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Artwork by Capcom
In-Game Information
Misc. Information
Script: エディ
Romaji: Edi
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Green
Series Information
Official Game Appearances: Most games from the Mega Man Classic Series since Mega Man 4
MaGMML Game Appearances: MaGMML(1R) (NPC)
MaGMML2 (NPC, support unit)
MaG48HMML (NPC, support unit)
MaGMML: Episode Zero (NPC, support unit)

Eddie (also known as Fliptop) is a character in the Mega Man Classic series that debuted in Mega Man 4. He is a robot created by Dr. Light who, ever since his debut, has primarily functioned as a support unit that gives random item drops to Mega Man. This makes his effectiveness vary, as sometimes he will provide something extraordinary (like an E-Tank), but other times he will give you something rather minor (like weapon energy). Some suspect that Eddie is secretly evil, though there is currently little evidence to support this.

Eddie fills numerous roles in the MaGMML series, but it isn't until Make a Good Mega Man Level 2 that he performs his classic role as random power-up dispenser via an object in the devkit, which returns in the Megamix Engine. This object has creation code variables that allow users to customise Eddie's functionality:

  • myItem - Determines what Eddie will dispense. By default, he draws from a pool, but can drop specific objects, including enemies and bosses.
  • permanent - Determines if Eddie respawns after delivering the item; by setting this to false, he will always return.
  • moveTowardsPlayer - If true, Eddie will stay still instead of running towards Mega Man.

MaGMML Series Appearances[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)[edit]

Eddie first appears in the original game, running a secret shop in the basement of Dr. Light's Lab. He makes no other appearances in the game otherwise. He fulfills the same role in Remastered.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 2[edit]

In the second game, Eddie once again runs his shop in the basement of the lab. However, he also takes on the role he has from the official games and dispenses items in various levels. Like in the classic games, his effectiveness varies. Furthermore, he appears in every fifth room of The Pit of Pits, and can be upgraded to appear in every other room. He will also appear in the battle against Seven Force, giving Mega Man a large health capsule between each Force.

Eddie can be killed off with use of the Slash Claw (though not its Alter Weapon counterpart, the Force Beam). This causes him to drop three pickups. After being killed off, he will stop appearing in levels until Mega Man enters the shop or buys the Eddie upgrade in The Pit of Pits. He will still help with Seven Force, however.

If the player manages to get 9999 bolts and goes to the shop, Eddie will have special dialogue commenting on this feat.

Make a Good Mega Man Level 3[edit]

In the third game, Eddie's role has changed significantly. He now runs a cheat shop located at the second floor Plaza of Victor Heights hotel. This shop is unlocked after earning 3 Tier Ranks. Like in previous games, Eddie also continues to dispense random items in various levels. NEO Pit of Pits has him appear in every fifth room, and he can be upgraded to appear in every third room.

After the player buys out Eddie's entire stock of available cheats, he shares a secret code that makes cheats applicable everywhere - not just in every completed level. It must be entered over the desired save file to take effect.

Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level[edit]

With the lack of an item shop, Eddie stays in Dr. Light's cabin as an uninteractable NPC. However, he still appears in levels to dispense items, and acts as a means of supplying Large Weapon Energy pickups within the weapon tutorials in Sarge's Special Weapon Bootcamp. He can also appear during the Love Survivor sidequest; if Mega Man should somehow run out of Flame Mixer ammo after reaching the shrimp at the end, Eddie will appear in the room to supply refills.

Make a Good Mega Man Level: Episode Zero[edit]

Eddie's role is almost nonexistent, with Reggae taking up his usual niche of morally-dubious upgrade salesman. However, he does make a single appearance in the level Frosty Fields, where he is frozen inside a Chill Man Block. Freeing him will prompt him to give a random item before leaving. Notably, because of how Chill Man Blocks work, one can respawn the block to free Eddie an infinite number of times.

If Zero freed Eddie at least once, he will make a brief cameo during the game's credits, stepping out from behind a stall and being noticed by Beat. If he wasn't defrosted, however, he will be completely absent.

Levels Eddie Appears In[edit]



MaGMML: Episode Zero[edit]

Make a Good Mega Man Level (Remastered)
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyEddieZero
Entry Stages
Chroma KeyCitadel BasementCity WarGlass ManHard to See LandLevelMaze of DeathMega Man WorldMidnight SnowNapalm Forest and CavesNEON GRAVITYObjective: Vain SpaceResearch FacilitySky ZigguratSpiky MeltdownSunset SiegeThe QuickeningThunderclyffe PlantUnder ConstructionWily Combo
Wily Castle
Cannon DeckDr. Wily's Incinerator ChuteBe the Bigger PersonHall of FameEverything's Blowing UpFlashback Database
Special Weapons
Mega BusterMetal BladeGemini LaserSolar BlazeTop SpinThunder WoolPharaoh ShotBlack Hole BombMagic CardPower Orb1RRush CoilRush Jet
Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5Wily CastleDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopThe Arena
Tier Bosses
Jolt Man1Him1RDagger ManYoku ManJustice Man
Other Bosses
Entry Bosses
Wily ArchivesMoonGravity MachineRonrezBirdoGlass Man
Fortress Bosses
Ghost of Mega Man 31Scuttle Cannon1RChangkey MasterShadow Morpher1Shadow Gacha1RNeon Glass Birdo on a Guts LiftAir CapsuleWily Machine TROPHYZero
Optional Bosses
Bright ManThe Impaler1RZero Soul
Make a Good Mega Man Level 2
Mega Man (Costumes) • Dr. LightDr. WilyZeroRollEddieKnight ManGalaxy Man
Special Weapons
Hornet ChaserJewel SatelliteGrab BusterTriple BladeFlash StopperSlash ClawWheel CutterSakugarneRush CoilRush JetWire AdaptorSuper Arrow
Alter Weapons
Haunt PumpkinBadge BarrierNeapolitan BombTruffle ClusterCyber DistorterForce BeamHazard TrapperMatch BlastLaunch RocketShuttle JetChomp ClawCarry
A Mega Man for All SeasonsAD 2101Airflow HubbleAlien TempleAncient TombAurora ManBeneath Sand and RockBiplane BayBlaze ManBoil ManBond ManBouncy CastleBut it Lacked the Depth to Convince Me That This Was Really HellCandy PanicCardinal ManChangeable CavernsChomp ManCity Under SiegeColorful HallCombust ManConveyor MayhemCossack's Other CitadelCrystal LabCursor CurseCyber ManDonut Observation CenterDragon Lab LairDuwangElec DamEnhanced MobilityEscape SequenceForce ManForgotten FortressFortified LabGigavolt ManGunpowder CellarGuts Man's AsteroidHaunt ManHoly Crap, Mega Man Can Airslide?Identity CrisisJoe Destruction Co.Joe ManJungle BaseJust an Ice LevelKomuso TempleLaunch Man & Shuttle ManLava FactoryMaze of Significantly Less DeathMegaLondoMisty LakeMix & MatchMount SabreNeopolitan ManNeon ManNitrogen ManOrbital StationPoorly Named LevelQuarantine WomanQuint StageQuirky Unconsistent Incomprehensible Nonsensical TrackRad GravityRuined LabRush CitySector Upsilon 6Sheriff ManShovel KnightSMB3Smed's Big Annoying Mess of a LevelSnow ManSomething OriginalSpiky SituationStarman RecreationTaco ManThe DampeningThe FallThe Stage Nobody Asked ForTruffle ManVolcanic FurnaceWily CoasterWily TowerYggdrasil
Wily Star II
Outer SpaceWater DuctsClassic CastleLever Oriental EnchantedInner SanctumUnobtainium MineReality Core
Tier X
Goblins n' GhastsNightwalk CastleMetallic OceanWily Fortress VRSo GoodMario LandCoyote ManHardcore ParkourDeep ThoughtsThe Quickening 2Swiss HotelStar RoadNull and Void
Secret Levels
City WarTwilight Lodge
Tier 1 - Ruined SimulationTier 2 - SewersTier 3 - ForestTier 4 - Train StationTier 5 - ArcadeTier 6 - Battle NetworkTier 7 - McWily'sTier 8 - Grand TowerTier 9 - Festival GroundsTier 10 - Rainbow RoadWily Star IITier XDr. Light's LabEddie's ShopCostume ShopDojoChallenge TentChateau ChevaleresqueThe Pit of Pits
Tier Bosses
MilkOmbuds ManDoor ManThe Scorching DuoLord ElewoofroCheat ManGhost of Christmas FutureJet ManButter Nezumi
Robot Masters
Alter ManBoil ManBond ManChomp ManColor ManCombust ManCyber ManForce ManHaunt ManJoe ManLaunch Man & Shuttle ManMatch ManNeapolitan ManNeon ManQuarantine WomanSheriff ManSpiked-Wall ManTaco ManTruffle Man
Other Entry Bosses
Air DevilBig Fire TellyDisco BallGiant MetallGreen Hot DogHall MasterKomuso Man?MixerlydiaMush KingJoe MobRed Hot DogSuper CannopellerTurbo RoostWarp Anomaly8 Centipeder TowerBoss WhopperBoundin' Crash ManBowserCaptain ViridianCATSCirnoCratorCreamCrusher JoeCursorDoc RobotDonut XGuts Man DuoFinal ToadGroovity ManKelbesqueKichonaNapalm ManPharaoh Man's RevengeAlienThe KidRomhack Top ManAir CapsuleAvoidance CherryDennisGangly Crash ManJoe Man R
Fortress Guardians
VanguardMecha Bubble ManBtd'nhanRiplingsAutobounceSuper DachoneSeven ForceHolo DragonChimerabot 1Chimerabot 2Chimerabot 3Chimerabot 4Chimerabot 5Wily Machine SWORDmegaman sprite gameWily Core
Devkit Bosses
Cut ManGuts ManMetal ManCrash ManTop ManGemini ManPharaoh ManToad ManGravity ManPlant ManCentaur ManSplash WomanChill ManVolt ManKomuso ManMecha DragonQuint
Tier X Bosses
SkullderSkullder's RevengeExcalibur ManAir ManUnbeatable Air ManHolo WilyRonrezToad Man's RevengeCoyote ManGigabgyoVolt Man MK2Twin CannonsFire ManCopy HologramDie SignLiterally Just a BeeStone Butterfly
Secret Bosses
Quick ManGammaVolt Man the AssimilatorWishing StarThe MoonBirdoGlass Man
Super Bosses
Absolute ZEROKnight ManGalaxy Man