Gusty Gorge is the second level in Chapter 1 of Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero. After making his way out of the crash site, Zero enters a gorge filled with strong winds, moving clouds, and several flying enemies on his journey towards Dr. Wily's newest hideout.
When the level starts, Zero enters an area with two flags, with a Lyric and a Tadahou on the screen to the right. Past them, he encounters another Tadahou, as well as a Squirren, and a shifting topsolid cloud. After this, Zero must traverse a bottomless pit using the clouds, while avoiding Lyrics, before encountering a Cyorown and Tengu Wind, the latter of which will try to push him back. After a few short rooms, Zero will climb a ladder into a screen with a Lyric and a Tadahou. By going left, he will find a CD in plain sight, but protected by a strong Tengu Wind that pushes him back even when dashing. Only by using multiple stomp-dashes can he fight through the wind and obtain the CD.
On the right is another platforming section with moving cloud platforms, but with Tengu Wind blowing ahead of Zero, and later behind him. After moving past a screen with infinitely spawning Squirrens, he enters a slow Auto Scroller area, again filled with moving clouds over a large chasm, and Tengu Wind towards the end. The tendency of enemies to group together makes the Z-Burst a useful counter against them. A few more screens occur with Tengu Wind blowing while Tadahous, Lyrics, and a Cyorown try to attack, before Zero encounters the final stretch. Here, a strong Tengu Wind blows behind Zero, allowing him to jump farther across more platforms and clouds. However, Lyrics and Squirrens will try to crash into Zero, and the strong wind will typically blow him into the chasm if one manages to hit him. If he manages to survive this short gauntlet, however, the Energy Element lies waiting on the opposite end.
Z-Phone Dialogue[edit]
Dr. Wily
Gusty Gorge?
Well, I can tell you that you have good taste in sightseeing destinations. The view there is great.
There's also an excessive amount of flying squirrel robots there after that incident! Ruined the place, I tell you.
Just make sure you don't fall through a cloud or something.
Agent Krantz
Agent Stern: Gusty Gorge?
I remember I used to go to that place with family for picnics.
Of course ever since that incident nobody's been able to eat peacefully there.
Those squirrels are the biggest issue, especially with them moving vertically toward you.
Cyorown also seemed to infest the place after that, mocking everyone constantly.
Zero: That is most unfortunate.
Why have a picnic at such a windy place thought?
Stern: Because most other nice-looking fields were always made into golf courses.
Thankfully, though some of this area is also a golf course, it's "experts only" due to the strong winds.
Galaxy Man
Look off to the left when you see an opening, and one should be right there! But there's a catch.
The wind'll push you back! Try your stomp dash thingy, but do it over and over! That'll beat the wind!
Great view, great view! But the flying squirrel infestation is a problem, Zero!!
They just keep coming, you know?? As if there's like, some, SPAWNER making them...
That incident, you know? I bet it was all a false flag operation. To rob us all of a great view!!
Why else would there be endless amounts of flying squirrel robots coming out of nowhere???
Anyways, yeah, bad spot, 'cuz then you'll get knocked off a cliff or something.