Magic Card Casino

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Magic Card Casino

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3

Did you know that 99% of gamblers always quit right before they hit a jackpot?
"Care to wager? Entrust your future to the cards."
―Travel brochure description, Make a Good Mega Man Level 3

The Magic Card Casino is a hub area that appears in Make a Good Mega Man Level 3. It is a large casino owned by Magic Man, and is accessible as soon as the Travel Brochure is obtained, although Mega Man is at no point forced to visit it. It is similar to Chateau Chevaleresque from Make a Good Mega Man Level 2, albeit greatly expanded into its own area. The casino hosts a wide variety of minigames and NPCs, each of which gradually become available as the game progresses. It is also here that Mega Man can exchange Trickster Tokens he finds in the simulations with Chance Man for a suite of helpful upgrades.


Each minigame will award plushie capsules and/or bolts based on Mega Man's skill and/or luck; however, most of them are initially locked. If the Magician's Charm is active, all minigames will have their reward payouts doubled. Playing each minigame at least once will unlock the Cuphead costume.


Available from the start of the game, this is a large roulette wheel manned by a Bikky Bomb found to the far right of the bottom floor. For 50 bolts, the wheel will spin and a ball inside will stop on a certain space. There are three available bets on where the ball will land: a red space, a black space, or on 0. A successful bet for a red or black space will award two medium-sized bolts worth 45 each. While a bet on 0 is significantly less likely, if the ball does land on that space, ten medium bolts (for a total of 450) will be awarded. Playing Roulette ten times in a row will unlock the X - Wheel of Fortune achievement.


Solitaire is available from the start of the game, and can be found on the bottom floor, to the right of the entrance. It is a game of Klondike solitaire with a playing area (or "tableau") of seven columns of face-down cards (with a single card facing upwards), four foundation spaces in the upper right, and a deck in the upper left. The goal is to sequentially move every card of each suit into the four empty spaces, with the heirarchy being A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V (fulfilling the same purpose as a Jack), Q, and K. Only cards of a certain suit can be placed into a foundation space, and the top card of a foundation pile may be withdrawn and put back into play.

In the tableau, face-up cards may be moved and placed only on another face-up card that is a lower rank and of a different suit colour (e.g. the red Three of Hearts can only be placed onto either the Four of Clubs or the Four of Spades, both of which are black). Piles of face-up cards can be moved entirely or partially, provided the lowest card in the pile can be placed onto a card of a lower rank and different colour. An empty space in the tableau can only have a King placed down onto it. Extra cards can be found by drawing from the deck in the upper left; if every card in the deck has been drawn but not placed, the unplaced cards return to the deck, though the deck itself is not reshuffled and the cards will always be found in the same order.

If the deck has been cleared and every card is facing upright, the current game is considered won and automatically finishes itself. Due to the random nature of Solitaire, some games are impossible to win, eventually reaching a state where no further move can be made. As such, the only recourse is to quit the current game by pausing. A successful game of Solitare has a payout of 350 bolts and six plushie capsules.

Rock'n Wars[edit]

Rock'n Wars is available at the start of the game, and can be found on the left of the second floor. Controlled by the unnamed "Bridge" boss from Mega Man IV, it is a rock paper scissors-esque game themed around the original Mega Man, and costs 50 bolts to play. By standing in one of six spots, one of the six Robot Masters will be displayed on the left monitor. Shooting the Bridge will confirm the current selection and prompt it to select a random Robot Master of its own, then compare the two. Each Robot Master is strong against two others (with a "primary" weakness on the left matching the original weakness loop, and a "secondary" weakness loop on the right), and this information is displayed under the icon representing that robot's weapon:

  • Cut Man – Defeats Elec Man and Bomb Man.
  • Guts Man – Defeats Cut Man and Elec Man.
  • Ice Man – Defeats Fire Man and Guts Man.
  • Bomb Man – Defeats Guts Man and Ice Man.
  • Fire Man – Defeats Bomb Man and Cut Man.
  • Elec Man – Defeats Ice Man and Fire Man.

The game's current bolt earnings (starting at 50) are displayed at the top; after every matchup, Mega Man has the option to quit the game and receive the current earnings total. The total will either increase or decrease based on Mega Man's current streak. If Mega Man's chosen Robot Master defeats that of the Bridge, the earnings will be multiplied by either 1.5 if the robot has a "secondary" advantage, or by 2.5 if it has a "primary" advantage. A matchup with no advantage on either side will halve the current earnings. If the same Robot Master is chosen by both sides, it is considered a draw and the earnings are lowered by 0.8. If the Bridge's Robot Master has an advantage over Mega Man's, regardless of primary or secondary weaknesses, the game is over and Mega Man wins nothing; the game will also end if the current earnings total reaches zero.

Magnet Climb[edit]

Magnet Climb is located on the second floor to the right of the ladder, but it is locked until Mega Man collects at least one Energy Element. In this minigame, Mega Man is locked into using the Magnet Beam, which has infinite energy. The screen slowly and perpetually scrolls upward, forcing him to constantly create platforms to stay above the bottom edge of the screen. Below this edge is a bouncy pit that will throw Mega Man upwards if he falls in, but will also inflict 6 points of damage. Several enemies will often attack from the top of the screen, aiming to lower Mega Man's HP or otherwise knock him into the pit below; and unlike in regular levels, enemies are able to stand on Magnet Beam platforms. Tanks are disabled within the minigame.

There is no win condition for Magnet Climb; the objective is merely to survive for as long as possible, and the game ends when Mega Man dies. The longer a session of Magnet Climb lasts for, the bigger the payout of bolts and plushie capsules will be. Surviving for at least 45 seconds in a single game awards the Magnet Survivors achievement.

Big Pets Stacker[edit]

Big Pets Stacker can be found on the second floor next to Rock'n Wars, but it is locked until Mega Man has won four Tier Ranks. It is a Stacker-esque game themed after Big Pets, and requires building a tower of sixteen Big Pets segments, ending with its main body. Each piece moves from side to side until it is placed, using either the Jump or Pause buttons. The speed they move at starts slow but generally increases in speed the more pieces are successfully placed. If a piece isn't perfectly positioned atop the segment below it, its width (and that of all subsequent pieces) will be halved up to two times, making it harder to align the next piece(s). The final piece, however, will remain at its natural size no matter what. If a piece misses the others below it entirely, it will drop down and the game ends.

The more pieces are successfully stacked, the more bolts will be awarded at the end. Stacking all sixteen successfully has a payout of 80 bolts and two plushie capsules. Stacking at least ten pieces in a game will award the I Want a Free Phone achievement.

Bottle Breaker[edit]

Hosted by Strike Man, Bottle Breaker is located on the far left of the casino's second floor, next to Big Pets Stacker. The minigame will only become available after earning seven Tier Ranks. In it, Mega Man has to break a total of 50 bottles in under two minutes by throwing Rebound Strikers at them. The directional buttons control a reticle on a screen, and pressing Shoot throws a Rebound Striker that travels from the foreground into the background. At first, the bottles are stationary, but as more are destroyed, they will start to move around and demand precise timing and accuracy. Points and rewards are awarded based on the number of bottles destroyed and how much time is left on the clock. The Porcelain Violence achievement is awarded for breaking 35 bottles in a single game.

Rift Wanderer[edit]

Rift Wanderer can be found on the right side of the second floor, after Magnet Climb. Hosted by Magolor from the Kirby series, it requires having a Silver Membership (purchased from either Not Napalm Man in Tier 4, or Dark Juggler in Tier 14) to become playable.

In Rift Wanderer, the Mega Buster is unusable, and Mega Man has a limited amount of ammunition for his Special Weapons; he also cannot use any Tanks. The objective is to clear 24 "rifts" by defeating all enemies within them without running out of ammo. Each rift is a single screen big, and appears in a random order with each attempt (though the rifts themselves are always the same). Points are awarded for defeating enemies, with bonus points being given for defeating multiple enemies with a single shot and for clearing a rift as quickly as possible. Many rifts have enemy positions that favor a particular Special Weapon, while others require more strategy and forethought. When starting a new rift, the game will be frozen until the Shoot button is pressed, allowing for an opportunity to prepare and plan the most efficient way to clear the rift. Rewards are given based on Mega Man's final score when the game ends.

Enemies in the rifts have unique HP values, represented by a set of hearts above them, and typical weakness values are ignored (for instance, Cyorown will not take extra damage from the Spark Chaser). Defeated enemies will not drop power ups. Each rift has a time limit of ten seconds, after which a black hole in the background will expand and swallow Mega Man, inflicting 5 points of damage and sending him to the next rift, regardless of how many enemies are remaining. If Mega Man runs out of health, or runs out of ammo for every weapon, he will die and the game ends. The Energy Saver upgrade can be used to make clearing all the rifts easier, but extra points will be awarded if the upgrade is disabled beforehand; the option to do so is provided at the start of the minigame.

After collecting the Contest Weapon Data, it can be used in Rift Wanderer by using a teleporter behind a Destroyable Block in the first room. Like the Energy Saver with the default weapons, the Energy Saver NEO can also be brought into the minigame, and the same point bonus is awarded for disabling it at the start. Two achievements are awarded for clearing Rift Wanderer with a high score of at least 4,500 points; Art of the Apocalypse for using the normal weaponset, and Contest Weapon Graduation for using the Contest Weapons.

Pharaoh's Challenge[edit]

Hosted by Pharaoh Man, the Pharaoh's Challenge is located directly next to Rift Wanderer on the casino's second floor. Like its neighbour, it is initially locked, and requires possessing both a Gold Membership and the Contest Weapon Data before it can be played.

Taking place within a large tower, Mega Man is locked to the Electro Cable and Track Shoes (both of which have infinite energy), and must use them to climb upwards and escape while Pharaoh Man atop a pile of burning sand rises up below him. If Mega Man touches this sand, it will instantly kill him. The tower is composed of several sections, the order of which is randomized with each attempt, and features enemies and gimmicks from the Contest Weapon Robot Masters' original stages (except for the three Make a Good Mega Man Robot Master winners). A meter on the bottom right displays both Mega Man's position, and that of Pharaoh Man's. Much of the tower's difficulty relies on switching between the Electro Cable and the Track Shoes to climb up walls and grapple across hazards. Unlike Magnet Climb and Rift Wanderer, E-Tanks may be used in the Pharaoh's Challenge, although W-Tanks and M-Tanks remain unusable.

At various points in the tower, there are lines made up of skulls. Upon crossing these, Mega Man will be afflicted with a curse that dramatically changes gameplay. While each curse is not randomly generated, it will persist until Mega Man clears the current section of the tower, at which point it will either be lifted or replaced with a new curse. The Pharaoh's Challenge has the following curses:

  • Curse of Switching – Every two seconds, Mega Man will automatically switch weapons, regardless of button presses.
  • Curse of Recklessness – Mega Man's movement speed is increased, causing him to run and slide faster, and make longer jumps.
  • Curse of Floating – Mega Man's gravity is disabled, and he is unable to walk on the floor, slide, or jump.
  • Curse of Fast Forward – All enemies in the current section will move faster than normal.
  • Curse of Weakness – Mega Man is unable to harm any and all enemies.
  • Curse of Rubberbanding – Pharaoh Man and the burning sand will move faster when offscreen, ensuring he will catch up to Mega Man. This curse does not appear until near the tower's exit.

At the top of the tower is a stationary T. Khamen, which must be destroyed with the Track Shoes as quickly as possible before the burning sand catches up with Mega Man. After it is destroyed, the sand will stop rising, and the game is won. Throughout the tower, plushie capsules are present as items Mega Man can pick up. After a game over, Mega Man's progress through the tower is displayed as a percentage; bolts are awarded based on how much progress was made, with a successful 100% climb earning 500 bolts (and six plushie capsules). Attempting the Pharaoh's Challenge at least once is needed to unlock the The Struggle Never Ends achievement; no achievement requires outright beating it.

Points of Interest[edit]

Chance Man[edit]

On the top floor of the casino, Mega Man can meet with Chance Man and purchase helpful upgrades from him using Trickster Tokens. He also gives advice on what upgrades are useful for a given situation, and explains how to disable items from the pause menu and use them from the Quick Item menu.

List of upgrades[edit]

Icon Name Token Cost Description Notes
EnergySaverIcon.png Energy Saver 50 Reduces the cost of using Special Weapons. It seems to be an outdated model that only works with the weapons you brought to the tournament... Reduces regular Special Weapon energy consumption by a third.
Converter.png Energy Converter 10 When enemies would drop health while you have full HP, they'll drop ammo instead, and vice versa. When you're full on both, they become bolts.
ShotLimitUpgradeIcon.png Flurry Buster 10 A solar-powered booster that enhances the Buster, increasing the number of shots you can have on screen. Increases the Mega Buster's onscreen shot limit from 3 to 15.
RevengeBurstIcon.png Revenge Burst 15 If you get hit while holding a charge shot, you'll lose your charge to unleash a burst attack that damages nearby enemies. The burst attack surrounds Mega Man, and inflicts 3 points of damage.
PaydayIcon.png Payday 30 A modified metal detector that increases the value and drop chance of bolts, but lowers the drop chance of everything else.
SkullAmuletIcon.png Skull Amulet 10 A special charm that will save you from a fatal blow, as long as your HP is above 1.
MetallHelmetIcon.png Metall Helmet 20 A sturdy helmet usually worn by Metalls that reduces knockback after getting hit.
BlastWindIcon.png Blast Wind 15 Reinforced iron boots with jet turbines attached that completely nullify knockback while sliding.
ShadowSlideIcon.png Shadow Slide 20 Advanced ninjitsu technique developed by Shadow Man. Use your momentum to slide through enemy attacks. Demands perfect timing (or just luck). By sliding when an enemy projectile is about to hit, Mega Man will briefly become invincible, indicated by a visual and audio effect upon a successful slide.
StepBoosterIcon.png Step Booster 10 Increases the speed at which you climb ladders. Known to improve mental well-being.
TrickleChargeIcon.png Trickle Charge 30 Slightly refills the energy of all Special Weapons anytime you reach a checkpoint. Ammo is refilled by 4 bars.
SolarSiphonIcon.png Solar Siphon 20 Special Weapons with no energy left can be used at the cost of health, as long the loss of health won't be fatal. The health cost per shot is the same as the weapon's usual ammo usage. An empty weapon will not work if Mega Man has 1 HP remaining.
3steryContainerIcon.png 3stery Container 10 Allows you to carry up to 3 M-Tanks instead of 1. Seems this whole time you had it set to M for Mono instead of 3 for... well, three. All M-Tanks will change to become "3-Tanks". This item cannot be disabled in the pause menu if Mega Man currently has more than one M-Tank.
WeaknessRadarIcon.png Weakness Radar 40 When you first encounter a boss, this briefly displays the primary weapon weakness(es) of the boss. The Weakness Radar can be used multiple times during a fight by using it from the Quick Item menu. Contest Weapon weaknesses will be displayed if the Contest Weapon Data has been collected.
AutoMapIcon.png Level Mapper 40 Projects an on-demand holographic map of the current area. Hold QUICKITEM to scroll; mouse over points of interest for more info. Press QUICKITEM to dismiss. The Level Mapper displays checkpoints, bosses, and mini-bosses.
MiniMapperIcon.png Mini-Mapper 20 A miniature holographic device that continuously displays a partial map of the current area in the top right corner of the screen. Works best if the HUD option is enabled.
LevelCompassIcon.png Level Compass 30 An electronic device that makes a noise and displays a hint when you are near a secret item or area. Highlights secret paths and hidden items with a visual effect and the Compass sound from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The effect can be repeated by either leaving the area and returning, or by using the Level Compass from the Quick Item menu.
AlteredKeyIcon.png Altered Key 100 An odd key emitting a large amount of data. Unlocks a mysterious door in the Magic Card Casino. Why are there so many mysterious doors? Why can't anyone label them? Unlocks the locked door on the casino's third floor, leading to the Contest Weapon Data and the Alter Playground.

If the Altered Key hasn't been purchased after clearing the Wily Stadium, then Ernest Will will gift it to Mega Man; however, this incurs a debt of 100 Trickster Tokens that must be paid off to Magic Man.

Quiz Master[edit]

After defeating Ms. Quiz at the Victor Heights Plaza and earning at least two Tier Ranks, the Quiz Master will appear on the bottom floor of the casino, in a screen to the right of the Roulette wheel. By answering his questions, he will reward Mega Man with the Balance Stabilizer upgrade.


After earning three Tier Ranks, a Gachappon will appear on the screen to the right of the Roulette wheel. For a certain amount of bolts and one duplicate plushie, it will dispense a plushie capsule that Mega Man does not currently have (if available); it can also dispense several plushies at once for all spare capsules currently on hand. Its price decreases with the level of Mega Man's current casino membership; a Bronze membership requires paying it 200 bolts, a Silver membership lowers it to 125 bolts, and a Gold membership lowers it further to 50 bolts.

Tier Bosses[edit]

After defeating a Tier Boss and earning their respective Tier Rank, they will appear on the bottom floor of the casino as NPCs. Regular Joe is the only Tier Boss who does not appear, and no NPC will appear after earning Tier 15's Rank (since it has no Tier Boss). By speaking to all the defeated Tier Bosses, the Boki Lamira costume will be unlocked.

Locked Door[edit]

On the left of the top floor is a locked door. Opening it requires possession of the Altered Key; either by purchasing it from Chance Man, or by Ernest Will gifting it if the Wily Stadium has been cleared without purchasing it. The door leads to a long corridor containing the Contest Weapon Data, as well as a sign warning about potential spoilers, and portraits bearing the mugshots of the represented Robot Masters. Below them are teleporters leading to their respective stage/tier, as well as a light indicating if their stage has already been cleared or not. After collecting the Contest Weapon Data, a teleporter leading to the Alter Playground will become active.


More NPCs will start visiting the casino the more game progress is made.


  • Bounc'der & Crazy Peller
  • Plug Man (if the game is connected to the internet)
  • Cyber Man (replaces Plug Man if the game isn't connected to the internet)
  • Princess (after earning one Tier Rank, before earning 13 Tier Ranks)

Floor 1[edit]

Floor 2[edit]

Floor 3[edit]


Make a Good Mega Man Level 3
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightErnest Will/Dr. WilyDr. RegalHunter WomanForge WomanPrestoElement ManCerberus ManBassProto ManMagic ManSheep Man
Special Weapons
Spark ChaserLaser TridentWater ShieldTornado BlowThunder BeamMagnetic ShockwaveIce WallBreak DashRush CoilRush JetRush BikeMagnet Beam
Contest Weapons
Mix TapeLantern FlarePrismatic LaserBeet TillerRec CanBanshee WailPropeller VortexElectro CableTrack ShoesRoyal GuardBait BobberPower Line
A piece of cake, but with aestheticsAbandoned MineAccess Corridor AlphaAir man's ultimate weaponAkudama Empire MothershipAlpine Weather InstituteAlraune WomanAn Ice Cave in RussiaAn Underwater Adventure? Wow!Arcade ArchivesArcaneMan -CHAOS TOWER- (CERN HQ Remains)Assault HuntBakery ManBallade's Square of DoomBanshee WomanBeat the Security SystemBeet ManBlizzard ResortBold and TrashBoost ManBright Man RemixCable WomanCall Me IshmaelCassette ManChaos Light CityCheckmateChemical IndustryCloud NineCrashMan SimulatorCreatively Named LevelCrest ManCrosshair AwareCrystal TowerCursed DarknessCutman's New WarehouseCycle FacilityDamp RuinsDangan FactoryDark CastleDecoy ManDevil FactoryDISCHARGEEEEDisobedience of Superior MachinesDoorkmanDunes of DischargeEscape From the Wily CityEvil Energy FacilityExplosives FactoryFairly Unfocused Newcomer's Bosses And Gimmicks StageFalling System CoreFight, Kikkoman! For Everlasting Sauce!Flamboyant CastleFoo ManForgotten FactoryFrenzy ReactorFroggy GravityFruit ForestGeek ManGet Wild, Get WetGilded ManGirder Man StageGlass FactoryGlitched up BetaGlitz WomanGrand Fire PalaceGrassy PlainsGravaqua2oGravity WumboGross IncandescenceGuitar ManHazard HydroHit the Jackpot!Hornet Man got a new StageHouse of FunHunter TowerI Hope I Lose: A Grand TaleIdentity ManInterspatial CompressionIrrigation IrritationIt Was Rated ArrJudgement ManJust a Water LevelLost Caverns of JungataLuminous Tower AscentMafia Man's Gambling PalaceMalware ManMagmatic Panicmechanical factoryMediocre Oil LevelMega Man DEVMetal Man Steals Other People's ConveyorsMetall Man's Metall FactoryMilitary Training GroundsMine explorationMint Candy MatrixMirror WomanMy First Megamix Level uwu xd lmao (dab)Ninja of the NightNot Delivering On PromisesNowhere yet everywhere: When the world may loopOperation: Narcissistic StratosphereOuter ReachesPick Your PoisonPipe ManPlataform HijinksPoudrin ManPropeller Woman in the City in the CloudsPumpkin PatchesQuintsMetFactoryRadium ManRec ManRed MountainRevenge of TricastleRobogardenRockbound FacilityRock FortressRuins of a Forbidden KingdomSecluded TerminalShape WomanSkull Sans Megatale 4Skull Secret ZoneSludge ManSolar InfernoSomewhere UndergroundSparks and SocketsSpectrum ScienceStalks, Shoots, and LeavesStalling for timeStep on the GasStolen CitadelSulfurific AbyssSuperheavy Samurai Big BenKSuzy LoveTechnical SupportTeetering Over the EdgeTemple of Light and DarkThe Actual Rock ManThe Cave Level That ExistsThe Haymay TrialsThe HeistThe hero as remixedThe Invincible Robot Army! Featuring Shoe Man!The King's LairThe Level Equivalent of An Old Man Rambling at YouThe Return of Veteran ZThe StormscraperThe Warped VoidThermal TundraTop Man 2: Spin or Go HomeTower of DimentionsToxic TroubleTrailblazerTreading The Wily Sewer SystemTrouble in the FortressUndead FortressUltimate LevelUnderground RunaroundUnguarded TreasureUp Down All AroundWalk-In FreezerWater Level? Ice Level?Weapon Data CenterWestern RailwaywetWide JoepenWily in space (Roll's rescue)Wily Rooms of WeaponsWily's Haunted CastleWilys RedemptionWily's Well-fortified RoomWhere no met has gone beforeWorking in the RainWorthless ManX6MemeY.M.C.A.You Don't Know the Drill
Bonus Levels
Space CrusadeJust a Judge LevelMagnum ManReel ManKing ManStatic Man
Wily Stadium
Chaos AssaultCross ArmadaThe Bronze YardBe the Smaller PersonThe Level With a Met PunArmory CatastropheThe Greatest Show of All Time
Tier X
Ancient Wastelands GateErm... Watt the Shock!Smashed Into PiecesSparkling Shrimp StewOlive BomberHI-R@SE BOTANIXMega Man in WonderlandNote WomanGenie's AlleySecret to No OneThermae ManDetergent DeterminationThe Quickening 3DDeserted Sector G-009Big Ugly Mess 2: Acting UnwiseHollow ElysiumReturn to Universe City VShrine of Nebula
Victor HeightsMagic Card CasinoLimestone PagodaTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Tier 6Tier 7Tier 8Tier 9Tier 10Tier 11Tier 12Tier 13Tier 14Tier 15Wily StadiumTier XNEO Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
Regular JoeRepair ManMuscle JugglerMad ManPuzzle ManIce BusterBoki LamiraMirage ManPyre DuoSound ManWizard ManControl ManDeath ManPunch Donkey
Robot Masters
Aether ManAlraune WomanArcane ManAssault ManBanshee WomanBattery ManBeet ManBoost ManCable WomanCassette ManCelestial WomanDecoy ManDischarge ManFoo ManGeek ManGirder ManGlitch WomanGlitz WomanGuitar ManHex ManHodenkiIdentity ManLantern ManLunar WomanMafia ManMagnet Man SFMetall ManMirror WomanMooger ManOld ManPipe ManPoudrin ManPrism WomanPropeller WomanRadium ManRailway TeamRec ManRock ManRook ManRoyal ManSecret MelonShape WomanShoe ManSkull SansSludge ManSniper ManSolaire ManStall WomanThermal ManToken WomanTreasure ManWood Man NiceYamato Man W
Modified Devkit Robot Masters
Air Dab ManBakery Man DeltaBakery Man OmegaBakery Man ThetaBarrage ManBee ManBlackout ManBlue Bomber ManBlue Crash Man, But With 29 HealthBomber JoeCaptain N Guts ManCrest ManDRKMAN4.BATDark EnkerDarker ManDolt ManFake CycleGilded ManGlass Man CGravity JoeGravity Man SupremeHoney JoanJudgement ManMetal Man OverdriveMetool WomanMicro Quick ManMiner ManNeon Quick ManNight Air ManPerfect Solar ManPharaoh Man in the DarkPotted Plant ManQuick MontageRockman No Constancy QuickmanScorch Man V1Spark Man FlipSplash Woman OverdriveSuperheavy Samurai Big Ben KTemporal ManTempura ManTop Man GreenUranus MetVeteran Z
Entry Bosses
28 Devil CoresAdult WishAtlantisAtlasBaby WishBattle WindowsBeam StackBeam Stack MK2Blizzard BrigadiersBlizzard BehemothBlue Power PistonBubble CrabBuckyChangkeylierChoker OhmegaCompress JoeCopy RobotCrystal CoreDark Matter CapsuleDark WyvernDennis ReturnsD.E.VDigitigerDust DevilEgg CarrierFloating PointFractureGhost LightGrand TellowGuts Dozer NeoGwyndolinHeavyheintsThe InDestructiBallJoJo JoeJunk HunkKineMaster HandMecha SonicNamonaki RoboNecrozmaOrnstein & SmoughPipi CondorPrism DevilQuint's Met MachineRed DevilSovereign MachineSuper BlockSuper Lightning LordSYSTEMCORE.EXETrain TrioVanguardroidZombie DevilZ-Tank
Fortress Guardians
Regal MachineFalcon RockTengen TophammerKouker QugeMetilda McBossfaceNeko ManBassCerberus ManElement ManForge WomanHunter WomanPrestoWily Machine SPIREWily Jet
Devkit Bosses
Ice ManBomb ManFire ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat ManWood ManPicopico-kunGuts DozerBoobeam TrapEnkerHard ManSpark ManKamegoro MakerDyna ManSonic ManDust ManMetall DaddyGiant SuzyPunkIron BallGyro ManStone ManDark Man 4BalladeHunter Type AHunter Type BBlizzard ManYamato ManRounder IIPower PistonMercurySaturnUranusGrey DevilDangan ManOil ManHornet ManMega Mech SharkHoney WomanCommando ManSolar Man
Grey Isles Bosses
Lava Stone ManKing LeonisStrongerGEORGESmall Fry SwarmEye of Btd'nhanDiabolicoQueen of HeartsNote WomanMist Man & Bowl ManAngler FishOnoxThermae ManSwaduronImpresariaVolt Man the AnnihilatorHard SplashShade SpamNadir DevilTop DummyGharial ManReturning Flash ArmorGreat CorePillar of Nebula
Bonus Bosses
DreadnoughtUsagi WomanHyper Plant ManMagnum ManReel ManKing ManNamahage ManStatic ManSlush Man
Arena Bosses
Break ManFake ManTerraCWU-01PYellow DevilGammaAlter ManVacant Avatar
Super Bosses
Returning Regular JoeNebula GreyMagic ManSheep ManErnest Will