Cargo Hold
Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level
Has anyone seen a medium invisible crate?
Theme Music
MaG48HMML - The Sea Sings, Can You Hear It? Judge Comments: MaG48HMML - The Sea Sings Very Quietly
- "Ugh, why can't you remember something so simple? The disco balls are stored in the clothes compartment, inside the second fruit container, in a crate labeled, "Gears"."
- ―Pickelman Bull
The Cargo Hold is the second Tier in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level. It is the storeroom of the SS Elroy, and is filled with a myriad of shipping crates, workers, and a mini-fridge alongside simulations. One such crate is a "medium invisible crate", which the workers have lost and are fruitlessly attempting to find. The contents of this crate, and the reason why it is invisible to begin with, remains one of mankind's most elusive riddles.
This tier has the levels ranked from 99th to 90th. It is also the lair of the first Box Cartel member to challenge Mega Man, Kamikamin. However, his room is filled with crates until 15 Energy Elements have been collected.
- Neither Tier 2 nor Tier 1 contain a sidequest NPC, making them the only tiers in MaG48HMML to lack one.