Doctor Novakaine

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Doctor Novakaine is a YouTube Let's Player of no significance and an entrant in Make A Good Mega Man Level 2. He created the level Escape Sequence (20th place) as well as five rooms for The Pit of Pits - Cut Them Down To Size, Greenhouse Lights!, Serpent's Curse, Up And Down, and You Gotta Be Kitten Me.

He has uploaded a complete Let's Play of both MAGMML and MAGMML2 on YouTube.


MaGMML1: snoruntpyroCheez8Duvi0Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingMrKyurem
MaGMML2: snoruntpyroJupiHornetEnjlGarirryACESpark
MaGMML3: Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingACESparkFlashman85PachyShinryu
Misc.: ParmaJonMiniMacroCreshManPKWeegeeM-JacqFreems

Contest Participants
Other Figures

Staff: PKWeegeeLoyanaWreckingProgramsBlyka
Let's Players: HatredElementalRoahmMythrilPKWeegeeFlashman85JupiHornetDoctor NovakaineNecromMarcos