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Artwork by Capcom
Artwork by Capcom
In-Game Information
HP: 1
Attack Damage: 4 (contact)
3 (projectile)1
2 (projectile)1R23
Category: Flying
Location(s): MaGMML(1R):
Chroma Key
Napalm Forest and Caves
Maze of Death
Thunderclyffe Plant
Flashback Database1R
Enhanced Mobility
Reality Core
The Pit of Pits
Null and Void
MaGMML: Episode Zero:
Twilight Terrace
Misc. Information
Script: ターバン
Romaji: Tāban
Alt. Name(s): Bat (Game Gear Mega Man manual)
Programmer(s): Blyka1
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Mega Man 5
Mega Man IV
Mega Man (Game Gear)
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML(1R) (Enemy)
MaGMML2 (Enemy)
MaGMML: Episode Zero (Enemy)
Megamix Engine

Taban is an enemy from Mega Man 5. It is a bat-like surveillance robot created by Dr. Wily.

Taban was first made available in the devkit for the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, where it appeared in the entries Chroma Key, Napalm Forest and Caves, Maze of Death, and Thunderclyffe Plant. Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered adds it to the redesigned Wily stage Flashback Database.

Taban returned in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, where it appeared in the entries MegaLondo and Enhanced Mobility, as well as the Wily stage Reality Core, the Pit of Pits sub-levels "Chroma Key?" and "Maze of Death?", and in Null and Void. It also appeared in the Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero level Twilight Terrace.


At first, Tabans will hide inside their wings, making them impervious to most attacks. They will eventually open up, after which they will slowly chase Mega Man while occasionally firing projectiles at him.

By default, Tabans are green, but by setting "col = 1" in a Taban's creation code, it will turn pink.