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WanderBell.png Who even are you anyways?!

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In-Game Information
HP: 22
Attack Damage: 5 (contact)
4 (debris)
Weakness(es): Magnetic Shockwave, Beet Tiller3
Salt Water48H
Flame Chip (Z-Saber, Z-Burst)EZ
Triple Blade, Sakugarne, Plant BarrierMegamix Only
Category: Bulky
Location(s): MaGMML3:
The Actual Rock Man
Nowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loop
NEO Pit of Pits
Saturn Fortress
Rocky Blocky Cavern
Toad Man's Underwater Sea Lab
MaGMML: Episode Zero:
Shift Posting
Misc. Information
Script: ストンピー
Romaji: Sutonpī
Programmer(s): ACESpark
Artist(s): ACESpark
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML3 (Midboss)
MaG48HMML (Midboss, NPC)
MaGMML: Episode Zero (Midboss)
Megamix Engine

"Stompy" is a midboss from Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha. It is a robot that, despite having what appear to be treads, moves exclusively by jumping.

Stompy is included in the Megamix Engine, and was usable as a devkit midboss in all games created with it. Its first appearance was Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero, where it appeared in the stage Shift Posting. It would later appear in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level, in the entries Saturn Fortress, Rocky Blocky Cavern, and Toad Man's Underwater Sea Lab; and in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3, in the entries The Actual Rock Man and Nowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loop, as well as the NEO Pit of Pits sublevels "Cryogenic Lab" and "Rain and Stompy".


Stompy will start the battle by jumping across the room, causing four pieces of debris to fall from the top of the screen. It will then perform three jumps to return to its starting position, causing one piece of debris to fall each time it lands. After this, Stompy restarts its pattern.

The debris created by Stompy's jumps creates a unique explosion effect that lingers for much longer than a typical damaging explosion. In Shift Posting, the speed of this explosion is increased.


Sprite Name MaGMML Appearance(s) Location(s) Description Designer(s) HP Attack Damage
Stomp'n.png Stomp'n MaGMML: Episode Zero Nocturnal Assault A giant Press'n. Zelo (designer)
SRWB (artist)
22 5 (contact)
4 (debris)
TSmasher.png T. Smasher MaGMML3 Toxic Trouble A spider-like creature with a bow tie and top hat. Flora 35 5 (contact)
4 (debris)
Stompy.png Stompy (Underground Runaround) MaGMML3 Underground Runaround A modified Stompy that fires the energy orbs of a Big Snakey instead of rocks when it stomps. DeltaMudkip 28 5 (contact)
5 (slow energy orb)
2 (fast energy orb)

Damage Table[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
1/1/3 1 1 2 3 0.5 3 1/5 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2Megamix Only[edit]

M.Buster H.Chaser J.Satellite G.Buster T.Blade F.Stopper S.Claw W.Cutter Sakugarne W.Adaptor S.Arrow
1/1/3 1 1 1 3 Y 1 2 4 3 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

M.Buster S.Chaser L.Trident W.Shield T.Blow T.Beam M.Shockwave I.Wall B.Dash
1/1/3 1 1 1 4 3 4 2 2
M.Tape L.Flare P.Laser B.Tiller R.Can B.Wail P.Vortex E.Cable T.Shoes R.Guard B.Bobber P.Line
2/3/Y 1 1/2/3 4 4/3 4 0.5 1 0.5 3 3/1 1
Other Notes Damage values are identical for both variants.

Make a Good 24 Hour Mega Man LevelMegamix Only[edit]

M.Buster S.Arm C.Spike Skeletup n' Pakkajoe
1/1/3 4/2 1/5 99
Other Notes

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level[edit]

M.Buster F.Mixer R.Flush S.Shock S.Snake T.Blade S.Water C.Shot H.Sniper Beat
1/1/3 2 2 0 2 1/1/2 4 3 2 2
Other Notes

Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero[edit]

Z-Buster Z-Saber Z-Burst Blank Drive
No Chip 1 1 2 99
Cutter Chip 1 1 2 2
Flame Chip 2 4 4 2
Icicle Chip 1 1 2 1
Zap Chip 1 1 2 2
Psycho Chip 1 1 2 2
Other Notes

Megamix Engine[edit]

M.Buster T.Stopper P.Stone P.Barrier B.Dropper I.Slasher
1/1/3 Y 2 4 2 2
Other Notes