Rock Platform

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Rock Platform
In-Game Information
Type: Platform
Location(s): MaGMML(1R):
Flashback Database
Gunpowder Cellar
Reality Core
The Pit of Pits
Null and Void
Programmer(s): Blyka1
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man IV
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML(1R)
Megamix Engine

The Rock Platform is a gimmick from Mega Man IV, found in both Pharaoh Man and Stone Man's stages. It is a stone platform that drops down a level once weight is applied to it.

Rock Platforms were first available in the devkit for the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, but it wasn't used in any entries. They were, however, used in the Wily stage Flashback Database (in the segment based on Wily Combo, despite that entry not using them), but were omitted from the stage's remade iteration in Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered.

Rock Platforms returned in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, and were used in the entry Gunpowder Cellar, as well as the Wily stage Reality Core, the Pit of Pits sublevel "Spinning Top Disposal Room", and in Null and Void.


Rock Platforms remain static until Mega Man lands on them. Once he does so, they shudder for a second before dropping down a block.

By changing the value of the "fallTimer" variable via creation code, the length of time it takes for a Rock Platform to drop can be made longer or shorter.