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In-Game Information
HP: 56
Attack Damage: 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
2 (Taurus)
3 (Non-Human, Slam Man, Doodlebob, Thomas)
3 (basketball, Flame Shield)
4 (Toss Tortoise, Pencil Bomb, coal)
Weakness(es): Cutter Chip (Z-Burst)
Affiliations: N/A
Type: Space
Occupation: Eldritch Entity
Main Stage: Null and Void
Misc. Information
Script: ウンウンウニウム
Romaji: Unununiumu
Designer(s): snoruntpyro
Programmer(s): snoruntpyro
Artist(s): snoruntpyro
Gender: None
Eye Color: Red
Series Information
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML: Episode Zero (Boss)

Unununium is a boss from Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero. It is a non-sentient chaotic entity forged from Energy Elements corrupted by a myriad of energy types, such as Evil Energy and the energy generated by Wargates and Tier X. This cocktail of power sources gives it the ability to open Wargates at will, but also renders it dangerously unstable.

Unununium appears in Null and Void as the penultimate boss of the game, and is fought after SRARA.


Unununium follows a set, predictable pattern, albeit one that's several attacks long. First it bounces erratically across the screen for several seconds, then drops to the ground and rolls straight for Zero. Afterwards, it flies to random areas while dropping dark Energy Elements five times; on hitting the ground, these explode into eight projectiles that fly out in a counterclockwise spiral. Next, it creates a copy of itself, and both Unununiums fly to random spots before pounding the ground and rising back up five times. If Zero is on the ground when they strike, he will be knocked off his feet briefly. The clone cannot be damaged, and is distinguished from the original by constantly flickering. After a while, the clone self-destructs, and Unununium flies to five preset spots, each time shooting an eight-way spread of projectiles that travel in a sine wave pattern.

Once this is done, it flies to the top of the screen, charges energy, and creates two Wargates on the top corners of the screen. From these, a boss from Skullman in: Scooby Doc 4: The Destroyer (Featuring Atsushi Onita) and a boss from Mega Man: Square Root of Negative One are summoned in one of four potential duos. These bosses are immune to all damage, and disappear after a certain period of time:

  • Taurus and Illuminati: Taurus slowly drives back and forth across the arena, sending harmful puffs of smoke up into the air before they slowly drop back down. Illuminati teleports around the top of the screen while firing projectiles aimed at Zero.
  • Non-Human and Toss Tortoise: Non-Human spits out pairs of fingers that walk right and occasionally stop to jump straight up into the air. Toss Tortoise rolls back and forth across the arena.
  • Slam Man and Doodlebob: Slam Man stays on the left and fires basketballs that bounce briefly before rolling along the ground. Doodlebob jumps around while throwing explosive Pencil Bombs.
  • Thomas and Angry Sun: Thomas fires coal into the air, which explodes in a five-way spreadshot of bullets. He charges to the other side and repeats the coal attack, before jumping offscreen and entering the background, where he will charge towards Zero after a small delay. Angry Sun circles the arena in a clockwise pattern while surrounded by its Flame Shield, which can be destroyed (though it is very durable).

Once the summoned duo vanishes, Unununium flies to one of the upper corners and constantly spews columns of bullets to the other side. Frequently, it will teleport Zero into the air, and potentially into a bullet column if he isn't already in between one. Each teleport is signalled by a light burst emanating from Unununium. Afterwards, it directly charges towards Zero multiple times, stopping after hitting one of the screen's edges, then flies to the top of the screen and shoots up to five shots that bounce all over the arena before self-destructing. Finally, it fires a series of boomerang cutters outward; the first two times, it fires four outward akin to the Cutter Chip's Blank Drive, but then Unununium fires them out one at a time in a much more erratic fashion. After this, Unununium repeats its pattern from the start.

Damage Table[edit]

Z-Buster Z-Saber Z-Burst Blank Drive
No Chip 1.5 2 2 7
Cutter Chip 2 2.5 3 2
Flame Chip 1.5 2 2 1
Icicle Chip 1.5 2 2 1
Zap Chip 1.5 2 2 2
Psycho Chip 0 2 0 0
Other Notes


  • Unununium's name is derived from the placeholder name given to what is now known as roentgenium. Coincidentally, it has an atomic number of 111, creating an unintentional naming scheme of incremental numbers with Zero, Duo, and Trio.
  • The noises Unununium makes are taken from Fawful's sound effects in the Mario & Luigi series.
  • Unununium's pattern is designed to sync up with the fight's music as long as the player doesn't pause during the battle.
  • Unununium's cutter attack is lifted directly from Void's fight in Kirby Star Allies.

Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero - Chapter 3
Entrance to Tier XGhouls n' GhastsToxic TunnelsLooping Growth GardenRainbow RavineShift PostingPsionic Space StationIce BreakerCode LandfillLily AirpadNull and Void
List of Bosses
SRARA MetChesderChesder's RevengeRed Arremer ManAmoeba DroidPsionic ManGiga Count 2.0Cloud Devil 2.0Toad Man
Null and Void Bosses
Alter ArchiveBig ChungusDust ManElec ManElec SpineHatter JoeIllumina AlphaMagmatronMega Man 2 NETAPepsi Man's RevengePico ShuffleQuick ManTrailing Zero
Final Bosses
Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero
Zero (Costumes) • Dr. WilySRARA (SRARA Up n' DownSRARA JoeSRARA Shield AttackerSRARA Met) • Agent KrantzAgent SternDr. HydeGalaxy ManYamato ManPirate Man
Special Weapons
Z-BusterZ-SaberZ-BurstBlank Drive
Cutter ChipFlame ChipIcicle ChipZap ChipPsycho Chip
Chapter 1 Stages
Explosive FreefallSurveillance CanyonGusty GorgeDefeat the Giant Spear Man!Contra BaseKingdom CrisisLost ValleySkyhigh RidgeTwilight TerraceAbandoned LabSubterranean StrongholdVertical Hunger
Chapter 2 Stages
Flame Path
Scorched FactoryHot StepsRecoil ReconDispute Over SawbladesScarlet TempleRefurbished PyramidSurfboard ShowdownOffshore Hangar ClusterHorizon Zero
Icicle Path
Frosty FieldsWhen Spike Drops Freeze OverRobot Ink Printing FacilityForgotten Fortress: The LabNocturnal AssaultSpringy ScaffoldingBlocBunkerMidnight AuroraMetropolitan Neapolitan
Zap Path:
Force FacilityPepsi ZeroEntrance SuccessionProjectile Party!Volt Man FactoryLightningrod LabShocking Wacko StageOut of OrderStormy Spire
Psycho Path:
The Red WoodsVertical Vine VentureString TheoryCursor CorruptionTemporal PillarBubble BaseWicked WaterworksIn the FleshSpace Jam
Construction of ConstructionsMojo DojoS.R.A.R.A. HQ
Chapter 3 Stages
Entrance to Tier XGhouls n' GhastsToxic TunnelsLooping Growth GardenRainbow RavineShift PostingPsionic Space StationIce BreakerCode LandfillLily Airpad
Null and Void
Mega CityDr. Wily's Secret Bunker
Chapter 1 Bosses
Mega ManDangerous DuckGiant Spear ManSRARA Up n' DownGomeramos KingDethgerbisPiranhabiranThwomp ManHoney WomanDoc Robot OverloadedPunkBoomer KuwangerGiga Kuwagata
Chapter 2 Bosses
Flame Path
Elemental AcesFighting FefnirFire Boy GHBlade Man DOSSparky
Icicle Path
Blizzard ManStomp'nStomp'n VioletHindjoeWafer Wagon
Zap Path
Force GuardPepsi ManOcto BrainReally Goddang Cool Quick ManVolt Man the RealAlastorWar Blur
Psycho Path
Totem Polen PlusTotem Polen EXBone DragonSpider PottonRecluse WomanInternet DestroyerCursorSakuya IzayoiToad Man Bubble BaseSplash Woman's RevengeHaiker GCWU-41BIntest TinheadBaskette Ball
SRARA JoeSRARA Shield AttackerDuo
Chapter 3 Bosses
SRARA MetChesderChesder's RevengeRed Arremer ManAmoeba DroidPsionic ManGiga Count 2.0Cloud Devil 2.0Toad Man
Null and Void
Alter ArchiveBig ChungusDust ManElec ManElec SpineHatter JoeIllumina AlphaMagmatronMega Man 2 NETAPepsi Man's RevengePico ShuffleQuick ManTrailing Zero
Final Bosses
Optional Bosses
Hyper PicketmanYamato ManCutter GolemFlame GolemIcicle GolemZap GolemPsycho GolemGameStop Duck