mega Man switches back to the default set, the blocks will also return to their default appearance.

Switching to alternate weapons at any point during a playthrough of a stage forces the player into an alternate leaderboard for speedruns, aptly named the "Alter Run" (or a cheat run if cheats are also in use). This prevents players from registering times for normal, perfect, no-damage, buster-only, and no-death runs; however, they do not prevent players from clearing the Challenges for beating stages without taking damage.

Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered[edit]

The Contest Weapons make their second appearance in Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered, although there is only one available, purchased from Eddie's Shop for 300 bolts after obtaining all 24 Energy Elements in the entries.

Weapon Original Robot Master
MaGMMLR Icon9.png Power Orb Glass Man

Unlike the MaGMML2 weapons, Power Orb takes up its own weapon slot in the menu, and is entirely distinct from the weapon set otherwise, sharing no traits or damage tables with any other weapon. There is also no limitation on what costumes can use it, nor does using the weapon lock the player out of any leaderboard category.

Due to being its own weapon, Destroyable Blocks are unaffected by equipping Power Orb, and Destroyable Blocks for Power Orb do not appear except when using the Power Orb Only cheat.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

Contest Weapons return in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3, and are greatly expanded upon compared to previous games, in part as a result of the large increase of entry bosses. Multiple sets of Contest Weapons are present, some of which are inaccessible to the player.

Contest Weapon Data[edit]

The primary set of Contest Weapons is obtainable at the Magic Card Casino, after purchasing the Altered Key from Chance Man for 100 Trickster Tokens. After opening the locked door on the top floor of the Casino, the Contest Weapon Data lies behind a corridor filled with portraits of the Robot Masters each weapon is derived from, with teleporters to their respective levels beneath them. In addition to nine entry Robot Masters, the three Make a Good Mega Man Robot Master contest winners also have weapons based on their submitted weapon concept, though their teleporters merely lead to the tier in which their level is hidden.

Unlike in MaGMML2, the Contest Weapons use their own ammunition pools separate from the normal weaponset, and Mega Man can switch between the two by either using the Select button in the pause menu, or by selecting the Contest Weapon Data icon in the Quick Item wheel.

Weapon Original Robot Master
MixTapeIcon.png Mix Tape Cassette Man
LanternFlareIcon.png Lantern Flare Lantern Man
PrismaticLaserIcon.png Prismatic Laser Prism Woman
BeetTillerIcon.png Beet Tiller Beet Man
RecCanIcon.png Rec Can Rec Man
BansheeWailIcon.png Banshee Wail Banshee Woman
PropellerVortexIcon.png Propeller Vortex Propeller Woman
ElectroCableIcon.png Electro Cable Cable Woman
TrackShoesIcon.png Track Shoes Shoe Man
RoyalGuardIcon.png Royal Guard King Man
BaitBobberIcon.png Bait Bobber Reel Man
PowerLineIcon.png Power Line Static Man

Unlike the Contest Weapons in MaGMML2, each weapon has its own behaviour and damage tables separate from the main weaponset. They are incompatible with the Energy Saver upgrade, instead having their own Energy Saver NEO upgrade. Almost every boss has at least one Contest Weapon as an extra weakness alongside whatever weaknesses they have in the regular weaponset. Some Contest Weapons are disabled in certain levels, typically to match whatever weapons are disabled in the original level (Wily Rooms of Weapons, for instance, disables all the Contest Weapons due to the level's fixation on the original weaponset).

As many of Tier X's levels are designed around the Contest Weapons, collecting them is mandatory to access the tier; to that end, Ernest Will will give the Altered Key to Mega Man if he hasn't already purchased it after clearing the Wily Stadium. Possession of the Contest Weapons is also a prerequisite to the Pharaoh's Challenge minigame in the Magic Card Casino, as it relies extensively on Electro Cable and Track Shoes.

Upon collecting the Contest Weapon Data, the See You on the Flip Side achievement is awarded, and the Alter Playground opens up in the Weapon Tutorials; a teleporter to the latter is also included within the corridor.

All costumes can use the Contest Weapons, due to a lack of extra sprites needed for them.

In the battle against Ernest Will at the end of the True Arena, the Ernest Jet uses each of the Contest Weapons in its final phase.

Parallel Weapons[edit]

Alongside the Contest Weapons are Parallel Weapons, which merely reskin the default weapons into ones themed after various entry Robot Masters. They become available after clearing at least one of the respective Robot Masters' levels, at which point Doc Robot appears on the second floor of the Victor Heights hotel. When spoken to, Mega Man can purchase any Parallel Weapon of his choosing for 200 bolts each, and it will replace the respective weapon in his arsenal; it can be changed back to the original weapon by disabling the Parallel Weapon in the item menu.

Weapon Original Robot Master Replaces
TreasureTrackerIcon.png Treasure Tracker Treasure Man SparkChaserIcon.png Spark Chaser
HeroGuitarIcon.png Hero Guitar Guitar Man LaserTridentIconColouredT.png Laser Trident
GlitzAegisIcon.png Glitz Aegis Glitz Woman WaterShieldIconColouredT.png Water Shield
PropellerCrownIcon.png Propeller Crown Royal Man TornadoBlowIconColouredT.png Tornado Blow
ThermalBlastIcon.png Thermal Blast Thermal Man ThunderBeamIcon.png Thunder Beam
LastJudgementIcon.png Last Judgement Judgement Man MagneticShockwaveIcon.png Magnetic Shockwave
MafiaGoonIcon.png Mafia Goon Mafia Man IceWallIcon.png Ice Wall
CastleRushIcon.png Castle Rush Rook Man BreakDashIconColouredT.png Break Dash
DivineBeamIcon.png Divine Beam Aether Man MagnetBeamIcon.png Magnet Beam

As the Parallel Weapons are only reskins, their functionality and damage tables remain unchanged from their base weaponset. However, they can still be used against the Robot Master they're derived on to earn the Lovers achievement. Purchasing all the Parallel Weapons from Doc Robot will also unlock the Quint costume and earn the Shine of the Other Side achievement.

Like the Contest Weapons from MaGMML2, all Destroyable Blocks for a normal weapon will be replaced with one for its Parallel Weapon equivalent while it is active.

In the True Arena, the first phase of the Ernest Jet reskins the Special Weapons used by the Wily Jet into the Parallel Weapons; however, these too are merely cosmetic differences.

Other Weapons[edit]

In addition to the Contest Weapons and Parallel Weapons, various other weapons based on entry bosses appear throughout the game; however, these are used by NPCs and are unobtainable:

  • During his battle in the Judges' Choice Arena, Alter Man uses several of the Contest Weapons from MaGMML2.
  • Each of the five rivals uses four weapons based on entry bosses during their battles in The Greatest Show of All Time; however, their names are not revealed in game.
Weapon Original Boss User Weapon Original Boss User
QuantumArrowIcon.png Quantum Arrow N/A Hunter Woman ForgeHammerIcon.png Forge Hammer N/A Forge Woman
SniperRifleIcon.png Sniper Rifle Sniper Man Hunter Woman DynaPickIcon.png Dyna Pick Metall Man Forge Woman
CosmicBombIcon.png Cosmic Bomb Cosmos Hunter Woman DragonSmashIcon.png Dragon Smash Ornstein & Smough Forge Woman
CaptureDroneIcon.png Capture Drone Stall Woman Hunter Woman GirderDropIcon.png Girder Drop Girder Man Forge Woman
NecroLaserIcon.png Necro Laser Zombie Devil Hunter Woman ShrapnelBeamIcon.png Shrapnel Beam Beam Stack MK2 Forge Woman
ZephyrBusterIcon.png Zephyr Buster N/A Element Man ScrapTrapjawIcon.png Scrap Trapjaw N/A Cerberus Man
AlrauneBombIcon.png Alraune Bomb Alraune Woman Element Man GasterBlasterIcon.png Gaster Blaster Skull Sans Cerberus Man
BlazingStarIcon.png Blazing Star Solaire Man Element Man SulphurBubbleIcon.png Sulphur Bubble Adult Wish Cerberus Man
BatteryBoltIcon.png Battery Bolt Battery Man Element Man RuinHexIcon.png Ruin Hex Hex Man Cerberus Man
FountainSprayIcon.png Fountain Spray Grand Tellow Element Man WyvernWaveIcon.png Wyvern Wave Dark Wyvern Cerberus Man
PrestoDashIcon.png Presto Dash N/A Presto
RainbowRuptureIcon.png Rainbow Rupture Fracture Presto
TokenHatIcon.png Token Hat Token Woman Presto
DevilsEyeIcon.png Devil's Eye 28 Devil Cores Presto
GeyserBoostIcon.png Geyser Boost Pipe Man Presto


  • Concepts for an alternate weapon for almost every Robot Master in MaGMML2 were drafted before the list was trimmed and modified to suit the same archetypes as the default set of weapons. This was done primarily for the sake of the scrapped Tier X level, Alter Man's Revenge - the original inspiration and intended method of obtaining for the contest weapons.
  • Launch Rocket and Shuttle Jet were unavailable in MaGMML2 at launch, instead being added in update 1.4.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyZeroRollEddieKnight ManGalaxy Man
Special Weapons
Hornet ChaserJewel SatelliteGrab BusterTriple BladeFlash StopperSlash ClawWheel CutterSakugarneRush CoilRush JetWire AdaptorSuper Arrow
Alter Weapons
Haunt PumpkinBadge BarrierNeapolitan BombTruffle ClusterCyber DistorterForce BeamHazard TrapperMatch BlastLaunch RocketShuttle JetChomp ClawCarry
A Mega Man for All SeasonsAD 2101Airflow HubbleAlien TempleAncient TombAurora ManBeneath Sand and RockBiplane BayBlaze ManBoil ManBond ManBouncy CastleBut it Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This Was Really HellCandy PanicCardinal ManChangeable CavernsChomp ManCity Under SiegeColorful HallCombust ManConveyor MayhemCossack's Other CitadelCrystal LabCursor CurseCyber ManDonut Observation CenterDragon Lab LairDuwangElec DamEnhanced MobilityEscape SequenceForce ManForgotten FortressFortified LabGigavolt ManGunpowder CellarGuts Man's AsteroidHaunt ManHoly Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?Identity CrisisJoe Destruction Co.Joe ManJungle BaseJust an Ice LevelKomuso TempleLaunch Man & Shuttle ManLava FactoryMaze of Significantly Less DeathMegaLondoMisty LakeMix & MatchMount SabreNeopolitan ManNeon ManNitrogen ManOrbital StationPoorly Named LevelQuarantine WomanQuint StageQuirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical TrackRad GravityRuined LabRush CitySector Upsilon 6Sheriff ManShovel KnightSMB3Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a LevelSnow ManSomething OriginalSpiky SituationStarman RecreationTaco ManThe DampeningThe FallThe Stage Nobody Asked ForTruffle ManVolcanic FurnaceWily CoasterWily TowerYggdrasil
Wily Star II
Outer SpaceWater DuctsClassic CastleLever Oriental EnchantedInner SanctumUnobtainium MineReality Core
Tier X
Goblins n' GhastsNightwalk CastleMetallic OceanWily Fortress VRSo GoodMario LandCoyote ManHardcore ParkourDeep ThoughtsThe Quickening 2Swiss HotelStar RoadNull and Void
Secret Levels
City WarTwilight Lodge
Tier 1 - Ruined SimulationTier 2 - SewersTier 3 - ForestTier 4 - Train StationTier 5 - ArcadeTier 6 - Battle NetworkTier 7 - McWily'sTier 8 - Grand TowerTier 9 - Festival GroundsTier 10 - Rainbow RoadWily Star IITier XDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopCostume ShopDojoChallenge TentChateau ChevaleresqueThe Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
MilkOmbuds ManDoor ManThe Scorching DuoLord ElewoofroCheat ManGhost of Christmas FutureJet ManButter Nezumi
Robot Masters
Alter ManBoil ManBond ManChomp ManColor ManCombust ManCyber ManForce ManHaunt ManJoe ManLaunch Man & Shuttle ManMatch ManNeapolitan ManNeon ManQuarantine WomanSheriff ManSpiked-Wall ManTaco ManTruffle Man
Other Entry Bosses
Air DevilBig Fire TellyDisco BallGiant MetallGreen Hot DogHall MasterKomuso Man?MixerlydiaMush KingJoe MobRed Hot DogSuper CannopellerTurbo RoostWarp Anomaly8 Centipeder TowerBoss WhopperBoundin' Crash ManBowserCaptain ViridianCATSCirnoCratorCreamCrusher JoeCursorDoc RobotDonut XGuts Man DuoFinal ToadGroovity ManKelbesqueKichonaNapalm ManPharaoh Man's RevengeAlienThe KidRomhack Top ManAir CapsuleAvoidance CherryDennisGangly Crash ManJoe Man R
Fortress Guardians
VanguardMecha Bubble ManBtd'nhanRiplingsAutobounceSuper DachoneSeven ForceHolo DragonChimerabot 1Chimerabot 2Chimerabot 3Chimerabot 4Chimerabot 5Wily Machine SWORDmegaman sprite gameWily Core
Devkit Bosses
Cut ManGuts ManMetal ManCrash ManTop ManGemini ManPharaoh ManToad ManGravity ManPlant ManCentaur ManSplash WomanChill ManVolt ManKomuso ManMecha DragonQuint
Tier X Bosses
SkullderSkullder's RevengeExcalibur ManAir ManUnbeatable Air ManHolo WilyRonrezToad Man's RevengeCoyote ManGigabgyoVolt Man MK2Twin CannonsFire ManCopy HologramDie SignLiterally Just a BeeStone Butterfly
Secret Bosses
Quick ManGammaVolt Man the AssimilatorWishing StarThe MoonBirdoGlass Man
Super Bosses
Absolute ZEROKnight ManGalaxy Man
Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyEddieZero
Entry Stages
Chroma KeyCitadel BasementCity WarGlass ManHard to See LandLevelMaze of DeathMega Man WorldMidnight SnowNapalm Forest and CavesNEON GRAVITYObjective: Vain SpaceResearch FacilitySky ZigguratSpiky MeltdownSunset SiegeThe QuickeningThunderclyffe PlantUnder ConstructionWily Combo
Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
Special Weapons
Mega BusterMetal BladeGemini LaserSolar BlazeTop SpinThunder WoolPharaoh ShotBlack Hole BombMagic CardPower Orb1RRush CoilRush Jet
Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Wily CastleDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopThe Arena
Tier Bosses
Jolt Man1Him1RDagger ManYoku ManJustice Man
Other Bosses
Entry Bosses
Wily ArchivesMoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Fortress Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir CapsuleWily Machine TROPHYZero
Optional Bosses
Bright ManThe Impaler1RZero Soul
Make a Good Mega Man Level 3
Mega ManDr. LightErnest Will/Dr. WilyDr. RegalHunter WomanForge WomanPrestoElement ManCerberus ManBassProto ManMagic ManSheep Man
Special Weapons
Spark ChaserLaser TridentWater ShieldTornado BlowThunder BeamMagnetic ShockwaveIce WallBreak DashRush CoilRush JetRush BikeMagnet Beam
Contest Weapons
Mix TapeLantern FlarePrismatic LaserBeet TillerRec CanBanshee WailPropeller VortexElectro CableTrack ShoesRoyal GuardBait BobberPower Line
A piece of cake, but with aestheticsAbandoned MineAccess Corridor AlphaAir man's ultimate weaponAkudama Empire MothershipAlpine Weather InstituteAlraune WomanAn Ice Cave in RussiaAn Underwater Adventure? Wow!Arcade ArchivesArcane Man -Chaos Tower- (CERN HQ Remains)Assault HuntBakery ManBallade's Square of DoomBanshee WomanBeat the Security SystemBeet ManBlizzard ResortBold and TrashBoost ManBright Man RemixCable WomanCall Me IshmaelCassette ManChaos Light CityCheckmateChemical IndustryCloud NineCrashMan SimulatorCreatively Named LevelCrest ManCrosshair AwareCrystal TowerCursed DarknessCutman's New WarehouseCycle FacilityDamp RuinsDangan FactoryDark CastleDecoy ManDevil FactoryDISCHARGEEEEDisobedience of Superior MachinesDoorkmanDunes of DischargeEscape From the Wily CityEvil Energy FacilityExplosives FactoryFairly Unfocused Newcomer's Bosses And Gimmicks StageFalling System CoreFight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!Flamboyant CastleFoo ManForgotten FactoryFrenzy ReactorFroggy GravityFruit ForestGeek ManGet Wild, Get WetGilded ManGirder Man StageGlass FactoryGlitched up BetaGlitz WomanGrand Fire PalaceGrassy PlainsGravaqua2oGravity WumboGross IncandescenceGuitar ManHazard HydroHit the Jackpot!Hornet Man got a new StageHouse of FunHunter TowerI Hope I Lose: A Grand TaleIdentity ManInterspatial CompressionIrrigation IrritationIt Was Rated ArrJudgement ManJust a Water LevelLost Caverns of JungataLuminous Tower AscentMafia Man's Gambling PalaceMalware ManMagmatic Panicmechanical factoryMediocre Oil LevelMega Man DEVMetal Man Steals Other People's ConveyorsMetall Man's Metall FactoryMilitary Training GroundsMine explorationMint Candy MatrixMirror WomanMy First Megamix Level uwu xd lmao (dab)Ninja of the NightNot Delivering On PromisesNowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loopOperation: Narcissistic StratosphereOuter ReachesPick Your PoisonPipe ManPlataform HijinksPoudrin ManPropeller Woman in the City in the CloudsPumpkin PatchesQuintsMetFactoryRadium ManRec ManRed MountainRevenge of TricastleRobogardenRockbound FacilityRock FortressRuins of a Forbidden KingdomSecluded TerminalShape WomanSkull Sans Megatale 4Skull Secret ZoneSludge ManSolar InfernoSomewhere UndergroundSparks and SocketsSpectrum ScienceStalks, Shoots, and LeavesStalling for timeStep on the GasStolen CitadelSulfurific AbyssSuperheavy Samurai Big BenKSuzy LoveTechnical SupportTeetering Over the EdgeTemple of Light and DarkThe Actual Rock ManThe Cave Level That ExistsThe Haymay TrialsThe HeistThe hero as remixedThe Invincible Robot Army! Featuring Shoe Man!The King's LairThe Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at YouThe Return Of Veteran ZThe StormscraperThe Warped VoidThermal TundraTop Man 2: Spin or Go HomeTower of DimentionsToxic TroubleTrailblazerTreading The Wily Sewer SystemTrouble in the FortressUndead FortressUltimate LevelUnderground RunaroundUnguarded TreasureUp Down All AroundWalk-In FreezerWater Level? Ice Level?Weapon Data CenterWestern RailwaywetWide JoepenWily in space (Roll's rescue)Wily Rooms of WeaponsWily's Haunted CastleWilys RedemptionWily's Well-fortified RoomWhere no met has gone beforeWorking in the RainWorthless ManX6MemeY.M.C.A.You Don't Know the Drill
Bonus Levels
Space CrusadeJust a Judge LevelMagnum ManReel ManKing ManStatic Man
Wily Stadium
Chaos AssaultCross ArmadaThe Bronze YardBe the Smaller PersonThe Level With a Met PunArmory CatastropheThe Greatest Show of All Time
Tier X
Ancient Wastelands GateErm... Watt the Shock!Smashed Into PiecesSparkling Shrimp StewOlive BomberHI-R@SE BOTANIXMega Man in WonderlandNote WomanGenie's AlleySecret to No OneThermae ManDetergent DeterminationThe Quickening 3DDeserted Sector G-009Big Ugly Mess 2: Acting UnwiseHollow ElysiumReturn to Universe City VShrine of Nebula
Victor HeightsMagic Card CasinoLimestone PagodaTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Tier 6Tier 7Tier 8Tier 9Tier 10Tier 11Tier 12Tier 13Tier 14Tier 15Wily StadiumTier XNEO Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
Regular JoeRepair ManMuscle JugglerMad ManPuzzle ManIce BusterBoki LamiraMirage ManPyre DuoSound ManWizard ManControl ManDeath ManPunch Donkey
Robot Masters
Aether ManAlraune WomanArcane ManAssault ManBanshee WomanBattery ManBeet ManBoost ManCable WomanCassette ManCelestial WomanDecoy ManDischarge ManFoo ManGeek ManGirder ManGlitch WomanGlitz WomanGuitar ManHex ManHodenkiIdentity ManLantern ManLunar WomanMafia ManMagnet Man SFMetall ManMirror WomanMooger ManOld ManPipe ManPoudrin ManPrism WomanPropeller WomanRadium ManRailway TeamRec ManRock ManRook ManRoyal ManSecret MelonShape WomanShoe ManSkull SansSludge ManSniper ManSolaire ManStall WomanThermal ManToken WomanTreasure ManWood Man NiceYamato Man W
Modified Devkit Robot Masters
Air Dab ManBakery Man DeltaBakery Man OmegaBakery Man ThetaBarrage ManBee ManBlackout ManBlue Bomber ManBlue Crash Man, But With 29 HealthBomber JoeCaptain N Guts ManCrest ManDRKMAN4.BATDark EnkerDarker ManDolt ManFake CycleGilded ManGlass Man CGravity JoeGravity Man SupremeHoney JoanJudgement ManMetal Man OverdriveMetool WomanMicro Quick ManMiner ManNeon Quick ManNight Air ManPerfect Solar ManPharaoh Man in the DarkPotted Plant ManQuick MontageRockman No Constancy QuickmanScorch Man V1Spark Man FlipSplash Woman OverdriveSuperheavy Samurai Big Ben KTemporal ManTempura ManTop Man GreenUranus MetVeteran Z
Entry Bosses
28 Devil CoresAdult WishAtlantisAtlasBaby WishBattle WindowsBeam StackBeam Stack MK2Blizzard BrigadiersBlizzard BehemothBlue Power PistonBubble CrabBuckyChangkeylierChoker OhmegaCompress JoeCopy RobotCrystal CoreDark Matter CapsuleDark WyvernDennis ReturnsD.E.VDigitigerDust DevilEgg CarrierFloating PointFractureGhost LightGrand TellowGuts Dozer NeoGwyndolinHeavyheintsThe InDestructiBallJoJo JoeJunk HunkKineMaster HandMecha SonicNamonaki RoboNecrozmaOrnstein & SmoughPipi CondorPrism DevilQuint's Met MachineRed DevilSovereign MachineSuper BlockSuper Lightning LordSYSTEMCORE.EXETrain TrioVanguardroidZombie DevilZ-Tank
Fortress Guardians
Regal MachineFalcon RockTengen TophammerKouker QugeMetilda McBossfaceNeko ManBassCerberus ManElement ManForge WomanHunter WomanPrestoWily Machine SPIREWily Jet
Devkit Bosses
Ice ManBomb ManFire ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat ManWood ManPicopico-kunGuts DozerBoobeam TrapEnkerHard ManSpark ManKamegoro MakerDyna ManSonic ManDust ManMetall DaddyGiant SuzyPunkIron BallGyro ManStone ManDark Man 4BalladeHunter Type AHunter Type BBlizzard ManYamato ManRounder IIPower PistonMercurySaturnUranusGrey DevilDangan ManOil ManHornet ManMega Mech SharkHoney WomanCommando ManSolar Man
Grey Isles Bosses
Lava Stone ManKing LeonisStrongerGEORGESmall Fry SwarmEye of Btd'nhanDiabolicoQueen of HeartsNote WomanMist Man & Bowl ManAngler FishOnoxThermae ManSwaduronImpresariaVolt Man the AnnihilatorHard SplashShade SpamNadir DevilTop DummyGharial ManReturning Flash ArmorGreat CorePillar of Nebula
Bonus Bosses
DreadnoughtUsagi WomanHyper Plant ManMagnum ManReel ManKing ManNamahage ManStatic ManSlush Man
Arena Bosses
Break ManFake ManTerraCWU-01PYellow DevilGammaAlter ManVacant Avatar
Super Bosses
Returning Regular JoeNebula GreyMagic ManSheep ManErnest Will