Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level
Make a Good Mega Man Novel
Theme Music
MaG48HMML - The Sea Sings, Can You Hear It? Judge Comments: MaG48HMML - The Sea Sings Very Quietly
- "I keep hearing patrons arguing with each other about their favorite book series and what counts as "cannon." Like, hello, I'm right here! Just ask me!"
- ―Cannon
The Library is the eighth Tier in Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level. It is a large library that passengers of the SS Elroy are free to browse at their leisure, with a suite of books and computers. The tier is a large square, with a one-way slide passage to the left of the elevator; by using the Concrete Shot, Mega Man can slide through the opposite direction and reach the higher-ranked simulations quickly.
This tier has the levels ranked from 39th to 30th.
- The "Choose Your Joe Adventure" book the Sniper Joe is reading is a homage to OH JOES!! (A Proto Man Adventure), a fangame created by Flashman85. Along with the reference to Regular Joe stealing the Proto Shield, each outcome has Proto Man using the Laser Trident and/or the Skull Barrier, both weapons included in OH JOES!!.
- The Camouflametall's quip about finding 899 more of it is a take-that against The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's infamous Korok Seed sidequest.
- Tier 8 breaks the pattern of a Box Cartel member inhabiting every other tier, with Square Machine instead appearing in Tier 9.