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Enjl is one of the judges in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2. He is an active member of the SMBX forums and a friend of SnoruntPyro. Being a judge, he created Lever Oriental Enchanted, the third Wily Star II stage for MaGMML2, as well as one room in Null and Void. He also designed or help design the sprites for the festival hub, the Challenge Tent, Chateau Chevaleresque, and the Wily Star II, as well as Wily Machine SWORD and the Wily Core. Prior to becoming a judge, he created the sprites for Wily Machine TROPHY in the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, and later redesigned the machine's graphics for Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered.

Level rankings

Judge Ranking Official Ranking Stage Name Creator Judge Score Note
#41 #78 Quirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical Track alex9000 1 / 50
#40 #79 Cardinal Man Rbade 4 / 50
#39 #80 Snow Man CoinMaster 5 / 50
#72 Yggdrasil Zatsupachi 5 / 50
Least Favorite
#38 #74 Wily Tower Shidy 6 / 50
#37 #76 The Fall Willhart 7 / 50
#36 #73 Airflow Hubble Concord butterfly 10 / 50
#35 #77 Mix & Match Zaealix 12 / 50
#34 #71 Rush City qazcake 13 / 50
#33 #68 Colorful Hall Chingoku 14 / 50
#59 Forgotten Fortress BBLIR 14 / 50
#32 #60 Candy Panic adrian09_01 15 / 50
#31 #66 Chomp Man mabskmk 16 / 50
#65 SMB3 lizardcommando 16 / 50
#56 Neon Man CreshMan 16 / 50
#30 #75 Ancient Tomb NinjaUmbreon 17 / 50
#69 Dragon Lab Lair Natnatgaming101 17 / 50
#29 #70 Gigavolt Man ThatOneEnder 18 / 50
#64 MegaLondo Lamda 18 / 50
#49 Maze of Significantly Less Death MiniMacro 18 / 50
#28 #62 The Dampening liquafool 19 / 50
#44 AD 2101 awd42 19 / 50
#35 Just an Ice Level Pachy 19 / 50
#27 #42 Wily Coaster PrimePasta 21 / 50
#26 #34 Biplane Bay tobyjoey 22 / 50
#25 #53 Shovel Knight Dylan Labiuk 23 / 50
#32 Gunpowder Cellar Mysterion-svin 23 / 50
#23 #61 Taco Man SchuSlime64 24 / 50
#50 Holy Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide? ParmaJon 24 / 50
#52 Poorly Named Level Yoshiatom 24 / 50
#22 #58 Alien Temple BizarreIdeaMan 25 / 50
#36 Lava Factory DuckSalmon 25 / 50
#21 #55 Jungle Base TheMegaFan19XX 26 / 50
#54 Orbital Station RadzPower 26 / 50
#20 #67 Something Original IcyTower 27 / 50
#57 Joe Destruction Co. TheYellowGrinch 27 / 50
#37 Duwang QuestMark 27 / 50
#26 But It Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This is Really Hell Phoba555 27 / 50
#21 City Under Siege gone-sovereign 27 / 50
#19 #51 Enhanced Mobility Trainman177WS 28 / 50
#48 Volcanic Furnace GameTrooper 28 / 50
#47 Elec Dam MelonadeM 28 / 50
#18 #63 Combust Man Peterdun 29 / 50
#39 Crystal Lab Schmidkalkan 29 / 50
#23 Conveyor Mayhem Thoron 29 / 50
#17 #46 Quint Stage Quintboi 30 / 50
#31 Cursor Curse TheRetroDude 30 / 50
#17 Donut Observation Center LobsterKing 30 / 50
#16 #14 Truffle Man lung_ 31 / 50
#15 #43 Starman Recreation KoreyBlue 32 / 50
#41 Changeable Caverns TheMartianGeek 32 / 50
#40 Joe Man Zieldak 32 / 50
#38 Nitrogen Man MugMan 32 / 50
#33 Blaze Man WanNyan 32 / 50
#25 Force Man CosmicGem 32 / 50
#14 #30 Cossack's Other Citadel Big Fish 33 / 50
#29 Fortified Lab GransveldHakase 33 / 50
#13 DSQ Bouncy Castle Beed28 34 / 50
#28 Spiky Situation 128-Up 34 / 50
#18 Misty Lake notencore 34 / 50
#12 #22 Aurora Man SpoonyBardOL 35 / 50
#11 #24 Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a Level Smedis2 38 / 50
#10 Boil Man MrKyurem 38 / 50
#10 #45 A Mega Man for All Seasons Z-Saber 39 / 50
#27 Ruined Lab betasword 39 / 50
#7 Cyber Man RedBlupi 39 / 50
#1 Identity Crisis Shinryu 39 / 50
#9 #20 Escape Sequence DoctorNovakaine 40 / 50
#11 Sheriff Man Cruise Elroy 40 / 50
#6 Beneath Sand and Rock The Stove Guy 40 / 50
#8 #8 Launch Man & Shuttle Man Strife 41 / 50
#7 #12 Guts Man's Asteroid Flashman85 42 / 50
#6 #5 Quarantine Woman NaOH 43 / 50
#5 #19 Bond Man TheSkipper1995 44 / 50
#16 Rad Gravity Renhoek 44 / 50
#4 #15 Sector Upsilon 6 M. Jacquelinae 45 / 50
#4 Neapolitan Man Blackmore_Darkwing 45 / 50
#3 #13 Mount Sabre Kunosachiaka 46 / 50
#9 Komuso Temple Savordez 46 / 50
#2 #3 Haunt Man Korby & Freeman 47 / 50
#1 #2 The Stage Nobody Asked For Entity1037 49 / 50


MaGMML1: snoruntpyroCheez8Duvi0Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingMrKyurem
MaGMML2: snoruntpyroJupiHornetEnjlGarirryACESpark
MaGMML3: Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingACESparkFlashman85PachyShinryu
Misc.: ParmaJonMiniMacroCreshManPKWeegeeM-JacqFreems

Contest Participants
Other Figures

Staff: PKWeegeeLoyanaWreckingProgramsBlyka
Let's Players: HatredElementalRoahmMythrilPKWeegeeFlashman85JupiHornetDoctor NovakaineNecromMarcos