Treble Boost
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The Treble Boost, also known as the Gospel Boost (ゴスペルブースト, Gosuperu Būsuto), is a weapon from Mega Man & Bass. When summoned, Treble teleports in front of Bass and will fuse with him on contact, transforming him into Super Bass. In this form, Bass is able to fly freely in the air without the burden of gravity, and can move in any direction. His Bass Buster is also altered to shoot a three-way spreadshot that is slightly stronger than his normal shots, and can pass through walls. However, the utility's weapon energy quickly drains for as long as Bass is fused with Treble. While unfused, the Bass Buster fires uncharged shots identical to the Mega Buster, allowing Bass to shoot targets through walls that otherwise block the Bass Buster.
Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level[edit]
The Treble Boost appears in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level as a Special Weapon exclusive to the Bass Mode cheat, where it functions identically to its appearance in Mega Man 10. It replaces both the Rush Coil and the Rush Jet in Bass's weaponset, and any level that disables either of the two weapons will also disable Treble Boost. Likewise, weapon unlocks for the two are altered to be Treble Boost unlocks (even in Megatroid, which has two Treble Boost unlocks as a result of having both a Rush Coil and Rush Jet unlock).
Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]
As in MaG48HMML, the Treble Boost appears in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 as the replacement for the Rush Coil and Rush Jet in Bass Mode. It once again has the same properties as in Mega Man 10, and is disabled in levels that disable either of the two Rush utilities. This rule is relaxed in certain levels where one of the two utilities is needed to either progress or obtain a Trickster Token (e.g. Nowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loop).
In Bass Mode, the Revenge Burst upgrade is replaced with an upgrade for the Treble Boost, known as the Treble Burst. With it, Bass is able to charge and fire a three-way spread of Charge Shots while fused, at the cost of a large amount of weapon energy. The criteria for the "VIII - Justice" achievement is thus altered in Bass Mode, unlocking when a boss is defeated with a Charge Shot from the Treble Boost.
In the main game, Bass uses the Treble Boost in the first phase of his boss fight, gaining the ability to fly, use airborne dashes, and fire aimed spreadshots. In Bass Mode's story, the weapon plays a minor role in the climax, as Bass uses it to defeat the Wily Jet instead of the Rush Bike.
If the "Green Stars...?" cheat is active, the Treble Boost is disabled in all levels with uncollected Silver Stars, and is replaced with the Rush Coil and Rush Jet (albeit renamed to "Treble Coil" and "Treble Jet").
- In MaG48HMML, the Treble Boost will not disqualify buster-only leaderboard runs as long as Bass and Treble remain unfused, allowing use of the pseudo-Mega Buster. This is to allow Bass to complete levels that Mega Man could otherwise do buster only without problem, since the Bass Buster cannot pass through walls.