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MelonadeM, also known as Mel (and formerly known as m9m) is a musician and artist for the Make a Good Mega Man Level series, notably on MaGMML2, providing some of the graphics for the hub, also providing both graphic and music work for MaG48HMML.

Outside of MaGMML, he is best known for his work on the fangame Mega Man Y+1, as well as numerous other fangames and projects.

In Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, he submitted Elec Dam.


MaGMML1: snoruntpyroCheez8Duvi0Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingMrKyurem
MaGMML2: snoruntpyroJupiHornetEnjlGarirryACESpark
MaGMML3: Mick Galbani/Blackmore DarkwingACESparkFlashman85PachyShinryu
Misc.: ParmaJonMiniMacroCreshManPKWeegeeM-JacqFreems

Contest Participants
Other Figures

Staff: PKWeegeeLoyanaWreckingProgramsBlyka
Let's Players: HatredElementalRoahmMythrilPKWeegeeFlashman85JupiHornetDoctor NovakaineNecromMarcos