Glass Man (stage)

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1st: Glass Man

Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)

We're number one. We're number one
"I can't begin to describe this level. This is what Megaman should be."
Duvi0, Excerpt from his comment on the stage

Glass Man is the first place stage of the first Make a Good Mega Man Level contest. It features a large amount of custom assets, including a custom tileset, a custom enemy, and a custom boss. Of all of the first game's entries, it is the one that most resembles a Robot Master stage from the classic game, complete with a fight against its titular Robot Master at the end.


This isn't an overly difficult level, though a few new things can mess a player up. The Vitreous enemies should be killed with immediately with a charge shot, otherwise they will erect four glass shields which must be individually shot. The falling crystals, unlike the ones from Crystal Man's stage, are timer-based, thus simple memorization and timing will allow the player to get past them.

Judge Comments
snoruntpyro snoruntpyro snoruntpyro : 94 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
23 / 25 24 / 25 15 / 15 15 / 15 10 / 10 7 / 10

Oh man this was AMAZING! The new enemy with the glass shield was really neat and used pretty well, and the spritework here was absolutely fantastic. The stage was also designed pretty well, too, with some interesting setups with the Nut-and-Bolts and neat platforming challenges. And there's so much attention to detail put into it, too, with the crystals breaking!! The boss was super fun too, though I found his glass orb attack to be a bit tough to dodge. Also I sure hope Daniel Page doesn't track me down again for this stage having MME music :V

Cheez8 Cheez8 Cheez8 : 76 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
18 / 25 19 / 25 12 / 15 7 / 15 10 / 10 10 / 10

Maybe it was just the music, but this felt like a genuine Capcom-made level! Good job. Only a few things stick out, like the room that surrounds you with bolts, and the boss fight (which, while impressive, alternated between being very dangerous and not at all dangerous.)

Duiv0 Duvi0 Duvi0 : 90 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
22 / 25 24 / 25 10 / 15 15 / 15 10 / 10 9 / 10

I can't begin to describe this level. This is what Megaman should be. I'm not the biggest Megaman fan, but this makes me want to replay the whole series all over again!

Mick Galbani Mick Galbani / Blackmore Darkwing Mick Galbani : 82 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
23 / 25 20 / 25 12 / 15 10 / 15 9 / 10 8 / 10

This...this felt like a Mega Man stage. There's no other way to put it. This felt like a Mega Man stage. I really enjoyed running through this level, and my only real complaint is the spamming of the bolt enemies from Top Man's stage, otherwise this is pretty great. Bonus Points for having an actual honest to goodness robot master to your stage, especially since I could see what his Master Weapon would be. You did great here.

MrKyurem MrKyurem MrKyurem : 79 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
21 / 25 20 / 25 13 / 15 10 / 15 10 / 10 5 / 10

A brilliant boss fight with a very enjoyable and well-co-ordinated level to go with it. Glass Man's pinch attack seems a bit painful to dodge, but outside of that, I would not be surprised if Glass Man were to show up in some other fangame in the future.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2[edit]

A recreation of certain sections of this level is included in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2 as a room in the Pit of Pits.

Make a Good Mega Man Level - Tier 5
Entry Stages
Citadel BasementNEON GRAVITYMega Man WorldGlass Man
The MoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyEddieZero
Entry Stages
Chroma KeyCitadel BasementCity WarGlass ManHard to See LandLevelMaze of DeathMega Man WorldMidnight SnowNapalm Forest and CavesNEON GRAVITYObjective: Vain SpaceResearch FacilitySky ZigguratSpiky MeltdownSunset SiegeThe QuickeningThunderclyffe PlantUnder ConstructionWily Combo
Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
Special Weapons
Mega BusterMetal BladeGemini LaserSolar BlazeTop SpinThunder WoolPharaoh ShotBlack Hole BombMagic CardPower Orb1RRush CoilRush Jet
Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Wily CastleDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopThe Arena
Tier Bosses
Jolt Man1Him1RDagger ManYoku ManJustice Man
Other Bosses
Entry Bosses
Wily ArchivesMoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Fortress Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir CapsuleWily Machine TROPHYZero
Optional Bosses
Bright ManThe Impaler1RZero Soul