Fight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!

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58th: Fight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3

Show me! Show you! Kikkoman! Kikkoman!
C meirl.png
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Fight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce! is the 58th place entry in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3. The level has a monochrome ASCII aesthetic throughout, with the various stage elements and enemies all conforming to the aesthetic. Mega Man begins the stage with only Rush Bike (which has infinite ammo), but soon after transitions into a more conventional platforming stage involving Jewel Platforms.


MegaBusterWep.png I'll beam you out after I finish my soap opera.

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Judge Comments[edit]

Judge Comments
Mick Galbani Mick Galbani Mick Galbani : 45 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
19 / 35 5 / 25 8 / 15 5 / 15 8 / 10

...What? Okay seriously... what? This was easily one of the most baffling concepts I've seen in a while, and I had to look it up to make some sense of the whole idea. I see what this was going for... but I'm not sure if it works. Mega Man looks extraordinarily out of place, and the rock remix, while awesome, distracted me from the level enough that I'm not sure it works as background music.

The level starts interesting, riding in on Rush Bike just like the soy sauce superhero. It can take some getting used to, but it's an excellent start to the level... or at least it would be if this was a Rush Bike level. Unfortunately, the bike is abandoned after the intro, which is a crying shame as there were definitely opportunities for more speed-platforming with the doggo-cycle.

To make matters worse, the ASCII lair is a lot less fun than what's before it. Granted, the final room with everything over a pool of 'water' is a fun time, and the : 3 block puzzles are entertaining, particularly with wind. However, while the Cat-tops get entertaining set-ups-namely the fourth token-dealing with them and Pendulums at the same time can be a bit frustrating. Thankfully, that's really only one instance, so the level by itself really isn't bad, just less fun than it could've been.

But then there's the boss... oh good land, the BOSS! I'm not much of a Heinz guy to begin with (I prefer French's myself), but ye goodness that was a mess. High-pressure, continuous bullet spam that kills you in 6 hits. Barriers every time you shoot it (which creates a LOT of waiting). You can't clear the ridiculous spray of minions with Tornado Blow because that causes a near-undodgeable barrier to form. The inconsistent guarding behaviour makes it really unclear if any weapons are effective. And the boss takes barely any damage, especially considering its vulnerability time. Approximately half of my personal recording is spent on this travesty, and I pretty much just brute-forced the thing. If there's a trick to this? I'd love to know, otherwise the heints bottle is such a terrible boss that I genuinely would've preferred an energy element anti-climax.

It's a shame, this started out kind of fun, but once we dropped Rush Bike it turned into a completely different level, and the boss just... it was such a catastrophe of a fight that I genuinely dread playing this level again.

Shinryu Shinryu Shinryu : 67 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
21 / 35 16 / 25 12 / 15 8 / 15 10 / 10

I'm pretty sure there's an underlying joke here that I'm just not getting. Either way, this was...uniquely odd. I don't mean that in a bad way, mind you. This is actually a fairly interesting stage with a lot going for it.

The most stand-out thing here is easily the aesthetics. It's actually pretty charming, what with everything being made out of ASCII characters. The renditions of classic Mega Man enemies in this style is also pretty amusing, even if some of them feel a bit underutilized (the Mono Roader in particular doesn't seem to show up much here). For as fun as the ASCII art is to look at, though, it doesn't forgive how lacking most of the background is. The few screens that have background details actually look pretty nice, and I wish they had a greater presence over the flat, slightly-off shade of white that makes up most of the backdrop here.

Visuals aside, the stage itself actually plays out fairly well. While I wasn't really a fan of the opening Rush Bike segment, everything after that is a well-constructed series of platforming challenges. My favorite aspect of all this is how the enemies complement the room layouts and gimmicks, especially the Fan Fiends and the Komasaburos. They're set up in a variety of ways that contribute something to the platforming (rather than just being there for the sake of it), which is always a plus in my book.

My only major complaints with this stage come from some of the tokens, as well as the end boss. In the case of the former, I found the first three tokens to be a lot harder to obtain than the final two, as you can easily lock yourself out of them just by missing some jumps (or by raising a platform too high in the case of the third one). As for the boss, his fight is just pure chaos. He spits out far too many projectiles, deals massive amounts of damage, and only takes one point of health from most weapons. Certain ones don't even hurt him, but still trigger his counter shots (such as Tornado Blow, which ends up flooding the screen even more). It's a bit of a sour note to end an otherwise decently good stage on, but for what it's worth, I still enjoyed most of my time with it.

...And as a final-side note: The song used in this level is unbelievably catchy, and I'm probably going to be humming it for the rest of my days. Thank you, Kikkoman, for the everlasting earworm of a theme song.

Pachy Pachy Pachy : 68 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
24 / 35 15 / 25 13 / 15 9 / 15 7 / 10

Soup Alphabets Unleashed, Craziness Ensured.

I don't get the reference here at all, I guess it's uhh... cute? The aesthetics remind me of the Syobon Action game, probably not a good thing since that game was notorious for cheap deaths. Though it's probably just a coincidence since this and that are both based on Japanese emoticon art.

Pretty frustrating first part of the level that you have to replay the whole part for if you fail to retrieve the token because you don't have Rush at that point. It's not so bad to do it slowly, but not when you need to retry and do the jump again and again.

Kinda odd checkpoint placement on the first screen with the swinging platform, it puts you at the BOTTOM of the swing so you instantly get tossed into the bottom screen checkpoint without a way back. This basically never really comes into play because the top section has nothing dangerous that can kill you, but still weird...

I kinda like the platform you have to step on to raise the other one, there's some clever implementation here for sure, especially with that one token room

The last portion of the stage can get pretty frustrating with all the Fan Fiends and respawning airborne enemies happily knocking you into the instant-death pit as you try to do the jumps.

Also the boss... cool off with the enemy spam, please? So you're meant to fire pretty much always because of how many hothead-likes are spammed, but you are also punished if you hit the boss itself that spawns these waves at you.

Also, don't ever use Tornado Blow in this battle...

It also seems like my shots don't do damage sometimes? But they still spawn the invulnerable wave the same, it's almost like the wave deflects the shot before it can register the boss

taking damage...

Flashman85 Flashman85 Flashman85 : 74 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
23 / 35 17 / 25 13 / 15 14 / 15 7 / 10

I love when irrepressible charm is backed up by good game design. From the cat car to the statue to the cleverly simple stand-in for the Wily logo at the boss gate, there's no shortage of delightful surprises, and the stylishness and clarity of the art more than make up for its simplicity. Moreover, the level features good introductions, appropriate checkpoints, and other buzzwords that keep showing up in my reviews.

Going into this, I was unfamiliar with the main song and its sauce material. I mean, *source* material. Now that I've gotten some culture, I think I'd like to see even more of the video represented in the level. As much as I love puzzles, a miniboss shooting lasers from its chest and a ride on a fish blimp would better fit the easy, breezy feeling established by the "this is how you do a Rush Bike section" Rush Bike section.

The level doesn't feel disjointed so much as unrefined in how it evolves. Split paths overcomplicate the layout. Infinite bike energy abruptly and unceremoniously disappears. The water (soy sauce?) gimmick looks promising but goes nowhere, and the block-breaking puzzles go somewhere too quickly--more of a learning curve is needed. The final stretch feels underbaked; being able to reset the vertical platforms without dying or using weapons would be a huge improvement. However, swinging platforms + tops is impressively clever. Honorable mention to the fans as well.

My most serious gripes are with the overly long and hectic boss fight. High-pitched whistles ruin the music. The health bar is illegible (brighter colors, please). Indirect (reflected) hits unfairly trigger a counterattack. To its credit, this is about the only place in the contest where launching Water Shield is as fun and damaging as it should be.

Criticisms aside, the best parts of this level are *fantastic*.

ACESpark ACESpark ACESpark : 63 / 100
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
18 / 35 12 / 25 12 / 15 15 / 15 6 / 10

This is honestly one of the most disappointing levels of the competition, because I want to love this. The graphics, music and theme of the level are wonderful, as is the humour throughout, which is incredibly rare in this competition. The inital Rush Bike segment is so very stupid and yet really fun. It's hard, but hey, fun hard is still fun.

I'll keep the other positives short - most of the level just kind of works as a fun romp. It doesn't push boundaries, but you have a stupid grin throughout and that charm really carries this stage... and unfortunately also carries the score.

I'm glad we're showing individual scores in this game because that aesthetic carries almost a third of this stage's total score - and this stage does have some areas where it swings and misses.

As soon as the Fan enemies show up, the combination of the enemy types and the Swing often feels incredibly janky, and the fact that you have to do precise platforming sections with them around can get especially frustrating in a few rooms when it's harder to control your character.

Dishonourable mention to the long vertical climbing room - unfortunately one of the first places you encounter this combination - and Mega Man's respawning rules makes any sort of misplay in this room highly punishing.

Most of the time it's not too bad, but, here? Oof.

The Diamond token puzzle was a really cool idea, but in practice? I'm not sure how to get it to work properly? I nailed it quickly on the first attempt but further runs were not so lucky.

The player seems to have very little control over the situation, from the Top's direction, to the imprecise nature of the Swings, the Tops respawning, and getting the Top off the final swing correctly. This room would have worked much better without the Swings.

The biggest problem with this stage though? The ending.

That boss was AWFUL. When the player's reaction is 'Oh Screw You' after their tenth death, something has gone wrong somewhere, or in this case a lot of things. The boss does an absurd amount of damage, the main attack is completely random and spawns an overwhelming number of minions, and it has really high defences - charged shots and weapons do bugger-all damage.

The fact that this boss counter-attacks on hits means certain weapons will flood the screen with indestructible projectiles - use Tornado Blow at your peril.

Mega Man's limited movement and vertically challenged shooting abilities make this boss incredibly unpleasant to fight. Paradoxically, it gets easier in its second phase, due to the increased speed of the projectiles and minions, actually opening safe gaps on the screen. There is a sweet spot to projectile speed, which the first phase falls far below.

You want to know just how much this boss affected our perception? If you're seeing this sentence, then know that it got this stage listed among the Judge Skip Vote Potentials up until the very last minute. I'm literally adding this the day we're announcing to the development team our Votes. Ultimately brutE-tank force is a viable strategy in Mega Man bosses... so...

An incredibly sour note to end on and colours the perception of the rest of the stage - and means this review ends up spending most of its time having to recount the negative aspects, which is unfortunate.

There was a lot of potential to this level, and it is a shame bungled key segments meant it did not live up to it.


  • The stage is a reference to Kikkoman, a soy sauce-themed parody superhero made of Shift-JIS art who appeared on Japanese image boards in the early 2000s. The stage's title and music are based on Fight! Kikkoman, a flash animation based on the character created in 2002.
    • The stage's title also references a quote from the ending of the original Mega Man, "Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace!"

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 - Tier 11
Entry Stages
Fight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!Plataform HijinksEvil Energy FacilityWily's Haunted CastlewetCloud NineAbandoned MineMagmatic PanicCursed DarknessRobogardenCrest ManFlamboyant Castle
List of Bosses
heintsIron BallHex ManRounder IIGhost LightKineSuper Lightning LordGalleon AceAtlasFire ManPharaoh Man in the DarkPotted Plant ManCrest ManEnergy EvilmentNamahage Man
Tier Boss
Wizard Man
Make a Good Mega Man Level 3
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightErnest Will/Dr. WilyDr. RegalHunter WomanForge WomanPrestoElement ManCerberus ManBassProto ManMagic ManSheep Man
Special Weapons
Spark ChaserLaser TridentWater ShieldTornado BlowThunder BeamMagnetic ShockwaveIce WallBreak DashRush CoilRush JetRush BikeMagnet Beam
Contest Weapons
Mix TapeLantern FlarePrismatic LaserBeet TillerRec CanBanshee WailPropeller VortexElectro CableTrack ShoesRoyal GuardBait BobberPower Line
A piece of cake, but with aestheticsAbandoned MineAccess Corridor AlphaAir man's ultimate weaponAkudama Empire MothershipAlpine Weather InstituteAlraune WomanAn Ice Cave in RussiaAn Underwater Adventure? Wow!Arcade ArchivesArcaneMan -CHAOS TOWER- (CERN HQ Remains)Assault HuntBakery ManBallade's Square of DoomBanshee WomanBeat the Security SystemBeet ManBlizzard ResortBold and TrashBoost ManBright Man RemixCable WomanCall Me IshmaelCassette ManChaos Light CityCheckmateChemical IndustryCloud NineCrashMan SimulatorCreatively Named LevelCrest ManCrosshair AwareCrystal TowerCursed DarknessCutman's New WarehouseCycle FacilityDamp RuinsDangan FactoryDark CastleDecoy ManDevil FactoryDISCHARGEEEEDisobedience of Superior MachinesDoorkmanDunes of DischargeEscape From the Wily CityEvil Energy FacilityExplosives FactoryFairly Unfocused Newcomer's Bosses And Gimmicks StageFalling System CoreFight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!Flamboyant CastleFoo ManForgotten FactoryFrenzy ReactorFroggy GravityFruit ForestGeek ManGet Wild, Get WetGilded ManGirder Man StageGlass FactoryGlitched up BetaGlitz WomanGrand Fire PalaceGrassy PlainsGravaqua2oGravity WumboGross IncandescenceGuitar ManHazard HydroHit the Jackpot!Hornet Man got a new StageHouse of FunHunter TowerI Hope I Lose: A Grand TaleIdentity ManInterspatial CompressionIrrigation IrritationIt Was Rated ArrJudgement ManJust a Water LevelLost Caverns of JungataLuminous Tower AscentMafia Man's Gambling PalaceMalware ManMagmatic Panicmechanical factoryMediocre Oil LevelMega Man DEVMetal Man Steals Other People's ConveyorsMetall Man's Metall FactoryMilitary Training GroundsMine explorationMint Candy MatrixMirror WomanMy First Megamix Level uwu xd lmao (dab)Ninja of the NightNot Delivering On PromisesNowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loopOperation: Narcissistic StratosphereOuter ReachesPick Your PoisonPipe ManPlataform HijinksPoudrin ManPropeller Woman in the City in the CloudsPumpkin PatchesQuintsMetFactoryRadium ManRec ManRed MountainRevenge of TricastleRobogardenRockbound FacilityRock FortressRuins of a Forbidden KingdomSecluded TerminalShape WomanSkull Sans Megatale 4Skull Secret ZoneSludge ManSolar InfernoSomewhere UndergroundSparks and SocketsSpectrum ScienceStalks, Shoots, and LeavesStalling for timeStep on the GasStolen CitadelSulfurific AbyssSuperheavy Samurai Big BenKSuzy LoveTechnical SupportTeetering Over the EdgeTemple of Light and DarkThe Actual Rock ManThe Cave Level That ExistsThe Haymay TrialsThe HeistThe hero as remixedThe Invincible Robot Army! Featuring Shoe Man!The King's LairThe Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at YouThe Return of Veteran ZThe StormscraperThe Warped VoidThermal TundraTop Man 2: Spin or Go HomeTower of DimentionsToxic TroubleTrailblazerTreading The Wily Sewer SystemTrouble in the FortressUndead FortressUltimate LevelUnderground RunaroundUnguarded TreasureUp Down All AroundWalk-In FreezerWater Level? Ice Level?Weapon Data CenterWestern RailwaywetWide JoepenWily in space (Roll's rescue)Wily Rooms of WeaponsWily's Haunted CastleWilys RedemptionWily's Well-fortified RoomWhere no met has gone beforeWorking in the RainWorthless ManX6MemeY.M.C.A.You Don't Know the Drill
Bonus Levels
Space CrusadeJust a Judge LevelMagnum ManReel ManKing ManStatic Man
Wily Stadium
Chaos AssaultCross ArmadaThe Bronze YardBe the Smaller PersonThe Level With a Met PunArmory CatastropheThe Greatest Show of All Time
Tier X
Ancient Wastelands GateErm... Watt the Shock!Smashed Into PiecesSparkling Shrimp StewOlive BomberHI-R@SE BOTANIXMega Man in WonderlandNote WomanGenie's AlleySecret to No OneThermae ManDetergent DeterminationThe Quickening 3DDeserted Sector G-009Big Ugly Mess 2: Acting UnwiseHollow ElysiumReturn to Universe City VShrine of Nebula
Victor HeightsMagic Card CasinoLimestone PagodaTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Tier 6Tier 7Tier 8Tier 9Tier 10Tier 11Tier 12Tier 13Tier 14Tier 15Wily StadiumTier XNEO Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
Regular JoeRepair ManMuscle JugglerMad ManPuzzle ManIce BusterBoki LamiraMirage ManPyre DuoSound ManWizard ManControl ManDeath ManPunch Donkey
Robot Masters
Aether ManAlraune WomanArcane ManAssault ManBanshee WomanBattery ManBeet ManBoost ManCable WomanCassette ManCelestial WomanDecoy ManDischarge ManFoo ManGeek ManGirder ManGlitch WomanGlitz WomanGuitar ManHex ManHodenkiIdentity ManLantern ManLunar WomanMafia ManMagnet Man SFMetall ManMirror WomanMooger ManOld ManPipe ManPoudrin ManPrism WomanPropeller WomanRadium ManRailway TeamRec ManRock ManRook ManRoyal ManSecret MelonShape WomanShoe ManSkull SansSludge ManSniper ManSolaire ManStall WomanThermal ManToken WomanTreasure ManWood Man NiceYamato Man W
Modified Devkit Robot Masters
Air Dab ManBakery Man DeltaBakery Man OmegaBakery Man ThetaBarrage ManBee ManBlackout ManBlue Bomber ManBlue Crash Man, But With 29 HealthBomber JoeCaptain N Guts ManCrest ManDRKMAN4.BATDark EnkerDarker ManDolt ManFake CycleGilded ManGlass Man CGravity JoeGravity Man SupremeHoney JoanJudgement ManMetal Man OverdriveMetool WomanMicro Quick ManMiner ManNeon Quick ManNight Air ManPerfect Solar ManPharaoh Man in the DarkPotted Plant ManQuick MontageRockman No Constancy QuickmanScorch Man V1Spark Man FlipSplash Woman OverdriveSuperheavy Samurai Big Ben KTemporal ManTempura ManTop Man GreenUranus MetVeteran Z
Entry Bosses
28 Devil CoresAdult WishAtlantisAtlasBaby WishBattle WindowsBeam StackBeam Stack MK2Blizzard BrigadiersBlizzard BehemothBlue Power PistonBubble CrabBuckyChangkeylierChoker OhmegaCompress JoeCopy RobotCrystal CoreDark Matter CapsuleDark WyvernDennis ReturnsD.E.VDigitigerDust DevilEgg CarrierFloating PointFractureGhost LightGrand TellowGuts Dozer NeoGwyndolinHeavyheintsThe InDestructiBallJoJo JoeJunk HunkKineMaster HandMecha SonicNamonaki RoboNecrozmaOrnstein & SmoughPipi CondorPrism DevilQuint's Met MachineRed DevilSovereign MachineSuper BlockSuper Lightning LordSYSTEMCORE.EXETrain TrioVanguardroidZombie DevilZ-Tank
Fortress Guardians
Regal MachineFalcon RockTengen TophammerKouker QugeMetilda McBossfaceNeko ManBassCerberus ManElement ManForge WomanHunter WomanPrestoWily Machine SPIREWily Jet
Devkit Bosses
Ice ManBomb ManFire ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat ManWood ManPicopico-kunGuts DozerBoobeam TrapEnkerHard ManSpark ManKamegoro MakerDyna ManSonic ManDust ManMetall DaddyGiant SuzyPunkIron BallGyro ManStone ManDark Man 4BalladeHunter Type AHunter Type BBlizzard ManYamato ManRounder IIPower PistonMercurySaturnUranusGrey DevilDangan ManOil ManHornet ManMega Mech SharkHoney WomanCommando ManSolar Man
Grey Isles Bosses
Lava Stone ManKing LeonisStrongerGEORGESmall Fry SwarmEye of Btd'nhanDiabolicoQueen of HeartsNote WomanMist Man & Bowl ManAngler FishOnoxThermae ManSwaduronImpresariaVolt Man the AnnihilatorHard SplashShade SpamNadir DevilTop DummyGharial ManReturning Flash ArmorGreat CorePillar of Nebula
Bonus Bosses
DreadnoughtUsagi WomanHyper Plant ManMagnum ManReel ManKing ManNamahage ManStatic ManSlush Man
Arena Bosses
Break ManFake ManTerraCWU-01PYellow DevilGammaAlter ManVacant Avatar
Super Bosses
Returning Regular JoeNebula GreyMagic ManSheep ManErnest Will