Tier 7 (MaG48HMML)

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Art Gallery

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level

Just look at that cocky smile. He knows he gets to hang next to 48th place!
"(You're no art critic, but this certainly looks like... a shape.)"
―Description of a cube-shaped statue

The Art Gallery is the seventh Tier in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level. It is a large hall onboard the SS Elroy that hosts a large number of paintings, statues, and sculptures for the passengers to peruse and enjoy. Bizarrely, the highest-ranking simulations in the tier lead into a dusty basement, which has little else of note other than a Tamp. By talking to it, it can teleport Mega Man back to the elevator, saving him some time backtracking.

This tier has the levels ranked from 49th to 40th.


Rank Stage Name Creator Score Elements
49th Scrub City Listless Quent 59 / 100 Element.png
48th Oh No! More Compactors SCMidna 59.25 / 100 Element.png
47th Cossack's Playground betasword 59.50 / 100 Element.png
46th Rocky Blocky Cavern TruffledToad 59.75 / 100 Element.png
45th Cryonics Lab 742mph 60.25 / 100 Element.png
44th Weapon Testing Facility Shimon11 60.50 / 100 Element.png
43rd Burning Bunker Brash Buster 60.75 / 100 Element.png
42nd Caution: Moving Parts gone-sovereign 61.25 / 100 Element.png
41st Twilight Fortress Autofire 61.75 / 100 Element.png
40th Footloose Squatch 62 / 100 Element.png



  • One of the statues, "Thinker Joe", homages the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, whose first case features a clock in the shape of The Thinker that announces the time. Like that clock, its ability to accurately tell the time is often slightly dodgy as it only reads the system clock when the room is first loaded.
  • The "Alien" statue gives a different description if examined while wearing the Roll costume.
  • Tier 7 is one of only two tiers to have a Sidequest NPC available from the start of the game (the other being HEART*HAT in Tier 11). However, Mack cannot progress the See Seasickness sidequest without first talking to Turner, who is locked behind 7 Energy Elements.

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level - Tier 7
Entry Stages
Scrub CityOh No! More CompactorsCossack's PlaygroundRocky Blocky CavernCryonics LabWeapon Testing FacilityBurning BunkerCaution: Moving PartsTwilight FortressFootloose
List of Bosses
PunkMetall DaddyFlash ManQuick ManFire ManUranusToad ManPower Piston
Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightBox Cartel (Don AteteminoKamikaminDockalockerBlockySquare Machine) • RollJosephDeleuze PipiSargeSidequest NPCs
Special Weapons
Flame MixerRain FlushSpark ShockSearch SnakeTengu BladeSalt WaterConcrete ShotHoming SniperRush CoilRush JetBeat
Exclusive to Cheats
Treble Boost
A Waste of SpaceAbandoned MineAir LabsAlpha-OmegaAncient ZigguratAsinine FactoryBase in the BoondocksblainzBraving New DepthsBunker 20XXBurning BunkerCascadeCaution: Moving PartsCelestial ResortCentral ComputerCloudy CityCombustible Alien Variable EventsCombustible QuagmireCombustion CastleCommando CavernsCopper CaveCornerstone to DominateCosmological FactoryCossack's PlaygroundCrashing in the DarkCryonics LabCurious SkymachineCutting Edge TechnologyDarkwing CityDeep Dark TempleDeep Within the JungleDown the DrainEnkers RevengeanceExoplanet EverestFaint Flying FactoryFire Armed to the BeakFlamecrush ForestFlaming FortressFlower CoreFlowers and ThornsFootlooseForest CastleFortified BaseFrigid InfernoFrozen LabGettin' out of DogecityGraviMan INC.Hopping High Above DangerIce Treatment FacilityIHOPEIWINInto the FurnaceJust a Space LevelLasers and PlatformsLime and LameMake a 48 Minute Mega Man LevelMega Man Saves Canada from the Evil Clutches ofMegatroidMinari Hydrospace CenterMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoon BaseMystic MuseumObligatory Enemy Spam LevelOh NoOh No! More CompactorsOne Night in XanaduOrbital AssaultOrdinance With LyricsOuter ExcavationPerilous MountainPint House Power HousePlanet XanlordusRealm of the Lich LordRobot Recycling CenterRocky Blocky CavernRunning Down a DrainSaturn FortressScissors 'n ShrimpsScrub CitySeahorse CityShort BaseShort-Tempered CircuitSleet CitadelSlipping Through TimeSonic Man's SpaceshipSpace PipesSpicy Banana Bread StorehouseSpicy Top ActionStormy TowerSuper Pipe WorldTaking a DipTesla CoilThe AbyssThe Bouncy Octa BoomThe End of Needle Man?!The Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki RoomThrough the CrabacombsToad Man's Underwater Sea LabTowerTwilight FortressUntested Rush JobVoid QuestVolcanic FacilityWarehouse of ConveyorsWater Park SupWeapon Testing FacilityWell Oiled MachineWily StationWindy Conditions
Cartel Hideout
Deep Sea Break-InHydrothermal LayerPandora's Parlor
SS ElroyTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Tier 6Tier 7Tier 8Tier 9Tier 10Tier 11Cartel HideoutDouble-Action BoutiqueSpecial Weapon Bootcamp
Devkit Bosses
Cut ManGuts ManBomb ManFire ManMetal ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManCrash ManFlash ManHeat ManWood ManBoobeam TrapGemini ManTop ManSpark ManKamegoro MakerToad ManPharaoh ManDust ManMetall DaddyGravity ManStone ManGyro ManDark Man 4Blizzard ManPlant ManRounder IIPower PistonHoney WomanMega Mech SharkCommando ManChill ManSolar ManEnkerQuintPunkGiant SuzyBalladeHunter Type AMercurySaturnUranusIron BallGrey DevilDangan ManKomuso ManOil ManSonic ManDyna Man
Modified Bosses
BombMan.EXEMother BrainThe City of St. PetersburgToxic Seahorse?Bandana Wander BellQuick Man DuoDarkwing DuckBerserker Merserker🔥 ManLich ManEmpress ElysiaNot Napalm ManStatue of Wizard Swenner
Box Cartel Fights
KamikaminDockalockerBlockySquare Machine
Fortress Guardians
Sea King: The AftermathShinsopod What! & Shinkhangel Where!Don Atetemino
Other Bosses
Haunted TVShadow ImposterPirate Man