Wily Machine TROPHY

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Wily Machine TROPHY
In-Game Information
HP: 84 (total)
28 (each phase)
Attack Damage: Phase 1:
7 (contact)1
3 (all projectiles)1
5 (large bomb, purple shots)1
6 (contact)1R
2 (small projectile, ground shots)1R
3 (Killer Bullet, bouncing shots, missile)1R
4 (explosions, bombs, horn boomerang)1R
Phase 2:
7 (contact)1
3 (Special Weapons)1
4 (undetonated Solar Blaze)1
6 (contact, Power Orb)1R
2 (Special Weapons)1R
3 (spinning horn, Black Hole Bomb)1R
5 (Pharaoh Shot)1R
Phase 3:
2 (contact)1
3 (projectiles, laser beam)1
3 (contact)1R
2 (bouncing ball, mini UFO, shot barrage, ground shots)1R
3 (projectiles, bomb + explosion)1R
1 (missile shrapnel)1R
4 (missile explosion)1R
5 (split bomb)1R
Weakness(es): Pharaoh Shot (Phase 1)
Gemini Laser (Phase 2)
Thunder Wool, Power Orb1R (Phase 3)
Type: Copy
Main Stage: Flashback Database
Misc. Information
Script: ワイリーマシンTROPHY
Romaji: Wairī Mashin TROPHY
Designer(s): snoruntpyro1
Spin Attaxx1R
Programmer(s): snoruntpyro1
Spin Attaxx1R
Artist(s): Enjl (Phase 1 and 2)11R
Spin Attaxx (Phase 3)1R
Series Information
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML(1R) (Boss)
Phase 1 (MaGMML) Phase 2 (MaGMML) Phase 3 (MaGMML)
Phase 1 (MaGMML1R) Phase 2 (MaGMML1R) Phase 3 (MaGMML1R)
"And now, Mega Man - time for you to meet your doom!"
Doctor Albert W. Wily, Make a Good Mega Man Level

Wily Machine TROPHY is a boss in Make a Good Mega Man Level, appearing in the Wily stage Flashback Database. It is a Wily Machine shaped like a giant skull-motifed trophy, fueled by the numerous Energy Elements collected by Mega Man prior to his showdown with it.


Make a Good Mega Man Level[edit]

Wily Machine TROPHY will slowly float back and forth on the right side of the screen at first, randomly using the following attacks:

  • Fire a large black bomb straight down that splits into two purple projectiles.
  • Toss a small black bomb (identical in appearance to those used by Bombier) straight up, which falls down and splits into 8 projectiles upon landing.
  • Fire a missile (identical in appearance to those used by Yudon) that flies straight forward before homing in on Mega Man.
  • Fire a spread of three small projectiles.
  • Toss a Super Cutter at Mega Man.
  • Drop a small pulsating energy ball that bounces along the ground.

After Wily Machine TROPHY's first health bar is depleted, it will move lower to the ground and change its attack set to one using variants of Mega Man's Special Weapons:

  • Fire a Metal Blade straight forward.
  • Fire a Gemini Laser that bounces off the edge of the screen as three smaller lasers flying in arcs.
  • Fire a Solar Blaze fireball that stops a short distance in front of the machine, then splits in two.
  • Fire a Top Spin-using copy of Mega Man in the real Mega Man's direction.
  • Fire a Thunder Wool cloud straight upwards, which flies forward until it's directly over Mega Man, at which point it will drop lightning.
  • Fire a Black Hole straight forward. The Black Hole has a gravitational pull.
  • Summon four large Pharaoh Shot projectiles from the top of the screen, which home in on Mega Man shortly after appearing.
  • Fire a Magic Card straight forward that boomerangs back to the machine.

After the second health bar is depleted, Wily Machine TROPHY will explode. Dr. Wily will then bounce around the room in his Wily UFO, periodically using one of four attacks:

  • Toss a purple projectile that travels in an arc.
  • Drop a purple projectile straight down that splits into two small pulsating energy balls upon landing.
  • Fire a spread of eight bright energy balls.
  • Summon a bright laser from a random position below the screen. The location is telegraphed by small rising sparks.

After depleting the third and final health bar, the battle will end.

Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered[edit]

Wily Machine TROPHY's first form will choose one attack from a list, then jump towards Mega Man's position, facing towards him upon landing. It will not repeat an attack if it is among the last two attacks it used. The attacks the first form has access to are:

  • Shooting a volley of four Killer Bullets that fall in an arc. On contact with the ground, they explode.
  • Tossing two small black bombs (identical in appearance to those used by Bombier) in an arc. On landing, the bombs explode and release an eight-way spreadshot.
  • Dropping a large black bomb that explodes and sends two purple projectiles crawling across the ground.
  • Throwing its horn towards Mega Man, which boomerangs back to the machine.
  • Shooting up to six homing missiles (identical in appearance to those used by Yudon).
  • Shooting a volley of six large bouncing shots; every other shot will bounce higher.

When the first form is defeated, Wily Machine TROPHY will jump to the right side of the screen, and start flying up and down upon transforming into its second form. It will then fly back and forth across the arena, facing Mega Man whenever possible, while using attacks based on his Special Weapons. It will not repeat an attack if it is among the last three attacks it used.

  • Fire a triple spreadshot of Metal Blades forwards.
  • Shoot Gemini Laser "tears" from each of its eyes, which reflect off of the walls and floor.
  • Drop two Solar Blazes that detonate on contact with the floor, sending two waves of fire out.
  • Drop its horn while flying to the right side of the screen. When the horn lands, it starts spinning, rushes to the left side of the screen, then bounces up and down akin to the Top Spin before reconnecting with Wily Machine TROPHY.
  • Shoot a Thunder Wool cloud into the air which slowly tracks Mega Man. After a delay, it shoots a bolt of lightning downwards; when striking the ground, it creates two electric sparks that crawl along the ground.
  • Shoot a Black Hole Bomb that slowly tracks Mega Man before detonating at a certain height. While the bomb is tracking Mega Man, Wily Machine TROPHY flies to the right side of the screen. When the bomb is active, it pulls Mega Man towards it while the machine drops its spinning horn to the ground, where it dashes to the black hole before dashing back to the machine.
  • Charge up a Pharaoh Shot in its mouth before firing it directly at Mega Man. Wily Machine TROPHY will shoot up to four Pharaoh Shots.
  • Drop a "deck" of three Magic Cards that individually fly in Mega Man's direction, before flying back in the opposite direction.
  • Encase itself in a large Power Orb and start bouncing across the arena. After a while, the glass will crack and shatter. If the Power Orb isn't unlocked, Wily Machine TROPHY will never use this attack.

Once the second form is defeated, Wily Machine TROPHY drops to the ground and explodes, at which point the battered Wily UFO flies into the air. It then proceeds to bounce across the arena while using a number of attacks at random (though Wily will never use the same attack twice in a row):

  • Dropping a blue missile that explodes on impact with the ground, releasing four arcing shrapnel (identical to that created by Bombomb).
  • Dropping a red bomb that sticks to the ground and explodes after a delay, sending two purple shots out on either side.
  • Shooting two orange balls that bounce up and down and off of walls. After a while, they self-destruct.
  • Shooting two miniature Wily UFOs that drift down offscreen while flying left to right. The mini UFOs shoot small projectiles at Mega Man frequently.
  • Dropping a small black skull bomb that releases a spreadshot of eight purple projectiles.
  • Charging up and firing a barrage of four purple shots at Mega Man (identical to the ones used in the pre-fight cutscene).

When the Wily UFO loses half its health, it will drop a large number of teleporters on both sides of the arena, giving Mega Man less room to avoid Wily's attacks. If one of these teleporters drops on Mega Man, he will be crushed.

Damage Tables[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man Level[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card
Phase 1 1/1/2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1/2/5 1
Phase 2 1/1/2 1 1* 1 0 1 1 1/2/2 1
Phase 3 1/1/3 1 1 1 0 4 1 2/2/2 1
Other Notes *Phase 2 lacks invincibility frames when hit by Gemini Laser.

Make a Good Mega Man Level Remastered[edit]

M.Buster M.Blade G.Laser S.Blaze T.Spin T.Wool B.H.Bomb P.Shot M.Card P.Orb
Phase 1 1/1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2/6 1 1
Phase 2 1/1/2 1 1* 1 1 1 2 1/2 1 2
Phase 3 1/1/3 1 1 1 1 4 2 1/2 1 4
Other Notes *Phase 2 lacks invincibility frames when hit by Gemini Laser.


  • In the original Make a Good Mega Man Level, the machine lacked a proper name, with the Arena simply naming it "Dr. Wily". The remake named it Wily Machine TROPHY to fit with the naming system established by Wily Machine SWORD and Wily Machine Arc.

Make a Good Mega Man Level - Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
List of Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir Capsule
Final Bosses
Wily Machine TROPHYZero
Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyEddieZero
Entry Stages
Chroma KeyCitadel BasementCity WarGlass ManHard to See LandLevelMaze of DeathMega Man WorldMidnight SnowNapalm Forest and CavesNEON GRAVITYObjective: Vain SpaceResearch FacilitySky ZigguratSpiky MeltdownSunset SiegeThe QuickeningThunderclyffe PlantUnder ConstructionWily Combo
Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
Special Weapons
Mega BusterMetal BladeGemini LaserSolar BlazeTop SpinThunder WoolPharaoh ShotBlack Hole BombMagic CardPower Orb1RRush CoilRush Jet
Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Wily CastleDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopThe Arena
Tier Bosses
Jolt Man1Him1RDagger ManYoku ManJustice Man
Other Bosses
Entry Bosses
Wily ArchivesMoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Fortress Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir CapsuleWily Machine TROPHYZero
Optional Bosses
Bright ManThe Impaler1RZero Soul