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Artwork by Capcom
Artwork by Capcom
In-Game Information
HP: 1
Attack Damage: 4 (contact)
Category: Aquatic, Nature
Location(s): MaGMML(1R):
Flashback Database
Chomp Man
The Dampening
Null and Void
Misc. Information
Script: ギョットット
Romaji: Gyottotto
Alt. Name(s): Robot Fish (Game Gear Mega Man manual)
Programmer(s): snoruntpyro
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 4
Mega Man III
Mega Man IV
Mega Man (Game Gear)
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML(1R) (Enemy)
MaGMML2 (Enemy)
Megamix Engine

Gyotot is an enemy from Mega Man 4. It is a robotic fish meant to patrol water.

Gyotot was first made available in the devkit for the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, where it appeared in Flashback Database.

Gyotot returned in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, where it appeared in the entries Chomp Man and The Dampening, as well as in Null and Void.


Gyotots will swim straight forward, periodically jumping up before resuming swimming.


  • In Mega Man 4, a Gyotot can be either green or blue. The MaGMML1 devkit uses the green color scheme, while the MaGMML2 devkit and the Megamix Engine use the blue color scheme. Strangely, the engines do not provide the option to switch the colors via creation code without custom sprites.