Machine Gun Joe

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Machine Gun Joe
In-Game Information
HP: 6
Attack Damage: 3 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Weakness(es): Laser Trident, Prismatic Laser, Banshee Wail3
Flame Mixer48H
Flame Chip (Z-Saber)EZ
Top Spin, Black Hole Bomb, Slash Claw, Sakugarne, Wire Adaptor, Super Arm, Chill Spike, Plant BarrierMegamix Only
Category: Joes
Location(s): MaGMML3:
The Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at You
Temple of Light and Dark
Wilys Redemption
Disobedience of Superior Machines
The Return of Veteran Z
Creatively Named Level
House of Fun
The Heist
An Underwater Adventure? Wow!
NEO Pit of Pits
Short Base
MaGMML: Episode Zero:
Vertical Hunger
Null and Void
Misc. Information
Script: マシンガンジョー
Romaji: Mashin Gan Jō
Programmer(s): an absolute loser
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 9
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML3 (Enemy)
MaG48HMML (Enemy)
MaGMML: Episode Zero (Enemy)
Megamix Engine

Machine Gun Joe is an enemy from Mega Man 9. It is a Sniper Joe with a modified arm cannon.

Machine Gun Joe is included in the Megamix Engine, and was available as a devkit enemy in all games built with it. Its MaGMML debut came with Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero, where it appeared in Vertical Hunger and Null and Void. It then went on to appear in the Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level entry Short Base.

Machine Gun Joe returned for Make a Good Mega Man Level 3, and appeared in the entries X6Meme, The Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at You, Temple of Light and Dark, Wilys Redemption, Disobedience of Superior Machines, The Return of Veteran Z, Creatively Named Level, House of Fun, The Heist, and An Underwater Adventure? Wow!. It also made an extra appearance in the NEO Pit of Pits sublevel "Megaman Crushes the Competition!".


Machine Gun Joes behave similarly to Returning Sniper Joes, standing still with their shields up by default, and periodically lowering their shields to shoot projectiles straight forward before raising their shields again. However, Machine Gun Joes shoot 7 projectiles at a time, and have faster firing rates than Returning Sniper Joes. It will also jump after every other time it shoots.

Damage Table[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
1/1/3 1 1 2 3 0.5 3 1/5 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2Megamix Only[edit]

M.Buster H.Chaser J.Satellite G.Buster T.Blade F.Stopper S.Claw W.Cutter Sakugarne W.Adaptor S.Arrow
1/1/3 1 1 1 1 Y 4 2 4 3 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

M.Buster S.Chaser L.Trident W.Shield T.Blow T.Beam M.Shockwave I.Wall B.Dash
1/1/3 1 4 1 4 3 1 2 2
M.Tape L.Flare P.Laser B.Tiller R.Can B.Wail P.Vortex E.Cable T.Shoes R.Guard B.Bobber P.Line
2/1/Y 1 2/3/4 2 4/3 5 0.5 1 1 3 3/1 1
Other Notes

Make a Good 24 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster S.Arm C.Spike Skeletup n' Pakkajoe
1/1/3 4/2 1/5 99
Other Notes

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level[edit]

M.Buster F.Mixer R.Flush S.Shock S.Snake T.Blade S.Water C.Shot H.Sniper Beat
1/1/3 666 2 0 2 1/1/2 2 3 2 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero[edit]

Z-Buster Z-Saber Z-Burst Blank Drive
No Chip 1 4 2 99
Cutter Chip 2 4 3 4
Flame Chip 1 666 2 1
Icicle Chip 1 1 2 1
Zap Chip 1 1 2 2
Psycho Chip 1 1* 2 2
Other Notes *Reflected shots do 2 damage.

Megamix Engine[edit]

M.Buster T.Stopper P.Stone P.Barrier B.Dropper I.Slasher
1/1/3 Y 2 4 2 2
Other Notes