
From Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest
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In-Game Information
HP: 15
Attack Damage: 5 (contact)
4 (ball)
Weakness(es): Magnetic Shockwave, Lantern Flare, Rec Can3
Metal Blade, Triple Blade, Wheel Cutter, Flame Mixer, Salt WaterMegamix Only
Category: Bulky, Nature
Location(s): MaGMML3:
Weapon Tutorials
Radium Man
Genie's Alley
NEO Pit of Pits
Misc. Information
Script: パオゾー
Romaji: Paozō
Programmer(s): Beed28
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 9
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML3 (Midboss, NPC)
Megamix Engine
"This big elephant that sucks[sic] and throws his ball."
―Note in Paozo's code, Megamix Engine

Paozo is a midboss from Mega Man 9. It is a giant elephant robot with a large ball.

Paozo is included in the Megamix Engine, and was included as a devkit midboss in all games made with it. Its debut came with Make a Good Mega Man Level 3, and it appeared in the entry Radium Man, as well as in the Weapon Tutorials and the NEO Pit of Pits sublevels "A Day at the Piano Gym" and "Big Maw Meadow". Prior to MaGMML3's release, a Paozo appeared in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level as an NPC on the SS Elroy, but otherwise wasn't used in any levels.


Paozo will constantly alternate between pushing its ball and sucking it back using its trunk. While it sucks back its ball, Mega Man will also be sucked back. The ball will also reflect projectiles.

The creation code value "type" determines what color Paozo and its ball will be, and how it pushes its ball. If set to 0 (the default), Paozo and its ball will sport red colors, and the ball will roll along the ground. If set to 1, Paozo and its ball will sport green colors, and the ball will bounce after being pushed.

Damage Table[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
1/1/3 3 1 2 3 0.5 3 1/5 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2Megamix Only[edit]

M.Buster H.Chaser J.Satellite G.Buster T.Blade F.Stopper S.Claw W.Cutter Sakugarne W.Adaptor S.Arrow
1/1/3 1 1 1 3 Y 1 3 4 3 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

M.Buster S.Chaser L.Trident W.Shield T.Blow T.Beam M.Shockwave I.Wall B.Dash
1/1/3 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 2
M.Tape L.Flare P.Laser B.Tiller R.Can B.Wail P.Vortex E.Cable T.Shoes R.Guard B.Bobber P.Line
2/3/Y 2 1/2/3 1 5/4 4 0.5 1 0.5 3 3/1 1
Other Notes

Make a Good 24 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster S.Arm C.Spike Skeletup n' Pakkajoe
1/1/3 4/2 1/5 99
Other Notes

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster F.Mixer R.Flush S.Shock S.Snake T.Blade S.Water C.Shot H.Sniper
1/1/3 4 2 0 2 1/1/2 4 3 2
Other Notes

Megamix Engine[edit]

M.Buster T.Stopper P.Stone P.Barrier B.Dropper I.Slasher
1/1/3 Y 2 4 2 2
Other Notes