Cutman's New Warehouse

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152nd: Cutman's New Warehouse

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3

Despite the new look, there are still many familiar foes.

Cutman's New Warehouse is the 152nd entry in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3. This level attempts to reimagine Cut Man's stage from the original Mega Man, reusing several enemies from the original iteration while also introducing some new elements. The biggest concern for Mega Man is avoiding instant death traps such as getting knocked into a pit by an assortment of defensive or out of reach enemies, as well as falling off of Guts Lifts into spikes.


The opening section can be quite tricky due to the high concentration of enemies, each of which have often haphazard setups. In particular, the Bladers can overwhelm Mega Man while trying to deal with other enemies if not taken down beforehand. The Tornado Blow can be used to quickly kill most of them in a pinch, but the Water Shield also works as a passive defence against the Bladers. The onslaught of enemies slows down after entering the warehouse proper, though there are a number of tricky setups regardless. The Thunder Beam is a useful weapon here, as its three-way fire can target several enemies, and it can kill Octopus Batteries with one hit.

Past the first checkpoint is a long spike-covered floor with three Guts Lifts running above it. A ladder can be reached from the second lift, and leads to a room with Crash Lifts that can be climbed rather easily due to a lack of hazards. At the top of the screen is a Guts Lift and two sets of alternating Yoku Blocks, both leading to the first Trickster Token. Mega Man should take care not to re-enter the main path below without holding onto the ladder, as the Guts Lift does not start immediately under him; this can lead him falling onto the spikes and dying instantly.

Back on the main path, Mega Man eventually comes to a vertical scrolling area with two Flying Shells that continually respawn. Care must be taken to avoid their spreadshots, although the Water Shield may be used to block them entirely. The small gap that the second Flying Shell emerges from is a secret passage, leading to a room with Drop Platforms over spikes and another Flying Shell. The second and final Trickster Token rests on a platform high above. After the next checkpoint, the rest of the level is rather straightforward and can be handled with similar Special Weapon usage. Even the Big Eye guarding the boss door can be dodged rather easily due to the wide open nature of the screen. The level culminates in a battle against Cut Man.

Judge Comments[edit]

Judge Comments
Mick Galbani Mick Galbani Mick Galbani : 34 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
10 / 35 6 / 25 2 / 15 6 / 15 10 / 10

An attempt to revitalise Cut Man's level? I can see the idea, if nothing else. But for the purposes of the contest? This was flawed from the outset, as ideally, you'd make something that's more your own thing.

Putting aside the creativity weaknesses, this warehouse has a ton of enemies, and no idea what to do with half of them. I counted 17 different types of enemies here, and the only ones that consistently stuck out as semi-interesting were the Super Cutters and Flying Shells. The Suzies were a little different from normal, but mostly because they were placed in odd spots that made it harder to tell where they'd actually move. Everything else is simple challenges against a largely drab grey, which is neither fun, nor even that well designed.

The aesthetic in particular is a sticking point with me. I get that Cut Man's tiles can be awkward to work with, but those indents exist on his tileset because a pure grey wall isn't interesting to look at. It's not actually that bad at the start-which coincides with the level's stronger efforts to be interesting, but as the aesthetic takes a dive, so too does everything else. Considering we're talking about Mega Man 1 aesthetics, this managed to be especially weak.

I'll give credit to the Token rooms and the Flying Shell implementation. Those were actually kinda fun. The rest of it though... This needs work, for sure. I'd suggest picking a smaller selection of enemies, and finding ways to adjust their scenarios through terrain or grouping. Quality over quantity, that's my advice.

Shinryu Shinryu Shinryu : 23 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
5 / 35 3 / 25 2 / 15 3 / 15 10 / 10

This is a very...lacking level, to put it mildly.

A lot of the enemies are placed in basic configurations that pose little to no threat, with some exceptions for the first few screens (and really, most of it comes from the Bladers). I can only really name two parts of this stage that stood out to me in some way: The small section with two Metools and a rotating Super Cutter, and the vertical section with respawning Flying Shells. Both of these require a more thoughtful approach and quick reactions from the player in order to get through unscathed, at least in comparison to the rest of the level. I feel this stage would have been a lot better if it had focused more on moments like that.

What might have also helped is if the gimmicks had a greater presence here. Guts Lifts, Drop Platforms, and a single Footholder only appear for one section each before swiftly disappearing for good. It makes me wonder if there were more sections meant to include these gimmicks, but were never finished. Now that I think about it, that's a good way to sum up this stage: It feels unfinished. Nowhere is that more exemplified than in the backgrounds. What happened to the details here? Aside from drop shadows below the ceilings, the background is almost always a flat shade of gray once you get half-way through.

In short: If this had more sections like the ones featuring the Flying Shells or the Super Cutter, then this probably would have turned out to be a pretty decent stage. As it is now, it's just...very bland.

Pachy Pachy Pachy : 48 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
15 / 35 13 / 25 6 / 15 6 / 15 8 / 10

Out With the Old, In With the Old?!

It's a remix stage, I guess? More appropriately would be a reimagining stage. Or rather it's just a stage that happened to be featuring Cutman elements as well as some others.

It does some neat things like making the 8-way shot enemies relevant to the stage layout, otherwise mostly just resembles the original Cutman stage with not much added in, such as the Octopus Batteries or Shield Attacker barely putting up any threats.

However, one major difference from the original stage is that this is no longer really beginner-friendly with the additional more complicated gimmicks? That is the main problem I have for this stage, I am really not sure what the goal of this is. Is it trying to expand on using the existing stage as a base? Create a hard-mode version of the stage?

The Guts Lifts are a bit annoying in a sense they don't really sync with each other, so you end up with times where you have to wait on the same platform to cycle through until the next platform is in a better spot.

There's also a long stretch of the level that is just a grey background, which is not really aesthetically pleasing and uncannily resembles a default GameMaker room...

And a random lone Foot Holder that is just there.

To end things off is a regular unmodified Cutman fight, it is not really that exciting, and just further conflicts with whatever vision this entry was going for.

Flashman85 Flashman85 Flashman85 : 40 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
11 / 35 8 / 25 2 / 15 10 / 15 9 / 10

I would expect a fresh take on Cut Man to take place at a lumber mill with log and buzzsaw gimmicks; or incorporate the scissor enemies from MM9 and Challenger From the Future; or merge ideas from the NES, Game Boy, and Powered Up versions. I assume this level attempts the latter, but it's hard to tell.

The pleasant music, perfectly serviceable graphics, and disappointingly unremarkable boss fight are the only obvious ties to Cut Man. I see a number of assets that have appeared in at least one official version of Cut Man's level; however, I see many additional assets that don't seem to fit. A lack of focus is the big issue here.

We don't need two similar styles of moving platform and two similar styles of Sniper Joe. There are enough enemy types without throwing Batton and Scworm into the mix. Foot Holder and Yoku blocks might as well not be there. Forget how everything connects to Cut Man; I barely understand how one screen connects to the next.

Without a clear gameplay theme or sense of meaningful challenge progression, this feels like a general MM1 remix run amok. A few screens show some promise--the Metalls right before the first Guts platform are fine, Beak + Crash platform is decent, and Flying Shell + drop platform is nice and tricky. Most everything else is messy, uninteresting, or familiar to a fault. The room with three progressively easier MM2 Sniper Joes blocking hallways and guarding ladders hurts my soul.

If you clear out all the moving parts, the structure is pretty sturdy. The architecture is acceptable, with only one glaring flaw (hello, gaping pit where there should be a section divider). Importantly, checkpoints are the right distance apart. Aside from a major redesign of everything challenge-related, a couple power-ups are all the place really needs.

ACESpark ACESpark ACESpark : 37 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
12 / 35 7 / 25 2 / 15 6 / 15 10 / 10

This stage is, obviously enough, an attempted remake of one of the more basic stages of the original game and in an attempt to flesh out the stage, the final result is a grab bag of generic assets and enemies, placed with such frequency that there is never any time to breathe. That most of these enemies are incredibly tedious to kill removes any sense of flow that the original Cut Man stage had.

While I understand why you are using the original tileset, the first game's backgrounds have aged poorly, and as a result unless you expand and innovate on them the result is a fairly lifeless and ugly stage, especially the significant amount of bright, blank background.

The rooms with Crash Man platforms were used quite intelligently, and I do not mind the hidden offshoots with tokens, although a clearer visual cue for the second would have been nice. Honestly? I enjoyed the original 1987 stage more.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 - Tier 3
Entry Stages
Hunter TowerCutman's New WarehouseDisobedience of Superior MachinesRevenge of TricastleDISCHARGEEEEThe Return of Veteran ZAir man's ultimate weaponI Hope I Lose: A Grand TaleGilded ManFruit ForestSuzy LoveGlass Factory
Bonus Stages
Just a Judge Level
List of Bosses
EnkerQuintGiant SuzyIron BallPunkHunter Type AHunter Type BBalladeCut ManSplash Woman OverdriveMetal Man OverdriveToad ManDischarge ManCommando ManVeteran ZZ-TankAir Dab ManBoobeam TrapGilded ManGlass Man CScorch Man V1Usagi WomanHyper Plant Man
Tier Boss
Muscle Juggler
Make a Good Mega Man Level 3
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightErnest Will/Dr. WilyDr. RegalHunter WomanForge WomanPrestoElement ManCerberus ManBassProto ManMagic ManSheep Man
Special Weapons
Spark ChaserLaser TridentWater ShieldTornado BlowThunder BeamMagnetic ShockwaveIce WallBreak DashRush CoilRush JetRush BikeMagnet Beam
Contest Weapons
Mix TapeLantern FlarePrismatic LaserBeet TillerRec CanBanshee WailPropeller VortexElectro CableTrack ShoesRoyal GuardBait BobberPower Line
A piece of cake, but with aestheticsAbandoned MineAccess Corridor AlphaAir man's ultimate weaponAkudama Empire MothershipAlpine Weather InstituteAlraune WomanAn Ice Cave in RussiaAn Underwater Adventure? Wow!Arcade ArchivesArcaneMan -CHAOS TOWER- (CERN HQ Remains)Assault HuntBakery ManBallade's Square of DoomBanshee WomanBeat the Security SystemBeet ManBlizzard ResortBold and TrashBoost ManBright Man RemixCable WomanCall Me IshmaelCassette ManChaos Light CityCheckmateChemical IndustryCloud NineCrashMan SimulatorCreatively Named LevelCrest ManCrosshair AwareCrystal TowerCursed DarknessCutman's New WarehouseCycle FacilityDamp RuinsDangan FactoryDark CastleDecoy ManDevil FactoryDISCHARGEEEEDisobedience of Superior MachinesDoorkmanDunes of DischargeEscape From the Wily CityEvil Energy FacilityExplosives FactoryFairly Unfocused Newcomer's Bosses And Gimmicks StageFalling System CoreFight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!Flamboyant CastleFoo ManForgotten FactoryFrenzy ReactorFroggy GravityFruit ForestGeek ManGet Wild, Get WetGilded ManGirder Man StageGlass FactoryGlitched up BetaGlitz WomanGrand Fire PalaceGrassy PlainsGravaqua2oGravity WumboGross IncandescenceGuitar ManHazard HydroHit the Jackpot!Hornet Man got a new StageHouse of FunHunter TowerI Hope I Lose: A Grand TaleIdentity ManInterspatial CompressionIrrigation IrritationIt Was Rated ArrJudgement ManJust a Water LevelLost Caverns of JungataLuminous Tower AscentMafia Man's Gambling PalaceMalware ManMagmatic Panicmechanical factoryMediocre Oil LevelMega Man DEVMetal Man Steals Other People's ConveyorsMetall Man's Metall FactoryMilitary Training GroundsMine explorationMint Candy MatrixMirror WomanMy First Megamix Level uwu xd lmao (dab)Ninja of the NightNot Delivering On PromisesNowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loopOperation: Narcissistic StratosphereOuter ReachesPick Your PoisonPipe ManPlataform HijinksPoudrin ManPropeller Woman in the City in the CloudsPumpkin PatchesQuintsMetFactoryRadium ManRec ManRed MountainRevenge of TricastleRobogardenRockbound FacilityRock FortressRuins of a Forbidden KingdomSecluded TerminalShape WomanSkull Sans Megatale 4Skull Secret ZoneSludge ManSolar InfernoSomewhere UndergroundSparks and SocketsSpectrum ScienceStalks, Shoots, and LeavesStalling for timeStep on the GasStolen CitadelSulfurific AbyssSuperheavy Samurai Big BenKSuzy LoveTechnical SupportTeetering Over the EdgeTemple of Light and DarkThe Actual Rock ManThe Cave Level That ExistsThe Haymay TrialsThe HeistThe hero as remixedThe Invincible Robot Army! Featuring Shoe Man!The King's LairThe Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at YouThe Return of Veteran ZThe StormscraperThe Warped VoidThermal TundraTop Man 2: Spin or Go HomeTower of DimentionsToxic TroubleTrailblazerTreading The Wily Sewer SystemTrouble in the FortressUndead FortressUltimate LevelUnderground RunaroundUnguarded TreasureUp Down All AroundWalk-In FreezerWater Level? Ice Level?Weapon Data CenterWestern RailwaywetWide JoepenWily in space (Roll's rescue)Wily Rooms of WeaponsWily's Haunted CastleWilys RedemptionWily's Well-fortified RoomWhere no met has gone beforeWorking in the RainWorthless ManX6MemeY.M.C.A.You Don't Know the Drill
Bonus Levels
Space CrusadeJust a Judge LevelMagnum ManReel ManKing ManStatic Man
Wily Stadium
Chaos AssaultCross ArmadaThe Bronze YardBe the Smaller PersonThe Level With a Met PunArmory CatastropheThe Greatest Show of All Time
Tier X
Ancient Wastelands GateErm... Watt the Shock!Smashed Into PiecesSparkling Shrimp StewOlive BomberHI-R@SE BOTANIXMega Man in WonderlandNote WomanGenie's AlleySecret to No OneThermae ManDetergent DeterminationThe Quickening 3DDeserted Sector G-009Big Ugly Mess 2: Acting UnwiseHollow ElysiumReturn to Universe City VShrine of Nebula
Victor HeightsMagic Card CasinoLimestone PagodaTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Tier 6Tier 7Tier 8Tier 9Tier 10Tier 11Tier 12Tier 13Tier 14Tier 15Wily StadiumTier XNEO Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
Regular JoeRepair ManMuscle JugglerMad ManPuzzle ManIce BusterBoki LamiraMirage ManPyre DuoSound ManWizard ManControl ManDeath ManPunch Donkey
Robot Masters
Aether ManAlraune WomanArcane ManAssault ManBanshee WomanBattery ManBeet ManBoost ManCable WomanCassette ManCelestial WomanDecoy ManDischarge ManFoo ManGeek ManGirder ManGlitch WomanGlitz WomanGuitar ManHex ManHodenkiIdentity ManLantern ManLunar WomanMafia ManMagnet Man SFMetall ManMirror WomanMooger ManOld ManPipe ManPoudrin ManPrism WomanPropeller WomanRadium ManRailway TeamRec ManRock ManRook ManRoyal ManSecret MelonShape WomanShoe ManSkull SansSludge ManSniper ManSolaire ManStall WomanThermal ManToken WomanTreasure ManWood Man NiceYamato Man W
Modified Devkit Robot Masters
Air Dab ManBakery Man DeltaBakery Man OmegaBakery Man ThetaBarrage ManBee ManBlackout ManBlue Bomber ManBlue Crash Man, But With 29 HealthBomber JoeCaptain N Guts ManCrest ManDRKMAN4.BATDark EnkerDarker ManDolt ManFake CycleGilded ManGlass Man CGravity JoeGravity Man SupremeHoney JoanJudgement ManMetal Man OverdriveMetool WomanMicro Quick ManMiner ManNeon Quick ManNight Air ManPerfect Solar ManPharaoh Man in the DarkPotted Plant ManQuick MontageRockman No Constancy QuickmanScorch Man V1Spark Man FlipSplash Woman OverdriveSuperheavy Samurai Big Ben KTemporal ManTempura ManTop Man GreenUranus MetVeteran Z
Entry Bosses
28 Devil CoresAdult WishAtlantisAtlasBaby WishBattle WindowsBeam StackBeam Stack MK2Blizzard BrigadiersBlizzard BehemothBlue Power PistonBubble CrabBuckyChangkeylierChoker OhmegaCompress JoeCopy RobotCrystal CoreDark Matter CapsuleDark WyvernDennis ReturnsD.E.VDigitigerDust DevilEgg CarrierFloating PointFractureGhost LightGrand TellowGuts Dozer NeoGwyndolinHeavyheintsThe InDestructiBallJoJo JoeJunk HunkKineMaster HandMecha SonicNamonaki RoboNecrozmaOrnstein & SmoughPipi CondorPrism DevilQuint's Met MachineRed DevilSovereign MachineSuper BlockSuper Lightning LordSYSTEMCORE.EXETrain TrioVanguardroidZombie DevilZ-Tank
Fortress Guardians
Regal MachineFalcon RockTengen TophammerKouker QugeMetilda McBossfaceNeko ManBassCerberus ManElement ManForge WomanHunter WomanPrestoWily Machine SPIREWily Jet
Devkit Bosses
Ice ManBomb ManFire ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat ManWood ManPicopico-kunGuts DozerBoobeam TrapEnkerHard ManSpark ManKamegoro MakerDyna ManSonic ManDust ManMetall DaddyGiant SuzyPunkIron BallGyro ManStone ManDark Man 4BalladeHunter Type AHunter Type BBlizzard ManYamato ManRounder IIPower PistonMercurySaturnUranusGrey DevilDangan ManOil ManHornet ManMega Mech SharkHoney WomanCommando ManSolar Man
Grey Isles Bosses
Lava Stone ManKing LeonisStrongerGEORGESmall Fry SwarmEye of Btd'nhanDiabolicoQueen of HeartsNote WomanMist Man & Bowl ManAngler FishOnoxThermae ManSwaduronImpresariaVolt Man the AnnihilatorHard SplashShade SpamNadir DevilTop DummyGharial ManReturning Flash ArmorGreat CorePillar of Nebula
Bonus Bosses
DreadnoughtUsagi WomanHyper Plant ManMagnum ManReel ManKing ManNamahage ManStatic ManSlush Man
Arena Bosses
Break ManFake ManTerraCWU-01PYellow DevilGammaAlter ManVacant Avatar
Super Bosses
Returning Regular JoeNebula GreyMagic ManSheep ManErnest Will