Poorly Named Level

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52nd: Poorly Named Level

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2

Arguably the most infamous room of the level
"I appreciate that you built a pretty good level out of the Tornado Man platforms (that I hate with a passion btw), but oh my god. Some of these rooms are. So. Much. Garbage."
SnoruntPyro, excerpt from judge comment.

Poorly Named Level is the 52nd level in Make a Good Mega Man Level 2. It mainly revolves around Tornado Platforms and using them to both climb up screens as well as cross long pits. Unfortunately, the finicky and somewhat buggy nature of the gimmick in MaGMML2 can make it a very difficult level, not helped by a relatively sparse amount of checkpoints.


MegaBusterWep.png I'll beam you out after I finish my soap opera.

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Skip Status[edit]

This level was deemed skippable by the judges, due to level's high difficulty and the finicky nature of the Tornado Platforms.

Judge Comments[edit]

Judge Comments
snoruntpyro snoruntpyro snoruntpyro : 31 / 50
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality Skip Teleporter?
9 / 15 3 / 10 10 / 15 4 / 5 5 / 5 Yes

I appreciate that you built a pretty good level out of the Tornado Man platforms (that I hate with a passion btw), but oh my god. Some of these rooms are. So. Much. Garbage. I HATE the room with the cannon and the two magnet platforms. It's incredibly finicky and almost luck-based (??) to time yourself so that you'll get the right frame of animation to jump to make those ridiculous jumps. And there's spikes everywhere so it's really hard to reposition yourself. I really wanted to beat this level without special weapons but that room just killed me so much and the checkpoint is so far back it's just bkfoipero[wwrp. The other issue I have is the one room with the Piriparee Joes, Biree, and stationary magnet platform. The last jump before the ladder is ridiculously precise and it's really dumb. Other than that, the level was fine, though I was a bit disappointed that the final stretch of the level just kinda dropped the gimmick in favor of enemy challenges. It kinda took a few playthroughs to really 'enjoy' it though, my initial experience with the stage was mainly just getting killed on the first few screens because they're preetty difficult to deal with on a blind playthrough. Overall, the stage has good design ideas, but I don't think it turns out to be very fun mainly because of that one room, that one jump, and some rooms being very overwhelming for first playthroughs.

JupiHornet JupiHornet JupiHornet : 23 / 50
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
5 / 15 0 / 10 11 / 15 4 / 5 3 / 5

Thanks for reminding me why I hated Tornado Man's stage. You went ham with those platforms ;-; This level has a very inconsistent difficulty curve. Some sections were cake walks, while others took me several attempts to beat legitimately, and were just insane (Rain + Tornado Man platform section). Not only that, but this level was...annoying. The Tornado Man platforms are very finnicky in this engine, making a lot of jumps come up short (the room with the shield attacker near the beginning is a good example). Also, there should have been more checkpoints.

Enjl Enjl Enjl : 24 / 50
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality Skip Teleporter?
8 / 15 2 / 10 6 / 15 3 / 5 5 / 5 No

Sorry, I read your message on what your goals with this level were and I think these platforms are at the core of most of its problems. It's not so much about your usage of them but rather the platforms themselves, as they make every scenario more stressful than it needs to be. I really appreciate the effort, though, and while I didn't have much fun getting shot into spikes or pits from a mistimed button press, pulling the long platforming section across the pit off properly felt pretty great. This level also somewhat suffers from a tendency to put a bit too many enemies on screen at once, especially near the start, and there is a really silly jump near the end which got me jumping into a ceiling spike more often than I want to admit. It's kinda sad how I feel like this stage would've been more fun if only it used the more standard guts lifts or a variety of different platforms as its main focus.

Garirry Garirry Garirry : 20 / 50
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality
1 / 15 2 / 10 7 / 15 5 / 5 5 / 5
Man this sucks. All movement has to be super-precise and the enemy placement is bottom-tier. Also there's a serious lack of checkpoints, and the mini-boss is hell. This is a frustrating level as all hell. Can't even describe it. It's a shame really, this level has some good ideas. Nothing spectacular, but it's alright. Looks good. Works just fine.

Seriously? Why does this level have such awful level design? I can't even count the amount of times extreme precision and timing was needed in order to get through the obstacles and enemies without taking damage, or even without dying. Not to mention the absolutely intolerable mini-boss and serious lack of checkpoints. It's a darn shame that good ideas and beautiful graphics are greatly overshadowed by the pitiful level design and endless frustration caused by trying to get through the stage.

ACESpark ACESpark ACESpark : 30 / 50
Design Fun Creativity Aesthetics Functionality Skip Teleporter?
8 / 15 3 / 10 10 / 15 4 / 5 5 / 5 No

I wonder how many people will actually attempt to take on the challenges you set them, or just use the weapons to bypass everything. People are going to either love this stage or despise it. I'm leaning more to the latter, but that, admittedly, might be my personal distaste for the gimmick in question.

It is mentioned during the stage whether or not you could make the Tornado Man Platforms fun... well they're certainly competently executed, I'll give you that. Some of the situations they're stuck in though... not so much. Strangely enough, your biggest problem might just be the enemies used and the sheer number of them. The earliest screens of the stage are a bit crazy with the amount of Beaks placed, and you're on Platforms where very little control is given to the player to safely dodge stuff. It's all rather infuriating.

Simply toning down the enemies could've made this more enjoyable. I think the early screens are amongst the worst of the stage, as the later segments start becoming much more tolerable, and better in design. (I even liked the spike crazy segment just past the checkpoint for what it's worth.) It's a crazy backwards difficulty curve. I have to admit, the first time through this I got rather annoyed, and shut off the game for a bit. The second time was a bit better. The opening areas really are rather rubbish compared to the later areas, and start the level on a bit of a sour note. Luckily the rest of the stage and general competence of everything makes up for it.

The Noble Nickels were... sneaky as sin. I think the 2nd one probably should've had an altered or redrawn graphic to make it not so unlikely that it is hidden where it is, because even the 1st one will likely be bypassed the first time you go through the screen, and that one does have a recoloured graphic!

Finally, hi dev-kit boss!

Improved Version[edit]

Yoshiatom (the level's author) has announced that she is working on an improved version of the level, making the difficulty more balanced, reworking the more poorly designed rooms, making the enemy choices more focused and adding extra secrets. It will be made on the Megamix Engine, due to the physics of the Tornado Platforms being more accurate to how they were in Mega Man 9 compared to the MaGMML2 engine.


Make a Good Mega Man Level 2 - Tier 4
Entry Stages
Alien TempleJoe Destruction Co.Neon ManJungle BaseOrbital StationShovel KnightPoorly Named LevelEnhanced Mobility
List of Bosses
AlienNeon ManWhopperVolt Man
Tier Boss
The Scorching Duo
Make a Good Mega Man Level 2
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyZeroRollEddieKnight ManGalaxy Man
Special Weapons
Hornet ChaserJewel SatelliteGrab BusterTriple BladeFlash StopperSlash ClawWheel CutterSakugarneRush CoilRush JetWire AdaptorSuper Arrow
Alter Weapons
Haunt PumpkinBadge BarrierNeapolitan BombTruffle ClusterCyber DistorterForce BeamHazard TrapperMatch BlastLaunch RocketShuttle JetChomp ClawCarry
A Mega Man for All SeasonsAD 2101Airflow HubbleAlien TempleAncient TombAurora ManBeneath Sand and RockBiplane BayBlaze ManBoil ManBond ManBouncy CastleBut it Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This Was Really HellCandy PanicCardinal ManChangeable CavernsChomp ManCity Under SiegeColorful HallCombust ManConveyor MayhemCossack's Other CitadelCrystal LabCursor CurseCyber ManDonut Observation CenterDragon Lab LairDuwangElec DamEnhanced MobilityEscape SequenceForce ManForgotten FortressFortified LabGigavolt ManGunpowder CellarGuts Man's AsteroidHaunt ManHoly Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?Identity CrisisJoe Destruction Co.Joe ManJungle BaseJust an Ice LevelKomuso TempleLaunch Man & Shuttle ManLava FactoryMaze of Significantly Less DeathMegaLondoMisty LakeMix & MatchMount SabreNeopolitan ManNeon ManNitrogen ManOrbital StationPoorly Named LevelQuarantine WomanQuint StageQuirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical TrackRad GravityRuined LabRush CitySector Upsilon 6Sheriff ManShovel KnightSMB3Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a LevelSnow ManSomething OriginalSpiky SituationStarman RecreationTaco ManThe DampeningThe FallThe Stage Nobody Asked ForTruffle ManVolcanic FurnaceWily CoasterWily TowerYggdrasil
Wily Star II
Outer SpaceWater DuctsClassic CastleLever Oriental EnchantedInner SanctumUnobtainium MineReality Core
Tier X
Goblins n' GhastsNightwalk CastleMetallic OceanWily Fortress VRSo GoodMario LandCoyote ManHardcore ParkourDeep ThoughtsThe Quickening 2Swiss HotelStar RoadNull and Void
Secret Levels
City WarTwilight Lodge
Tier 1 - Ruined SimulationTier 2 - SewersTier 3 - ForestTier 4 - Train StationTier 5 - ArcadeTier 6 - Battle NetworkTier 7 - McWily'sTier 8 - Grand TowerTier 9 - Festival GroundsTier 10 - Rainbow RoadWily Star IITier XDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopCostume ShopDojoChallenge TentChateau ChevaleresqueThe Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
MilkOmbuds ManDoor ManThe Scorching DuoLord ElewoofroCheat ManGhost of Christmas FutureJet ManButter Nezumi
Robot Masters
Alter ManBoil ManBond ManChomp ManColor ManCombust ManCyber ManForce ManHaunt ManJoe ManLaunch Man & Shuttle ManMatch ManNeapolitan ManNeon ManQuarantine WomanSheriff ManSpiked-Wall ManTaco ManTruffle Man
Other Entry Bosses
Air DevilBig Fire TellyDisco BallGiant MetallGreen Hot DogHall MasterKomuso Man?MixerlydiaMush KingJoe MobRed Hot DogSuper CannopellerTurbo RoostWarp Anomaly8 Centipeder TowerBoss WhopperBoundin' Crash ManBowserCaptain ViridianCATSCirnoCratorCreamCrusher JoeCursorDoc RobotDonut XGuts Man DuoFinal ToadGroovity ManKelbesqueKichonaNapalm ManPharaoh Man's RevengeAlienThe KidRomhack Top ManAir CapsuleAvoidance CherryDennisGangly Crash ManJoe Man R
Fortress Guardians
VanguardMecha Bubble ManBtd'nhanRiplingsAutobounceSuper DachoneSeven ForceHolo DragonChimerabot 1Chimerabot 2Chimerabot 3Chimerabot 4Chimerabot 5Wily Machine SWORDmegaman sprite gameWily Core
Devkit Bosses
Cut ManGuts ManMetal ManCrash ManTop ManGemini ManPharaoh ManToad ManGravity ManPlant ManCentaur ManSplash WomanChill ManVolt ManKomuso ManMecha DragonQuint
Tier X Bosses
SkullderSkullder's RevengeExcalibur ManAir ManUnbeatable Air ManHolo WilyRonrezToad Man's RevengeCoyote ManGigabgyoVolt Man MK2Twin CannonsFire ManCopy HologramDie SignLiterally Just a BeeStone Butterfly
Secret Bosses
Quick ManGammaVolt Man the AssimilatorWishing StarThe MoonBirdoGlass Man
Super Bosses
Absolute ZEROKnight ManGalaxy Man