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JupiHornet is one of the judges in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2. He is a former moderator of the SMBX forums and former co-owner of the Geometry Dash Forums, where he goes by the alias of megaman9. As a judge, he created Classic Castle, the second Wily Star II stage for MaGMML2, as well as the part of Reality Core based off the Tier 3 and Tier 4 levels.

He has a Youtube channel, on which he does Let's Plays of various Mega Man ROM hacks and fangames, including the MaGMML series; as of 2025, he has LP'd every currently released MaGMML game except for the original version of Make a Good Mega Man Level.

Level rankings

Judge Ranking Official Ranking Stage Name Creator Judge Score Note
#81 #80 Snow Man CoinMaster 1 / 50
#79 #79 Cardinal Man Rbade 5 / 50
#77 Mix & Match Zaealix 5 / 50
#77 #78 Quirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical Track alex9000 7 / 50
#76 The Fall Willhart 7 / 50
#76 #74 Wily Tower Shidy 8 / 50
#75 #71 Rush City qazcake 9 / 50
#74 #50 Holy Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide? ParmaJon 10 / 50
Least Favorite
#73 #70 Gigavolt Man ThatOneEnder 11 / 50
#72 #63 Combust Man Peterdun 13 / 50
#70 #75 Ancient Tomb NinjaUmbreon 15 / 50
#66 Chomp Man mabskmk 15 / 50
#69 #68 Colorful Hall Chingoku 16 / 50
#67 #62 The Dampening liquafool 17 / 50
#41 Changeable Caverns TheMartianGeek 17 / 50
#65 #73 Airflow Hubble Concord butterfly 18 / 50
#69 Dragon Lab Lair Natnatgaming101 18 / 50
#63 #67 Something Original IcyTower 19 / 50
#45 A Mega Man for All Seasons Z-Saber 19 / 50
#62 #51 Enhanced Mobility Trainman177WS 21 / 50
#61 #43 Starman Recreation KoreyBlue 22 / 50
#60 #52 Poorly Named Level Yoshiatom 23 / 50
#57 #72 Yggdrasil Zatsupachi 24 / 50
#65 SMB3 lizardcommando 24 / 50
#28 Spiky Situation 128-Up 24 / 50
#55 #56 Neon Man CreshMan 25 / 50
#55 Jungle Base TheMegaFan19XX 25 / 50
#54 #64 MegaLondo Lamda 26 / 50
#51 #58 Alien Temple BizarreIdeaMan 27 / 50
#57 Joe Destruction Co. TheYellowGrinch 27 / 50
#30 Cossack's Other Citadel Big Fish 27 / 50
#47 #48 Volcanic Furnace GameTrooper 28 / 50
#46 Quint Stage Quintboi 28 / 50
#42 Wily Coaster PrimePasta 28 / 50
#24 Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a Level Smedis2 28 / 50
#41 DSQ Bouncy Castle Beed28 29 / 50
#54 Orbital Station RadzPower 29 / 50
#47 Elec Dam MelonadeM 29 / 50
#44 AD 2101 awd42 29 / 50
#37 Duwang QuestMark 29 / 50
#33 Blaze Man WanNyan 29 / 50
#40 #53 Shovel Knight Dylan Labiuk 30 / 50
#38 #61 Taco Man SchuSlime64 31 / 50
#35 Just an Ice Level Pachy 31 / 50
#37 #36 Lava Factory DuckSalmon 32 / 50
#31 #40 Joe Man Zieldak 33 / 50
#38 Nitrogen Man MugMan 33 / 50
#32 Gunpowder Cellar Mysterion-svin 33 / 50
#22 Aurora Man SpoonyBardOL 33 / 50
#20 Escape Sequence DoctorNovakaine 33 / 50
#16 Rad Gravity Renhoek 33 / 50
#27 #39 Crystal Lab Schmidkalkan 34 / 50
#34 Biplane Bay tobyjoey 34 / 50
#23 Conveyor Mayhem Thoron 34 / 50
#19 Bond Man TheSkipper1995 34 / 50
#24 #59 Forgotten Fortress BBLIR 35 / 50
#29 Fortified Lab GransveldHakase 35 / 50
#12 Guts Man's Asteroid Flashman85 35 / 50
#20 #60 Candy Panic adrian09_01 36 / 50
#25 Force Man CosmicGem 36 / 50
#21 City Under Siege gone-sovereign 36 / 50
#15 Sector Upsilon 6 M Jacquelinae 36 / 50
#17 #49 Maze of Significantly Less Death MiniMacro 37 / 50
#31 Cursor Curse TheRetroDude 37 / 50
#18 Misty Lake notencore 37 / 50
#15 #17 Donut Observation Center LobsterKing 38 / 50
#6 Beneath Sand and Rock The Stove Guy 38 / 50
#14 #2 The Stage Nobody Asked For Entity1037 39 / 50
#13 #8 Launch Man & Shuttle Man Strife 40 / 50
#10 #27 Ruined Lab betasword 41 / 50
#13 Mount Sabre Kunosachiaka 41 / 50
#9 Komuso Temple Savordez 41 / 50
#9 #10 Boil Man MrKyurem 42 / 50
#8 #4 Neapolitan Man Blackmore_Darkwing 43 / 50
#7 #26 But It Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This is Really Hell Phoba555 44 / 50
#5 #14 Truffle Man lung_ 45 / 50
#7 Cyber Man RedBlupi 45 / 50
#3 #11 Sheriff Man Cruise Elroy 47 / 50
#5 Quarantine Woman NaOH 47 / 50
#2 #3 Haunt Man Korby & Freeman 48 / 50
#1 #1 Identity Crisis Shinryu 49 / 50


MaGMML1: snoruntpyroCheez8Duvi0Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingMrKyurem
MaGMML2: snoruntpyroJupiHornetEnjlGarirryACESpark
MaGMML3: Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingACESparkFlashman85PachyShinryu
Misc.: ParmaJonMiniMacroCreshManPKWeegeeM-JacqFreems

Contest Participants
Other Figures

Staff: PKWeegeeLoyanaWreckingProgramsBlyka
Let's Players: HatredElementalRoahmMythrilPKWeegeeFlashman85JupiHornetDoctor NovakaineNecromMarcos