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In-Game Information
HP: 20
Attack Damage: 4 (contact)
4 (spark)
Weakness(es): Thunder Beam, Magnetic Shockwave, Rec Can3
Metal Blade, Triple Blade, Wheel Cutter, Flame Mixer, Salt WaterMegamix Only
Category: Bulky, Nature
Location(s): MaGMML3:
Colosseum of Cohorts Arena
Misc. Information
Japanese Name: Octo Pachipachi
Script: オクトパチパチ
Romaji: Okuto Pachipachi
Programmer(s): Fabian
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 10
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML3 (Midboss)
Megamix Engine

Octobulb is a midboss from Mega Man 10. It is a gigantic octopus-like lightbulb robot.

Octobulb is included in the Megamix Engine, and was included as a devkit miniboss for all games using it. The first game to use it was Make a Good Mega Man Level 3, but only in the Colosseum of Cohorts Arena; to date, no MaGMML game has used an unmodified Octobulb in entry content.


At first, Octobulb is powered off, and cannot be damaged. In this state, it will summon two Little Pachipachis at a time, waiting to spawn more until both of the existing ones have been defeated. By activating a switch-based gimmick that it shares a flag number with (such as a Sheep Conveyor or a Junk Machine) or hitting it with Thunder Beam, Octobulb will be temporarily powered on by bolts of energy. In this state, it cannot summon Little Pachipachis, and can be damaged. If any Octobulb Yoku Block objects have been placed, they will be powered on as well. Once Octobulb loses power, damaging sparks of electricity will be discharged.

Octobulb has three creation code values:

  • myFlag - The flag of the Switch Handler and switch-based gimmick used to power on Octobulb. Setting this in creation code is mandatory.
  • useRails - Decides whether or not Octobulb's sparks work on the rail system used by objects such as Guts Lifts and Crash Lifts. Default is false.
  • maxEnergy - How much energy is needed to fully charge Octobulb. Default is 120.


Sprite Name MaGMML Appearance(s) Location(s) Description Designer(s) HP Attack Damage
OctobulbGenerator.png Octobulb Generator MaGMML3 An Underwater Adventure? Wow! A hybrid of an Octobulb and an Octo Generator. While it shares the latter's ability to spawn enemies (in its case Camons), it primarily behaves like the former, and is considered as such by the Marine Compendium. Yoshiatom 20 4 (contact)
4 (spark)

Damage Table[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
1/1/3 3 1 2 3 0.5 3 1/5 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2Megamix Only[edit]

M.Buster H.Chaser J.Satellite G.Buster T.Blade F.Stopper S.Claw W.Cutter Sakugarne W.Adaptor S.Arrow
1/1/3 1 1 1 3 Y 1 3 4 3 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

M.Buster S.Chaser L.Trident W.Shield T.Blow T.Beam M.Shockwave I.Wall B.Dash
1/1/3 1 1 1 4 3* 4 3 2
M.Tape L.Flare P.Laser B.Tiller R.Can B.Wail P.Vortex E.Cable T.Shoes R.Guard B.Bobber P.Line
2/3/Y 2 1/2/3 1 5/4 4 0.5 1 0.5 3 3/1 1
Other Notes Damage values are identical for Octobulb Generator.
*Instantly powers on Octobulb.

Make a Good 24 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster S.Arm C.Spike Skeletup n' Pakkajoe
1/1/3 4/2 1/5 99
Other Notes

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster F.Mixer R.Flush S.Shock S.Snake T.Blade S.Water C.Shot H.Sniper
1/1/3 4 2 0 2 1/1/2 4 3 2
Other Notes

Megamix Engine[edit]

M.Buster T.Stopper P.Stone P.Barrier B.Dropper I.Slasher
1/1/3 Y 2 4 2 2
Other Notes

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