Under Construction

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8th: Under Construction

Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)

"Finish the level; I wanna see what it's like when it's done."
Duvi0, in your average judge review.

Under Construction is the 8th place entry in Make a Good Mega Man Level. Predominantly using tiles from Needle Man's stage, it features many bulky enemies, which are introduced before the first checkpoint. Furthermore, it contains Metalls that only fire one projectile and Garyobys that always move at top speed, regardless of Mega Man's vertical position.


MegaBusterWep.png I'll beam you out after I finish my soap opera.

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This level is pretty simple, but be wary of the many beefy enemies, such as Shield Attacker, Pandeeta, and Gachappon.

Judge Comments
snoruntpyro snoruntpyro snoruntpyro : 71 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
22 / 25 19 / 25 7 / 15 10 / 15 6 / 10 8 / 10

This was super fun!! The whole level was really well-designed, especially that one Shield Attacker towards the end that was specifically placed to be turning around when you finished climbing the ladder :3. And overall it was just filled with a bunch of super neat mixes of obstacles, like the needles and gumball machines! I had a ton of fun! also bcas oooowwwwnnsss

Cheez8 Cheez8 Cheez8 : 70 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
17 / 25 19 / 25 8 / 15 11 / 15 7 / 10 8 / 10

Not sure I'm much of a fan of the "complicated platforming terrain" style this has going for it- it kind of brought out all the little problems in the engine (or all the clumsiness in me. Take your pick.) All the big, bulky enemies definitely made me notice a lack of health refills, too, but I had a good time all the same.

Duiv0 Duvi0 Duvi0 : 73 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
20 / 25 14 / 25 4 / 15 12 / 15 6 / 10 7 / 10

Finish the level; I wanna see what it's like when it's done.

Mick Galbani Mick Galbani / Blackmore Darkwing Mick Galbani : 66 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
21 / 25 15 / 25 6 / 15 9 / 15 5 / 10 10 / 10

No real comments here, nothing here really stood out as 'why' worthy to me. Not the most creative level, but it isn't a cheap or unfair level either, it's overall pretty good. I have to give you props for using what was there in a fairly solid manner. Also, really liked your song choice

MrKyurem MrKyurem MrKyurem : 56 / 100
Personal Fun Factor Other Fun Factor Uniqueness Creativity Graphics Music
18 / 25 16 / 25 7 / 15 5 / 15 5 / 10 5 / 10

Coherent theming all the way through was quite nice. However, some choices in this level were questionable - pandas appeared to replace the armoured cannons semi-randomly, which was odd, considering they are very similar enemy types (and the pandas are arguably easier). Some rooms also didn't really communicate well with the player, like the first room with the ice wall (I originally thought this was a death pit). Overall, enjoyable, but not perfect.


  • SnoruntPyro's judge review originally had the word "#memes", but the word was removed for unknown reasons.
  • The behaviour of the Metalls and Garyobys in this stage stems from creation code variables only present in the original MaGMML devkit. Both the number of shots a Metall fired, and whether a Garyoby was always fast or always slow, could be changed. Under Construction was the only level in the contest to take advantage of these attributes.
Make a Good Mega Man Level - Tier 4
Entry Stages
Under ConstructionSpiky MeltdownThunderclyffe PlantResearch Facility
Wily Archives
Tier Boss
Justice Man
Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyEddieZero
Entry Stages
Chroma KeyCitadel BasementCity WarGlass ManHard to See LandLevelMaze of DeathMega Man WorldMidnight SnowNapalm Forest and CavesNEON GRAVITYObjective: Vain SpaceResearch FacilitySky ZigguratSpiky MeltdownSunset SiegeThe QuickeningThunderclyffe PlantUnder ConstructionWily Combo
Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
Special Weapons
Mega BusterMetal BladeGemini LaserSolar BlazeTop SpinThunder WoolPharaoh ShotBlack Hole BombMagic CardPower Orb1RRush CoilRush Jet
Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Wily CastleDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopThe Arena
Tier Bosses
Jolt Man1Him1RDagger ManYoku ManJustice Man
Other Bosses
Entry Bosses
Wily ArchivesMoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Fortress Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir CapsuleWily Machine TROPHYZero
Optional Bosses
Bright ManThe Impaler1RZero Soul